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  • Thread Starter Martin


    that’s ok.
    i deleted your plugin and went with something else.

    Thread Starter Martin


    Any chance of a reply?

    Thread Starter Martin


    Oh wow, thanks so much Jacob
    I don’t think I’d have ever found that ??
    Works like a charm now – fantastic

    Thread Starter Martin


    OK, for anyone else that gets this:

    [1] I turned on define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
    This hightlighted a number of plugins that gave some errors
    [2] Systematically renamed these plugins by appending -broken to the plugins’ directory folder name

    Found the plugin that caused the white screen of death (which was a 3rd party plugin called readers-from-rss-2-blog)
    [3] Set define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    [4] Contacted the plugin author to await a fix
    [5] Smiled again with a working WordPress site ??

    I’m neither a code or CSS expert but have managed to get some progress on the product pages with some CSS (remember I’m not good at this).
    I’ve added it here:
    [1] In case it helps someone progress their site
    [2] They might some some additional suggestion or improvements
    [3] Suggestions why the product listing is a bit fragmented – can’t quite nail that bit, at the moment

    /* ------- Style single page WooCommerce ------- */
    .woocommerce #content div.product div.images, .woocommerce #content div.product div.summary, .woocommerce div.product div.images, .woocommerce div.product div.summary, .woocommerce-page #content div.product div.images, .woocommerce-page #content div.product div.summary, .woocommerce-page div.product div.images, .woocommerce-page div.product div.summary {
      float: left !important;
      width: 45% !important;
      margin: 1em !important;
    /* ------- end of Style single page WooCommerce ---------- */
    /* Woocommerce style fixes */
    #content div.woocommerce.columns-4 ul.products li.product-category.product.first {
      float: left !important;
    	clear: none !important;
    	width: 22.05%;
      margin: 0 !important;
    #content div.woocommerce.columns-4 ul.products li.product-category.product.last {
      clear: none !important;
      width: 22.05% !important;
    #content div.woocommerce.columns-4 ul.products li.product-category.product {
      float: left !important;
    	clear: none !important;
      width: 22.05% !important;
    .woocommerce ul.products li.product, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product {
     clear: none !important;
      float: left !important;
      margin: 0 0 2.992em 1em !important;
      width: 22.05% !important;
    /* fixes end */

    Hope it helps someone.

    no idea what you are trying to tell me @lododicesimo
    there is no /woocommerce/ folder in my theme

    Well, all I’ve managed to do is reduce the image sizing to the smaller size that was pre-v2.1

    Still 2 columns which looks out of place.
    Filter obviously doesn’t work since the theme doesn’t have the required template files, I’m guessing.

    Does anyone have any clues what and where I need to do next?
    This is driving me nuts ??

    Can’t you simply fork this off and get other devs onboard?
    I haven’t seen @miled here for ages so I get the impression he is far too busy and/or uninterested in development of the plugin

    Well, I tried your filter, Coen and that was a bust, unfortunately.
    Jeez, all I know it was displaying fine before 2.1 and now the columns and images are wrong.

    Yeah, I guessing it is probably the theme but don’t even know where to begin and why it’s gone so wrong with an update.

    My shop is at and even the single product images are width content width now when they were previously about 50%

    I’ve added the filter for column display of 4 and I can see a first and last class as well.

    Kinda lost at this point and updates to the theme takes freaking months so that’s a bit of a no-go – got the theme originally for it’s BuddyPress support and the WooCommerce display was a bonus – until now, that is ??

    Same issue

    Thread Starter Martin


    hello? ??

    I don’t quite get what is going on here so please bear with me.
    My theme is responsive.
    Prior to 2.1 update, I had nice 3 or 4 column layout on shop page and on a product page, the item image was on the left with short desctiption on the right.

    Now, after the 2.1 update, I have a 2 column layout with the images enlarged to fit into the 100% width.

    Product page has the product image taking up the entire page width, with the short desctiption under this huge image.

    What seems to have happened here and how do I go about rectifying it? Am I required to figure out new CSS, where it was working before or is there an easier fix?

    Much appreciated for a great plugin. This has throw a bit of a spanner into the works, at this point.

    Thread Starter Martin


    Updated to latest release 3.2.3 and still happening, at least with Facebook

    Thread Starter Martin


    Sorry but I have only got to trying this now.
    Reason being is I have a new Amazon Products plugin that uses WooCommerce for display etc and once the auto-products get created, the author description is getting displayed.

    I don’t know why but this snippet doesn’t work.
    I presume instead of Woocommerce above that I’m using the proper CPT of product, yes?
    Any other thoughts on why it doesn’t work?

    Thread Starter Martin


    I think this might have been a browser / site caching issue.

    That said, this is fast becoming one of my most loved features.

    – Would be great to have additional features for scheduling new posts

    Kudos for adding this one, guys

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