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Thanks for your answer.
Could you try with the Pagelines Theme?https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/pagelines
My Wp-PageNavi is in the last version.
Thanks!Are you kidding? I already have two records. Is need to put at least three? Why?
In fact, the conflict was confirmed. I disabled the options rewrite of the Business Directory plugin, setting options via the Custom Post Type Permalinks Plugin. Thus the different types of posts are coexisting (without 404 error).
Hello Mickey, I was wrong (or cache fooled me). The problem continues. I think maybe the conflict is then related to the plugin Custom Post Type Permalinks. Do you have this plugin?
This my second hypothesis is because of permalinks get set twice (once in the Business Directory and again in Custom Post Type Permalinks).
I managed to reactivate the plugin without conflicts with other custom post types, but for this, I needed to change the permalinks.
Now is working and you can try the advanced search, as well as the problem with the “View Listings”.
Thank you.
The answer is here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/a-seriuos-problem-with-permalinks?replies=6Now you need to solve this problem before repairing the advanced search.
It just create a Custom Post Type (or more). Only this. If you want reproduce the problem you can create a custom post type by code, or with help of this plugin. It is very simple. I believe that you (or your developer) can create a custom post type by code, as you did in your own plugin (line 710 of wpbusdirman.php – function _register_post_type() ). Just create another to see if they will work togethet without conflicts.
I can’t do that. Sorry. I’am not with a test version. Otherwise I would promptly.
I don’t know if you do it, but I indicate strongly that create other custom post types in wordpress to test along with your plugin. So you see if conflict occurs or not. I suggest the Custom Post Type UI plugin.
As I explained earlier, I searched using criteria based on the entries already made.
In this page: https://www.jardineiro.net/diretorio-empresas?action=search
For “Categorias” I selected “Floriculturas” (this is a category) AND
For “Estado” I selected “RS” (this is a tag)My field configuration:
About “Custom Post Type Issue”, I really don’t know what is happening. The possibility of conflict with different Custom Post Types is just a hipothesis. I have 4 more different post types, as well as created by the plugin Business Directory.
My problem is, as reported earlier, the fact that nothing appears when clicking the “View Listings” button and pagination become very large.
Try here: https://www.jardineiro.net/diretorio-empresasHello,
Even after upgrading the plugin, I still having the same problem with the advanced search. I also found another issue: When I click in the “View Listings” button, the pagination is huge and no listing appears.
I think that may have something to do with the fact that I use another Custom Post Type instead of Business Directory. Try to create new custom post types and see if a conflict appears.
If you can implement this feature, together with the localization plugin that you are developing, I believe that the functionality of the plugin will expand from local to global. My country is continental(in size) and my website has worldwide reach (in Portuguese-speaking countries). I wait a long time for a feature like this, including already invested in paid plugins that let me down. I support your plugin! It is well structured and has everything to succeed.
Sorry, to create the .po files I used the old version of poedit that is not compatible with your pot file. Now it’s all right, I started from zero.
Apologies! Your file is perfect.
Sorry, I’ll try to explain better.
I tried to perform an advanced search using metadata, tags and categories combined with de forms of the search.
Step 1: I registered a company
Step 2: I accessed the advanced search
Step 3: I selected the fields of search, as the company previously registered. (Category=floriculturas and Estado=RS)
Step 4: Nothing appears in the results.
Step 5: I tried other forms of search, using only the category, or just the metadata, the search still results in nothing.Thanks for your attemption!