Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Sidebar at small displaysin the custom CSS =)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Sidebar at small displaysYeah I see, it doesnt work though. I think that my style.css is correct. But the Custom CSS media queries doesnt work. Should I write this?
.sidebar fright
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Sidebar at small displaysHi, I have a child theme, but when I click at Appearance -> editor, it shows me this message:
This theme is broken. Template is missing.
So I am not sure, if the child theme works well. I have custom CSS installed and it works though, but I am not sure for what do I need a Jetpack plugin? Thanks for help and answer anyway ! =)Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Hide of footer & author makes mess in my themeHere you go, I hope I have the right screen…the cursor is in the are aof problem btw
https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6a2mzei11jvdnd/Screenshot%202016-01-13%2012.11.18.png?dl=0The same problem just in bigger case, when I hide post header…:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2cos4uleny8u1n/Screenshot%202016-01-13%2012.26.20.png?dl=0Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Hide of footer & author makes mess in my themeNo. I removed the footer widgets area. But there is white strip under the footer with this – ? 2016 DESIGN BY MAJLOW — UP ↑- information at my big monitor with resolution 1980×1080. I dont want to remove strip with the ? info, but under this is another white strip …it is not visible at smaller screens, but it is ugly. How should I repair it?
Here is screen of what I mean…the white strip at the bottom of page.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1h7bsh3owifot94/Screenshot%202016-01-12%2012.31.12.png?dl=0Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Baskerville] Creating child themeThanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Number of listed productsIt works, thank you very much, I wouldnt be able to do such a thing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make childtheme, and keep changesSo the theme udpates are useless? I dont know…I did udpate CSS and stuff like that, I didnt do much about safety etc.
And yeah, duplicating the live site to a local develpopment environment. I am using XAMPP, and I am stuck. I used some tutorials, but it is everything -How to move your website from XAMPP on hosting- …I need the other way ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Translation problemright thanks. Is there a way how to make more posibilities of translate? THere is notification
%s has been added to your cart.It is in singular and plural, but there is more posibilities in czech language. We have 12 posibilities of form of the verbs, all of them are affected by form of the noun…
Is it even possible for me to edit the plugin somehow, or should I think more about posibility of removing the notification from the cart page? THank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sidebar is under productsRight thank you for help, I′m going to change some CSS atributs and make it live for our fans =) though I expect thaht I wont know something pretty soon again ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sidebar is under productsRight, so the sidebar is working, I used the woocommerce.php way. Unfortunately the hooks didnt work. Will there be some consequences in future for me? I mean, in functions of my theme…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sidebar is under productsWell I decided that remove of the sidebar would be easier way how to goal a good design of the products page. Unfortunately when I choose -full width- in the page options, the sidebar stays where it is. It works at other pages. . .
How should I change the #container divs to show the sidebar next to it? Or simply remove the sidebar? Thanks guys
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sidebar is under productsPmisun:
Mno, to si nemyslím. Jeliko? na /kelti-shop není definována vubec ?ádná ?ablona, tam je defaultní stránka od wordpressu, a naopak obchod je defaultně vytvo?ená stránka od woocommerce. Problém je v tom, ?e woocomerce ?ablona nefunguje s mojí sporty ?ablonou správně. Pot?ebuji nějak upravit functions.phpFor others:
The problem still presist. PRoblem is propably in compability of the woocommerce layout and my theme : Sporty. WHat I found on internet, I am supossed to change functions.php somehow…though all solutions which I found didnt work on my website…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sporty] Removing of informations from posts pageIt works, its awesome, thank you =)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sporty] Removing of informations from posts pageWell, basicly, I would love to have it like a -standalone- element on the new posts page. So it would not be a post, but only slider of new added posts, with new posts under it just like right now. I just didnt realize any idea about how to do it, so I made it like that…it works as well…=)