Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child Theme issuesHi,
Yes, I have had this child theme working from the start. My original working child-theme contains: style.css with only import line, loop-page.php, footer.php, header.phpIn answer to your question, the problem is that the child theme loses the drop-down template selection for pages and posts feature of the parent theme.
This issue arose when I needed to switch page template and there were no templates selection available.
Intrigued and needed a solution, I switched back to the parent theme. The templates selection re-appeared. I changed the template for the page in question. After which, I switched back to the child-theme but instead of completing the operation, WP announced the child-theme broken and reverted itself to Twenty-Twelve, removing the child-theme from possible actives.
I actually got it working again by leaving the child-them folder as is and simply changing it’s name and them name to child theme old. It unexpectedly reappeared in the themes list and I was then able to activate this “new” child theme without incident.
However, as before, no page template selection was possible.
To resolve that issue, I have now copied all page templates to the child-theme folder.
My objectives now:
1. Store only customized files in the child-theme directory while retaining page template selection.
3. Prevent future “theme broken” errors and potential theme loss.According to reading on non child-theme friendly issues, I believe the procedure I mentioned in my first post to accomplish that. I would like comments in this regard.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP font-face] How to upload font packages?burleighgirly, thank you for posting your successful install instructions. It works!
What appears clear is that the plugin is actually using custom fonts stylesheet.css to override theme fonts and then tags on the custom css added in the box on the settings page.
The correct path is indeed plugins/wp-font-face/fonts/yourfontdirectory
Happy Coding!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP font-face] How do I make the wp font face plugin work?Same issue here. Nothing happens.
The confirmations mails ae sent.
I checked everything again and I did not have the newsletter page set up correctly. It was private instead of public.Everything is working now. Thanks.
I forgot the mention that the person is added to the subscriber list.
So basically, the subscribe funtion works to add subscribers, the confirmation page is blocked and the new subscriber email confirmation link is blocked.
Okay. I will check that.
In the error log I get two lines that say this:
[22-May-2013 22:38:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Module ‘imagick’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0Is that an issue?
Also clicking the link to confirm subscription brings up page not found 404 error.
Are there special permissions need to be set?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wiki Embed] Embed a Mediaiki page settings not foundI still haven’t found that page but, by deduction from other plugin shortcades I tried and successfully added the following wiki-embed url to a page. It’s the same format as the wikiful shortcode.
[wiki-embed url=https://www.mysite.com/w]
Once the page published, this url appears on the settings page for the list of wiki pages and you can then add specific URLS.
Hope this helps others.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting butOkay. Good information to know.
When it didn’t work, after reporting it here, I did adopt the flipwall shortcode plugin on the working site.
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting butThank you.
The shortcode you suggested [flipwall]…[/flipwall] does not work for this plugin It is in fact used by an alternate plugin, which I use and works right away because the developer actually put that information in his instructions.
This plugin would cut down on support requets considerably if the proper installation and use information was made available on the plugin site or readme file.
In particular, if I had had acces to that information, I would not have had to put a negative review on it and move to a different plugin.
I would suggest modifying the instructions to read something like this:
To use the plugin in templates, insert the following code where you want it to appear: <?php wp_sfw_render(); ?>.
To use the plugin on a post, page or widget, insert the following shortcode: [wp_sfw_render]Regards,
LydieForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting but[wp_sfw_render] is what should be inserted.
The button appears only in Visual mode in my editor. So if you are entering stuff in TEXT mode it is not available. Kinda counter-intuitive.
Am I missing something?
I find no mention of this [wp_sfw_render] in the instructions on www.ads-software.com plugin page or in the readme?
Anyway, it now works.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting butIn regards to my wondering, maybe it’s the editor, I am using Ultimate TinyMCE editor.
I noticed in Visual mode there is button for WP flipwall that insert this shortcpode
[wp_sfw_render]What is that about?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting butAS I said I added the php in text mode. Is that WYSIWYG? I thought text mode was NOT WYSIWYG
Oh well.I read the plugin page installation instructions 1. says to add
<?php wp_sfw_render(); ?> where you want it to appear…What does where mean? not in a post/page?
I’m confused. Is this the same plugin as the flipwall shortcode plugin?
In any case I inserted the shortcode you suggested using TEXT view of editor. Just shows the code.
Perhaps it’s the editor?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sponsor Flipwall Shortcode] Sounded interesting butYes, here is a link:
where, after completing the creation of a new sponsor successfully, I added <?php wp_sfw_render(); ?> in text mode to this new page called Partenaires.
Solved the issues through some detectvie work…found the menu ID by looking at the browser url of the menu admin panel page.