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  • I get a blank page now too. I went to the log in page https://…./wordpress/wp-login.php That page came up in “2.0 — 121.15 seconds” I was at 1.5 before and I have over a year now in it. When I post it takes a long time to save it. It reads it fast. I hope when I get 2.0 working it will be faster.

    I select presentation and seen this:

    “The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme.”

    I clicked “WordPress Default 1.5” and it came up not blank any more.

    Going to “Site Admin” takes a long time. I thought it would be fixed in 2.0 Still 121.15 seconds why would it take so long?

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I should of said too that I can go to “https://small” on Windows but on Linux it goes to “”. But when I click on “Write” Or “Edit” the page can not be found.

    I just tested it by using it’s IP address and I can get to it that way and edit. I did the today one using this address:

    It worked. But wow, in Mozilla Firefox wordpress don’t look very good! The window I type in is small and the right and left side is not there. It’s at the buttum.

    All so I have phpsysinfo install on both the small and the Linux desktop. On https://small/phpsysinfo/ it says:

    Canonical Hostname localhost.localdomain
    Listening IP

    On it says:

    Canonical Hostname localhost.localdomain
    Listening IP

    Maybe because the both the same hostname. I don’t know why it’s not showing small as the hostname on small. Maybe that is why Linux can get to it but windows can.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    My /etc/hosts file looks like this:

    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost small small.localdomain

    That’s all that’s in it. It seems like I have it all like it should be. But I can’t get to it on the Linux PC like I can on the Windows PC still.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    Hay it looks like I fixed it! I guess that /tmp is not “writeable by the web server”. I seen this file, “aspell-word-list.txt” at “/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/spell-plugin” so I put that folder as my “Path to use for temporary files ” and the Spelling Checker will not come up with the error any more!

    How would I get it so the web server can write to the /tmp folder? It must of been set up like that on my Fedora core 3.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    It looks like aspell is installed. I got this back and a lot more.

    “[root@small tmp]# aspell

    Aspell 0.50.5 alpha. Copyright 2000 by Kevin Atkinson.”

    I did install the Ajax Spell Checker from the link you gave. But it looks like it’s not working ether. It downloaded as a zip file. I unziped it right to “wordpress\wp-content\plugins” then deleted the zip file. It has a folder now in the plugins named “spell_checker” that’s were all it’s files are and one other, the “ajax-spell-checker.php” in in the plugins folder too. Is this the right way?

    All I get when I click on the blue color text “Check Spelling” is “Error on page.” in the buttum left corner. Nothing else happends.

    If I click on the “Activat Spell Check while Typing” It makes a blank spot just over the part were you type and if I typed I only see the letters for a sec. and they don’t move over to the right.

    I can type in the blank spot but every thing I type is under line in read. Wrong or right words.

    So it seems like this Ajax spell checker is harder to get working then the other one.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    After hours and hours and trying to find out what is wrong. All I had to do was this one line:

    “mysqladmin -u root password mypassword”

    The mypassword is my password that I don’t what to type in here.

    So the start of my wp-config.php file looks like this but the password is changed to mypassword:

    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘WordPress’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘mypassword’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    My wp-config.php been like that all the time. I know I had my name and password right. To bad WordPress did not say did you set up a name and password for the database with this line? Then show the line I did.

    I found the help at the end of this web page, thanks to google:

    I had about 6 webpages open just looking for what would fix it.

    It’s been 2 days. No one could help. But I guess because it’s around the 4th of July now. I hope this will help others.

    -Raymond Day

    Just go to and it will down load the tar.gz one. WinRAR can get the files out of it just like a zip one.

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I been trying this for hours. It all way comes back with errors. I looked on line for help and on this board I could not find any thing to help me. So that is why I am posting here.

    I installed wordpress in my Toshiba Magnia SG10 that has e-smith linux installed on it. I can go to wordpress install with this address:

    It just tells me error that it can’t connect to the database. Asking me if the username and password are right in the wp-config.php file. That it can’t contact the database server at localhost. That it my be that my database sever is down.

    I wish it would just say do you want me to auto make a wordpress database? But it don’t so I have to spend hours trying to find out how to set one up.

    The first thing I did to make a database was type this on the command line:

    mysqladmin create wordpress
    groupadd mysql
    useradd -g mysql mysql
    mysqladmin processlist

    It looked like it did something but it did not work.

    I then installed phpFormGenerator

    phpFormGenerator made a database that I named wordpress and said all is good. I can go to:

    and it shows that there is a database.

    But still wordpress says error.

    Then I installed phpMyAdmin 2.6.3-rc1 but when I got to:

    phpMyAdmin gives me this error:

    MySQL said:

    #1045 – Access denied for user: ‘admin@localhost’ (Using password: YES)

    I guess e-smith will not let you use root, only admin for the database. I used the only password I have that I used to log in. I used root and admin names with no password or with the password, nothing works.

    I know if I log in as admin it goes to a setup. But if I log in as root it goes to the console so I can type in commands. Maybe I need to make a new user for the database I don’t know.

    Can any one help me?

    -Raymond Day

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WP Link Domain

    From what I found out it looks like the “WordPress address (URI): ” is the URL were you edit your Blog. The “Blog address (URI):” is were every one can View site.

    That’s how the links work. hover over a edit and it shows the address you put in the “WordPress address (URI): ” but other links to view are the “Blog address (URI):” address.

    I have mine set up so I edit it with my LAN and the view is my IP so it goes though my cable modem at home. I have this on a small Linux server at home.

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    No one has replied to this and it’s been about 7 months!

    I know at General Options you can put a URL in to places. “WordPress address (URI):” and “Blog address (URI):” Could I put my WWW IP in one of them and my LAN server name “small” in the other to get to it with it’s LAN IP?

    If that’s right maybe they should change it to WWW address and LAN address.

    I played with it. It looks like under General Options I can put in my LAN in WordPress Address and my WWW IP in at Blog address.

    This way I can edit it though my LAN and view it over the web. Because I doing this from my home the up load speed is slow but if my computer cashed the page it goes faster.

    It looks like this is the best way to do it.

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    Thank you.

    I just did that truned on “Advanced controls” and you can edit the date and time. Very good that WordPress lets you do this! Thank you.



    I e-mailed a person I know that is good at Linux. He loged on my system. He said he would get the same error when in the command line. All he did to fix it was this:

    cd /usr/share/aspell
    ln -s en.dat en_US.dat

    So that made a symbolic link from en_US.dat to en.dat , now it thinks en.dat is en_US.dat

    I hope this helps others. Maybe a update to the Speller program to fix this.

    I just edited and spell checked 3 days in mine. It works real good now. Thank you!

    -Raymond Day



    I did change the language to English and en but still got the error. The error did say something a little differint with each way I put in what Aspell language.

    -Raymond Day



    I seen a lot of people post “I get blank screen” I did too when I downloaded the zip and made and copy files and the filder it said to make. What fixed it was I downloaded the tar file and ran the tar command to install it. I guess it wroght over the zip type files. After that I did not get a blank page.

    I went to the set up and got this error:

    “FATAL: You forgot to make the personal dictionary directory writable.
    Please read the install instructions and chmod this folder to provide write
    privileges to the Apache task.”

    To fix it I chmod 757 to

    But now when I click on the spell check button a window pops up and says:

    “Error executing ‘/usr/bin/aspell -a –lang=en_US –personal=/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/spell-plugin/aspell/personal < /tmp/aspell_data_bfStEe 2>@1’
    Error: 8x@”

    I running this on Linux Fedora core 3.

    I been trying to fix this for about 3 hours. I don’t know what else to do. Can any one help?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: I can’t comment.
    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    Very good. That was it. They were all waiting. I deleted about 10 of them because I was trying for so long. I thought there my of been some approved needed. But I could not find it. I did not know there was a tab under the Edit.

    Thank you for the very fast post and it was the right one too!

    -Raymond Day

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