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  • Thread Starter RaymondDay


    Wow I got this same error upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10!

    Did the same to fix it like I said in here. I think it’s because I have some symbolic links to some things in my wordpress.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I got it fixed. I just like reinstalled it. Renamed the WordPress folder and and made a new one and did the command:

    svn co

    Then with WinSCP I moved it from trunk folder to wordpress folder and deleted the trunk folder. Then using WinSCP duplicated wp-content folders that it did not have and the wp-config.php file. Went to https://small/blog and it worked. When I went to log in it said it had to update the data base and it did very fast. All seems to be working good now.

    I will deleted the renamed WordPress folder after I use this one for a wile. I don’t know what went wrong but this fixed it.

    -Raymond Day



    Looks good.

    Give it time. Like a month or 2. I Don’t want my web to be found. I got it going though my DSL. So I put a robots.txt in the main web folder. Now google bot don’t look at it.

    I think you need some links out on the web some place then google bot will look at it when it does it next time.

    -Raymond Day



    A easy way to upgrade and then very easy way to just upgrade it after that is use svn.

    Make a new folder like. WordPressNew

    cd to it and do this command:

    svn co

    It will install all the files to 2.3.3 WordPress.

    Copy your wp-config.php and new stuff in your wp-content folder to the WordPressNew folder. Any other folder files you added like plugins, copy them over too.

    Then just go to the new WordPressnew in your web browers and add /update at the end. You can go on from there to set it up.

    You can delete your old WordPress folder then and rename the new WordPress folder to what your old one was.

    Then to update all you have to do is log in and cd to your wordpress foler and do this command:

    svn up

    Or go to There you can see numbers and to update to that number do this command:

    svn sw

    Or it my be

    svn sw

    You can get a list of what’s out at that web link.

    That makes it easy to update. It only updates the files that changed so it will not even tuch your files like wp-config.php

    You can do a:

    svn status

    It will show files it will not update with a ? at the start.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    It’s working real good. I moved this because I wanted a easy way to just put photos in WordPress. Before I could use WinSCP and then type in a link to WordPress. I would use XnView to resize them. I installed a plug in but could never get it to work. It’s “WP Photo Album” just come back with “No albums yet” all the time.

    But then I seen this WordPress has some icons in the top right and one says “Add an Image” That’s what I did but the URL was wrong. I had to go in Misellaneous Settings and put in the “Full URL path to files (optional)” to “../wordpress/wp-content/uploads” it worked and it’s neat that it puts it in a year and month folder.

    It’s so easy to add photos now and can now click them on to make them fill size. I all ways wanted that and now I have it.

    Looks like all is working very good now. I don’t think I could of did this photo with in WordPress if it was still at /var/www/wordpress like I had it before I moved it to /usr/share/wordpress

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I typed this in my WordPress blog. Looks like it’s fix but I have not been using it for long. But WOW it looks very good. This my be the next WordPress they do out. Because at the end of the page it’s a bata one. But WOW that it moved very good! Here is what I posted in my WordPress:

    Looked at how to fix WordPress. The apt-get install wordpress command did not install the updated one. So I found the link that said how to do it with svn co . Then I copyed my type files to it and went to the link to upgrade and it had to update the data base and it all came up very good then. I am typing in it now. It looks better. I guess the theam I had before was not a good one. Or this one is a update pass what you can download I will see what it says at the bottom now. O WoW it says: You are using a development version (2.5-beta1). Cool! Please stay updated. right now it’s working super. To update it all I have to do is the command cd /usr/share/wordpress then svn up Looks like all it good now. I have to get the plugins working again yet.

    O should tell a easy way to install it. Like this:

    # cd /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins
    # wget
    # unzip
    # rm

    Then edit your wordpress/wp-content/themes/classic/sidebar.php by adding a line starting at about line 19 that looks like this:

    <li><?php ajax_calendar (); ?></li>

    I used WinSCP and textpad that you have to tell WinSCP is your editor. Save it and your done.

    -Raymond Day

    I put that line in wordpress/wp-content/themes/classic/sidebar.php so it looks like this before and after the line so you know were I put it.

    	<li><?php ajax_calendar (); ?></li>

    It works. But just show this month. I can click on the days and it will go to the days but if I click on << dec it stays on January. I can click on the other months and it still stays on January. Is this how it works? I thought it show the calendar were you are seeing in WordPress.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I just upgreded to 2.2 Looks the same to me. I thought maybe it would have it so it would display the Archives by year then expend them by month in the year. I looked was the widget did not see any name with Archives in it. There is a lot in there.

    Here is what my wordpress looks like and you can see why I like it by year. I can’t even display the hole archive on one screen.


    I looked at the template tag and wp_get_acchives() but I guess that’s not for Version 2.2. I would not know how to put them in wordpress any way.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    It looks like I got it. There was all so a text in my data base that said update it. I had phpMyAdmin 2.6.1 and I updated to 2.9.2

    Now I have a password and it’s auto_type set to http. Now in phpMyAdmin have to log in and WordPress still works.

    So I guess that was the main thing go to the phpMyAdmin folder and edit and changed auth_type from config to http.

    I think I have it all fixed. This was like this for over a year now. Thank you for the help.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    It is on your own machine. Fedora Linux I installed my self.

    I just looked at my wp-config.php file in there is this:

    “// ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘WordPress’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘xxxx’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value”

    I replace the password with X’s

    I don’t get why WordPress needs a name and password but phpMyAdmin don’t.

    All so the /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php file is just a text file. Could any one read it?

    I just tested out going to:


    At lest it just brings back a blank page.

    -Raymond Day

    You could use the find command in Linux. Like this:

    find -name / htaccess

    Or it my be:

    find -name / .htaccess

    But the first one should find it too.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I was messing around with it and I think that is about what I did, what you posted podz.

    I had to delete it first then the next page came up and I clicked on:

    “Create PHP Code”

    Then in:

    “Location of the textfile:”

    I clicked “Browse” and found the file “wp2_posts.sql” and it said:

    “Your SQL-query has been executed successfully:
    The content of your file has been inserted. (wp2_posts.sql: 595 Instructions)”

    I am heppy it worked. Thanks for the help!

    -Raymond Day

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Spell Checker for WP 2.0
    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I got it working. I had to start over installing it. What every I did my wordpress would come up blank. No place it was just all blank any html page I went to. I deleted the hole spell-plugin folder then I did not get bank pages.

    This time I installed it just with the command-line here is what that looked like:

    “login as: root
    root@Small’s password:
    Last login: Fri Jan 6 17:24:32 2006 from
    [root@small ~]# cd /var
    [root@small var]# cd www
    [root@small www]# ls
    cgi-bin error html icons manual usage
    [root@small www]# cd html
    [root@small html]# cd wordpress/
    [root@small wordpress]# ls
    index.php wp-commentsrss2.php wp-links-opml.php wp-rss.php
    license.txt wp-config.php wp-login.php wp-settings.php
    readme.html wp-config-sample.php wp-mail.php wp-trackback.php
    wp-admin wp-content wp-pass.php xmlrpc.php
    wp-atom.php wp-feed.php wp-rdf.php
    wp-blog-header.php wp-images wp-register.php
    wp-comments-post.php wp-includes wp-rss2.php
    [root@small wordpress]# cd wp-content
    [root@small wp-content]# ls
    index.php plugins themes
    [root@small wp-content]# wget
    => spell-plugin.tar.gz'
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 23,168 (23K) [application/x-gzip]

    100%[====================================>] 23,168 85.82K/s

    07:28:14 (85.57 KB/s) - spell-plugin.tar.gz’ saved [23168/23168]

    [root@small wp-content]# tar xvzf spell-plugin.tar.gz
    [root@small wp-content]#”

    It all worked then. I geuss I had some files in the wrong place. I did trun off the “Use the visual rich editor when writing” in the “Users”, “Your Profile”

    Thank you for the help.

    -Raymond Day

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Spell Checker for WP 2.0
    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I went to that link and downloaded the zip and unzipped it all in a folder and moved the folder to /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins with WinSCP then in the folder did Properties of the 5 php files to 755 and went to my Options page and just resaved it then plugins and Activated it. I now see a “Check Spelling” in WordPress. But when I click it on at the buttum it will say “error on page” and nothing comes up.

    I running this on Fedora core 4 and getting to it with Windows Internet Exploer.

    -Raymond Day

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