Georgian Cocora
Forum Replies Created
Hello @360webfirm,
Please don’t write your own messages in somebody else’s topic, they will not be seen.
If you want to ask questions or have any issues, you can open a new thread. But since you seem to be a paid user, you need to open a ticket at
These forums are here only to support the free version users.
Hello @doffine,
Please update to the latest version. A new update fixing this issue has just been released.
Hello @dejudicibus,
Thank you for the suggestion. We will make this improvement in the future.
If you switch to the Media Gallery variant of uploading the avatar this should work correctly as well.
Hello @dejudicibus,
The form is showing the user selector and lets you edit other users because you are looking at the form while being logged in as an administrator.
A regular user will only be able to edit his own user profile.
Hello @dejudicibus,
There is a setting called
Overwrite Existing
on each field that you need to check and afterwards the plugin will let you create the field with an existing meta name.Regards.
Hello @evelynai,
You could try to do a conflict test to see it that help. You can find instructions in the pinned topic from this forum.
If you want investigate further you can also open a ticket on our website.
Hello @evelynai,
Are you using the latest plugin update? Are you also able to share the URL of your website and list of installed plugins?
You have javascript errors in the console and our scripts do not execute properly.
I am seeing you are using a minification plugin, you should try to disable minification and see if it works after.
Hello @rbradbury,
Can you send me a link to that page?
Did you perhaps use the option to load the plugin scripts only on specific pages and this page isn’t selected there?
Hello @artgallery75,
Profile Builder does not handle payments, but we have another plugin that does this: Paid Member Subscriptions
It can be used standalone but the two plugins are compatible so you can create a form with additional custom fields using Profile Builder and then also add a payments field from Paid Member Subscriptions:
Regarding your map question, yes, that’s what it does. If you have more questions about our paid features please open a pre-sale ticket at:
Hello @jaber1973,
Is the date wrong only on this Dashboard widget or does it display in the same way on the Payments page?
Could you tell me how those payments were made? Did you use Stripe or Manual gateway for example?
Hello @wiltechworks,
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “piano” integration, but the plugin doesn’t have one.
Regarding WooCommerce, we offer a couple of integration points like content restriction, product purchase restriction, product discounts based on a membership and you can also buy subscription plans from Paid Member Subscriptions through the WooCommerce Checkout, so you can use any gateway that is available for Woo.Regards.
Hello @dbdermer,
We don’t have documentation but I can explain how this can be done.
Messages can be inserted using this function: pms_add_member_subscription_log( $subscription_id, $log_message_code, $extra_data = array() )
The first parameter is the subscription_id, the second is a code that can be used to interpret your custom message and the third parameter, which is optional, can be used to save some additional information about this log.
Then the code that you added can be interpreted using this filter: pms_subscription_logs_system_error_messages which has 2 parameters.
First one is the message in user readable format and the second one is the log entry. So you can use the log entry to generate a relevant message that is displayed when an admin is looking at the Edit Subscription page. Search the codebase for this filter to see our usage example.
Hope this helps!
Hello @doobeedoo,
In order to get these approved we need a Translation Editor to verify them but unfortunately we don’t have anyone in the team that knows French.
If you are a native speaker and would like to help with this task I can speak with the team to grant the required access.
You also have the possibility to also download the Waiting strings alongside the rest from but you need to do this through a manual export.Regards.