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    I went by the way I mentioned before, by creating “clones” themes based on Artificial Intelligence, by changing the CSS Header name, and reloading the right pictures for each.
    It is a longer way, but I have more control over the <p>text</p> in some templates that I also wanted to change for every sub-domain.
    However, t31os, thanks a million for your time and patience, I try your way, but am sure I did something wrong.



    Thanks t31os for all your time and patience in this situation!!,

    If I got it right, according to this code, I will just have to create a folder with the images as: subdomain_name_1.jpg, subdomain_name_2.jpg, etc, set all the paths..and this hack will pick the right picture,according to the element “someid”, it is great!!

    However, I donot know what am doing wrong, but it is not working out…in Artificial Intelligence, however, it does not crashes.
    I have done as you told me, now there is a part I do not understand clearly…about the “someid” and the CSS ID..meaning how do I add “someid” in the CSS?…As #someid { and using the same spec’s as “intro_right” for padding, margins, etc}?
    Or within “intro_right”… {background: url(someid)}?…or add it like a path…’background: url(wp-contents/imagesfolder/someid.jpg)’
    Sorry, I am lost here, I will do some more attempts…
    Thanks again!!



    Yes t310os, You are on the Track,
    Except, that Axless Corp. will be the only one user as to create a new blog or sub-domain within the site, our users will be the different topics related to the main site, in this case will be the applications of the technology.
    Example, dedicated to Robotics, there is already a sub-domain <;, so I will like it to keep A.I theme, but changing the image to a robot or related pic. (if you had notice I have set already a different “intro_right:image” as the original in A.I, but it is site wide.)
    I am sure that once that you test drive a theme in wpmu as in wp standalone version, and it is fine, it will work in every subdomain independently to the main site(wpmu), I have done it with prior versions of wpmu (1.3)and the example is Cutline and many others.
    The problem is the way that A.I has been written, and the fact that the image is in the background (as frt. layer is the blog desc. and title)
    I have open a themes with related background images and frt. layer title and desc. in frt. they have different CSS files…CSS1,CSS2,CSS3,etc.I believe it is called Vista Lake?…but it gets complicated (at least for me) as they write the header and functions pretty clever.
    Thanks again for the replies and your time, I will keep looking into this , if I find the solution I will be posting it here for sure.
    I know of a long way of solving this myself…by re-writing all the needed Artificial Inteligence Themes and naming them differently in all the templates of each (to avoid conflicts with the theme reader in wpmu, and with the original one)…Ex: A.I_Robotics,A.I_Motors, for every sub-domain, but you know the kind of job that is.



    And you could contact me at [email protected]



    Hello and thanks very much t31os!!

    At this time I will be ok with just the ability to be able to replace the background image, like in any other theme like Cutline that does it, but again Cutline does it without being a “background layer”.
    I will love to be able to change also the <p> text </p> also in Header and Index of the templates for the different sub-domains.
    If you could get this written for me, I am willing to pay you for your time, I already contacted Genkisan (the designer of Art. Int. and he is not able to help me, ’cause the same reasons you mentioned about not knowing the way WPMU works, however You are more positive about it :).
    I will look into domains versus sub-domains in WPMU, I think it a subdomain is <(‘_’)>, but not sure.

    Again thanks a lot



    Thanks t31os!

    Ok, I have WPMU 2.7 on my site, , I want the entire site (meaning subdomains too) to use Artificial Inteligence theme, but changing for each subdomain (since they are different topics), the background picture at the right upper corner, in the cascade style is as “intro_right”/background:url(images/intro.jpg).
    I would like to be able to switch different images for each sub-domain,like a customized header as Cutline is, the difference is that AI, doesnot call the image in Header.php, like Cutline does.
    I have NextGen Galleries on site, and I have been able to even set a Rotating header on the “intro_right” however it doesnot allows the prime layers (blog desc and title) to go up frt, meaning as “background slideshow”.
    At this point I will be happy, just by been able to set static images choices as different subdomains with this theme.
    It may sound simple for you, but I can not resolve this problem myself.And the reason for staying “stuck” with AI, is because of some aspects the theme has that fits the purpose of the site, without much effort.

    Thanks in advance for your time, I really appreciate it!!



    Awesome thread!

    One question..
    Will it work for a Theme that has the img header in the CSS as background, and in an installation of WPMU, I want all the rest of subdomains to have the same theme, but different images?
    I have Artificial Intelligence theme, the img is in “intro_right”, but it is not called in the header…as this example, instead of “if(is_single()…may I call it for a different subdomain?




    Must of times you just have to FTP the image to your theme images folder, or replace it with the one you want…leaving the same name
    Now, you will have to open the image in a viewer like Adobe Photoshop, and make sure you save it in the same extension…like jpg, tff, png, etc…and in the exact dimensions.
    I would save the old photo in a separate folder…just in case.

    Good luck!!




    That is just a “fancy” more tag <!–more–> or Page brake (next page), they just set it up with a fancy enclosure and hovering highlights.
    There must be a plugin to it already made, just have to find it

    Good luck!!




    I would do exactly as Mr Figaro said…look for a similar to what you are looking for (looks wise), and then, check also for flexibility, that is widget ready, that handles Photos and Galleries well, that is written in an organized manner and style…etc
    The only way to know, it is “taking it for a test drive” within your site backend.

    Good luck!!



    Look in your theme templates for header and find the loop that has the words img, images,like this one…<div id=”header_img”>, then insert this code before it ends </div>

    $showgallery = ‘[slideshow=1]’;
    $showgallery = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $showgallery );
    echo $showgallery;

    [slideshow=1] 1=your gallery number that you want on header
    Adjust the size of the Slideshow in NGG Options/Slideshow/ to the size required by your theme, (go to your themes files, look for images folder, open it and look for the header pic and find out the size (width and Height)opening with a program or just approaching the cursor to it.

    You may have to do some arrangements in the position of this code within the loop, checking the website…until put in the right place…

    Hope it works!! ??



    Another code…

    $showgallery = ‘[slideshow=1]’;
    $showgallery = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $showgallery );
    echo $showgallery;

    And I guess you can call different slideshows, as well as Galleries

    Stephan, <div id=”header_img”> opens up a loop , that is in the CSS #header_img section (all spec’s like padding,color,size,text type,etc,then you add anything inside the loop, before it closes with </div>.

    Hope that helped.

    Anyone knows how to add a slideshow as background in the CSS of a Theme?…the PHP or the [slideshow=X] do not do it.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: NG Gallery backgrounds


    To be simple,

    It is to transfer to jpg or others formats, or Photoshop them and set a solid color layer in background…however I think there is a way in the Options of NGG in the codes of colors, not sure, check them out.



    However, you are right Athos, the long way is more dedicated to specific and not global options, when related to fading, etc.

    I am looking to do a similar thing, but setting the header slide show in the background, meaning, any text like blog desc or Title would appear in as a front layer with transparency, unfortunately my theme (and I do not want to change it for business related issues), works with a background: url(images/picture.jpg) in the CSS, and do not want to take the PHP code neither the [slideshow=X] option….Any body knows how?

    Thanks in advance



    Best way…

    $showgallery = ‘[slideshow=1]’;
    $showgallery = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $showgallery );
    echo $showgallery;

    Adjust the NGG Options/Slideshow/size According to your theme spec’s, , also the fading effect…and of course [slideshow=X] X=Your Gallery number


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