Robert Bamm
Forum Replies Created
Yes, so far it has worked! Gonna keep an eye on it for a while though and test it more carefully, but so far so good! Thx!
Okay, so the please select a provider sentence worked out! However the time slot sentence didn’t work out. As I said, I do find the string “time slot” in the PO file and I’ve translated it, but the plugin doesn’t recognize the translation.
I’ve triple checked the PO-file now and there isn’t a second string for “please select a provider”. There is only one and that one is already translated. As for the “time slot” sentence, I found it long ago and have already translated it, but the plugin apparently doesn’t register the translation. I’ll be happy to send you a picture, in case you think that I’m not just looking hard enough. I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing and it either doesn’t work or the string is not there at all. Suggestions?
*edit* I checked the english PO-file after the 1.0.34 and now all of a sudden, the second string is there. Don’t know why it wasn’t visible in my PO file as it was from the second newest update. Anyway, gonna test it out now.
Hi how’s it going with the tweaks? A week ago I got a mail from you saying that you were working on an update. So a couple a days ago I downloaded the update you were talking about but it still doesn’t work. I replied to you through mail but haven’t heard from you since.. Can you please send me a mail or something. Send it again if you’ve already sent it, cuz I haven’t received anything.
I opened a new ticket a couple of days ago. Still haven’t heard from you. I take it you’ve received my ticket? In case you have, could you update me of any progress you’ve made to my issue. Is it being resolved? Obviously I’m not getting your answers by mail.
Okay, I haven’t recieved anything to my mail since I opened the ticket. Can’t you just answer me again directly to my mail? Feels unsure to open a new ticket since I might not get your answers. My mail adress is [email protected] or [email protected]
Yes, I got back to you the moment you replied to me. Haven’t heard from you since though. Maybe you can reply here instead.
This was my reply:
Hi Franco!I’m now able to make reservations with the staff, so that’s good! Although the category check still doesn’t work. As you said, the services are being left checked, so that apparently works. But the category still isn’t being left checked even though saving it checked. So there’s still something strange about that. But as long as the plugin recognizes that my staff can perform all the services, it’s fine. So what did you have to do to make it to kind of work?
And another thing, I saw that you’ve made some public updates to the plugin. Is it safe for me to update it as usual now? Are you still gonna work on the site? Cause As I said, there’s still something going on with the category check square not saving properly. But in practice the plugin seems to be working better now since I’m able to make reservations. So what’s next?
Okay, strange since there was never a problem before the update. Not the one that came out a couple of days ago, but the one before that. Thx a lot for looking in to it! My client will buy the premium version when you get it fixed ??
Hi! So I sent you the admin username and password as you asked. Haven’t heard from you since though. Any progress?
Hi! I did get in touch to you but haven’t gotten any answers? I also tried to update to the last version, but didn’t help. Do you have any clue what’s going on? The booking form doesn’t allow you book anything without assigning a category to a staff member, so now when I can’t do that it’s absolutely useless. Wouldn’t like to change plugin because I really like this otherwise.
Nope that didn’t help. I tried a different browser and cleared the cache for my standard browser. None of it helped. Need to get this fixed somehow. I’m doing the site for a customer and will recommend him to buy the premium version of this plugin. Just need to get this fixed first. Any other suggestions?
If it hels, I’m running a multisite installation in Swedish and Finnish. Don’t know if that’s why FI shows..?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Goran] changing the color of the dropdown menu text backgroundYes, I found it after all! Thanks! ??