Rafiz Sejim
Forum Replies Created
Hello @mumbomedia
We are sorry for the trouble.
I have forwarded the issue to the developer but we are unable to continue the discussion here as it is related to a paid extension. WordPress rules & regulations forbade us to provide support for extensions.
Please contact us through our site here https://directorist.com/contact
Please submit your queries/requests related to extensions on our site directly. https://directorist.com/contact
Hello @dejman
Thank you for reaching us.
The feature you are looking for is unavailable at the moment, but we have prepared a workaround for you. Please paste the following code in your themes, functions.php
That should disable a form field while editing a listing.
We were able to resolve the issue and the fix will be available in the next version which is due soon.
Hello @dejman
Thank you for reaching us.
I am sorry according to the WordPress rules and regulations, we are unable to assist you with any paid feature. Please reach out to through the site for support https://directorist.com/contact
Nonetheless, the issue has been fixed and a new update will be available in an hour.
Thank you for reaching us.
We are sorry for the delayed response.
Make sure you have added the image field in Directory Listings > Directory Builder > Add listing form. Also, in the single listing page layout > listing header.
I have created a small video for a better understanding. https://watch.screencastify.com/v/tdBceO6Hpc1gS5vl5VgC
Let me know if the issue exists.
Hello @dejman
Thank you for reaching us.
I am sorry we were unable to find the issue locally. It seems like a 3rd party plugin is conflicting with Yoast and Directorist. Would you mind performing a conflict test? To perform a conflict test, start off changing the theme to twenty twenty and check if that resolves the issue.
If that doesn’t resolve the issue then you need to deactivate the plugins one by one and identify the plugin causing the issue. You may follow the conflict test DOC here > https://directorist.com/documentation/directorist/articles/how-to-perform-a-plugin-conflict-test/
You may also reach out to our support here for a faster solution. https://directorist.com/contact
Hello @vidipla
Sorry for the delayed response.
While there is no default way to display different custom content for each listing, there is a workaround that I would suggest.
You need two additional plugins and both are free to use.
1. Custom field suite
2. Insert PHP Code SnippetHere is a video showing how to add unique and different iframes for each listing.
Video: https://www.loom.com/share/30246660cb3a4187ab8809658fdefe2a
Hello @mtgagents2021
Thank you for reaching us.
While we currently don’t offer this feature, we are planning on offering something similar to it in the near future.
At the moment you can sort the listings to display the latest listing first using
[directorist_all_listing orderby="date" order="desc"]
Hello @baldrich64
Thank you for reaching us.
At the moment, the default location is for the add listing page and unfortunately, it randomly displays the listings on the All Listings Map View.
The option to use the default location on the All listings map view will be added next month.
Hello @nicolaskais
Thank you for reaching us.
Yes, you can display listings from a single directory type using the following shortcode
[directorist_all_listing directory_type="your_type_name"]
or use the Gutenberg block “All listing” and select the type you want to display. https://prnt.sc/20jfvuf
Hello @mtgagents2021
Thank you for reaching us.
I just tried with the shortcode and it displayed as 1 column on my end. You can also try with the “Directorist – All Listings” gutenberg block.
I have created a small video for your understanding – https://watch.screencastify.com/v/FoJ7I0sjORADLGjWC8wC
Let me know if you need any help.
Hello @cubicinfinity
Thank you for reaching us.
I’m going to pass along your requirements to our product development team, and I will let you know if this feature becomes available.
Thank you @vijayhardaha for your contribution.
We have noted it down and will proceed with it in the coming updates. Let us know if you guys run into any issues.
Greetings @kaixuan
Thank you for reaching us.
I assume you are referring to “Listing Owner”. Unfortunately, you are unable to set SEO title, tag, and meta description for individual listing owners at the moment.
We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. However, I’m going to pass along your requirements to our product development team.
Kind Regards,