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  • Thread Starter Ralf R.


    Thanks Alin, it works.

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


    It works fine now. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


    Thank you for the quick bugfix. The error is gone with the new version. Thanks a lot and merry christmas from germany???

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


    Thank you for the quick bugfix. The error is gone with the new version. Thanks a lot and merry christmas from germany ??

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


    Yes, just the WordPress Admin dashboard has the error. Site Kit itself has no problems and dashboard works.

    Just hidding in WP dashboard one of the widget did not chance anything. I think the conflict is still there even when GAinWP is hidded.

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


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    I have same problems with all of my installations (php 8.0 and 8.1). I think its a connection problem, because another plugin that uses Analytics data shows no data too.

    Thread Starter Ralf R.


    One function i miss: plugin only shows php version but not Database Versions (MySQL xxx or MariaDB xxx), which could be intresting to compare the speed with different database versions.

    I had the same problem on 5 of 35 website. All of them had the ManageWP Worker Plugin, but only on 5 it did not work. But with disabling temporally it worked. Thanks for the help.

    Yes, solutions seems to work. With 2.6.2 no problems any longer.

    I have same problems. I got google alert because of increasing numbers of error404. In my case all navigation elements on website did not work (/undefined), when version 2.6.1 was installed. Rollback to 2.6.0 fixed it – so a problem with the update.

    Ralf R.


    It seems to be a problem in firefox and new wordpress. I had problems with other plugins too with wordpress 5.6 and firefox. I now user Chrome and Chromium without problems and AddQuicktag button is there too ??

    I also missing the button in editor menu since using WordPress 5.6.

    Will there be any updates for the plugin?

    Thank you for fix – it works on my blog – everything is fine now.

    Other question: i miss the “save all” button. Can you bring this back in future versions or is it not possible because of the new structure of snippets?

    I have the same issue. Changing name on one of the snippets it changes always the name of the last one. I hope there is a bug-fix soon.

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