Rafiz Sejim
Forum Replies Created
Thank you for reaching us.
We are sorry for the trouble that we may have caused.
We were able to reproduce the issue and it will be fixed in the next update. If its urgent for you then you may follow the steps in order to fix the issue
Step 1: Go to Plugins > Plugins Editor > https://prnt.sc/wg0ywc
Step 2: Select Directorist from the “Select plugin to edit” option > https://prnt.sc/wg0uz3
Step 3: Go to templates > front-end > add-listing.php > https://prnt.sc/whiei5
Step 4: Go to line number 192,197,203 and you will notice text-domain ‘directorist-pricing-plan’. Change it to ‘directorist’ likewise the screenshot https://prnt.sc/whigf9
I hope that helps.
Hello @travelplugcolombia
Thank you for reaching us.
You may use the Delete data on uninstall feature https://prnt.sc/whh758 which will delete all the data upon the plugin deletion.
Alternatively, you can also use 3rd party plugin like “WP BULK DELETE” to delete Directory Listings in one click. Install the WP Bulk Delete plugin and go “Delete Posts” > “By Posttype” > “Directory Listings” (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/whh9ad)
*Please delete at your own risk. We can not help if you delete something that you were not supposed to.
Hello @alexzaragoza21 ,
We are sorry for the delayed response.
We are using custom user avatar for our listings and you are calling the default WP Avatar. You may try adding and adjusting the following code in the loop.
$image_id = get_user_meta( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 'pro_pic', true ); $image = $image_id ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'thumbnail' ) : ''; $image_url = is_array( $image ) ? $image[0] : $image; echo "<img src='$image_url' alt='Author'>";
Best Regards,
Hello Kolrega,
Sorry for the delayed response.
Unfortunately, you are unable to change the profile image to a different size by default.
You may configure the image likewise the screenshot https://prnt.sc/whgvqn and let us know if you still face issues.
Hello @alexzaragoza21
We are sorry for the delayed response.
Please add the following snippet in Appearance > Theme Editor > functions.php
function set_custom_pricerange() { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("option[value='skimming']").text("Below P1000"); $("option[value='moderate']").text("Between P2000-P3000"); $("option[value='economy']").text("Above P4000"); $("option[value='bellow_economy']").text("Between P5000-P6000"); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'set_custom_pricerange');
I hope that helps.
Hello @kolrega
Thank you for reaching us.
You need to disable the “Approve Immediately” option in review settings and then a new “Review” menu will appear where you can approve/reject reviews. See screenshot for a better understanding https://prnt.sc/wgr6yh
Hello @davidm83
Thank you for reaching us.
We are sorry for the trouble that we may have caused. Are you using any membership plugins? or any other classified, multi-vendor plugin?
I assume Directorist is conflicting with another plugin or your theme. To perform a conflict test, start off changing the theme to twenty twenty and check if that resolves the issue. [If you are using a child theme then also check if changing to the parent theme resolves the issue.]
If that doesn’t resolve the issue then you need to deactivate the plugins one by one and identify the plugin causing the issue. You may follow the conflict test DOC here > https://directorist.com/documentation/directorist/articles/how-to-perform-a-plugin-conflict-test/
Please do let us know the results, we will try our utmost best to resolve the issue.
Hello @mariaharwen
Thank you for reaching us.
At the moment it is not possible to add “Phone 2” on the all listing grid but it will be possible in v6.6.0 which we expect to release by this month.
Also, the google map linking is not available at the moment. I will try to look for a snippet and post it here if I find any.
Hello @rasmoodi
We are sorry for the trouble.
As per our documentation, “A CSV file of 25000 records isn’t a problem for Directorist itself, but it may overflow the memory of most hosting services during import. We would recommend you to break your CSV file with a smaller number of records — start with about 500 records and see how that goes. You may need to adjust the numbers depending on your hosting plan.”
Since you had no issues importing 3000 listings, we would recommend you to import 3000 listings at a time.
Alternatively, you may also try increasing the “Listing import limit per cycle”.
Please add the following snippet in Theme/Child Theme’s functions.php and then try again
function listing_import_limit_per_cycle(){ return 50; } add_filter('atbdp_listing_import_limit_per_cycle', 'listing_import_limit_per_cycle');
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Rafiz Sejim.
Hello Francisco,
Sorry for not being able to understand you in the first place. We appreciate your time and effort in bringing this to our attention.
I have spoken with our developers and we have decided to add an option to prevent linking in the editor. The feature will be available in version 6.6.0 which is due very soon.
Let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
Glad to see you found the solution.
There are quite a few methods of optimizations like combining the JS, minifying JS etc. color-picker.js depends on some wp objects and probably, optimization is preventing the color-picker to call objects. Which is why excluding the folder fixed the issue.
We will look into it thoroughly and try to find a workaround to prevent the conflict.
Hello @pacovigo
Thank you for reaching us.
Unfortunately, this is the standard method for website linking. Website linking is a major requirement of our users but you can disable it if you want. Navigate to Settings > Listing Settings > Form Fields and disable the “Website” field > https://prnt.sc/wat4dx
Hello @lipe2017
Thank you for reaching us
I am sorry to let you know it is not possible by default. You need to opt-in for custom development for that. However, in this instance, you can use the following snippet to switch the “Phone” field to WhatsApp link.
Add the following snippet in your functions.php
function directorist_custom_whatsapp() { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(".atbd_contact_info ul li").children().each(function() { if ($(this).is(":contains('Phone')")) { $(this).children().addClass('fa-whatsapp').removeClass('fa-phone').css({'font' : 'normal normal 900 16px/2 "Font Awesome 5 Brands"'}); var whatsappNumber = $(this).next().text(); var selectwaNumber = $(this).next().children(); selectwaNumber.attr('href', 'https://wa.me/'+ $.trim(whatsappNumber)); selectwaNumber.attr('target', '_blank'); } }); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'directorist_custom_whatsapp');
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Rafiz Sejim.
You are unable to display WordPress Default posts in Directorist pages. Directorist pages are designed for directory listings only. There are quite a few plugins that allow you to show WP Default Posts based on tags (ex. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/posts-by-tag/).
Hello @jandjelche
Thank you for your interest.
I am sorry OxygentBuilder is not yet compatible with Directorist yet. However, we have it in our plans and hoppy will be compatible very soon.