Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: future posts in calendarForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: EventCalendar3 & ec3_get_scheduleec3_the_schedule()
October 25th, 2007Formats the schedule for the current post. If you want to echo the result directly onto the page, This is the call you want. For HTML as a string use ec3_get_schedule()
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: EC3 Not showing future eventsAlex Tingle, the author of EC3 has checked into the email list and will be moving the 2.6.x version of EC3 to the www.ads-software.com SVN this week.
Management of patches will be expanded to more than just Alex.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: EC3 Not showing future eventsif your whole site dissappeared, you grabbed a copy of EC3 with a big in it……
the EC3 support mailing list is archived at https://penguin.firetree.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eventcalendar
and you can join it there as well.
which copy did you download, and what version of WordPress are you using?
It certainly _can_ run on 2.6, see https://www.sunflowerintergroupoa.org/wordpress or https://oaregion4.org/blog1 for working samples.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Events Calendar vs Gigs Calendar vs EC3tur off post revisions using one of the plug ins for that purpose
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Question about PodPressin your dashboard go to podpress.
Go to player settings
if you don’t want to use the podango player (which is the default) the choose the 1-pixel classic player
OR you get to edit the plugin to use some OTHER player, or tell the setup to now SHOW a play in browser function if you don’t like flash players.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: podPress] Stats errorset your permalinks to numeric.
And if they don’t WORK then fix your .htaccess file
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Events Calendar vs Gigs Calendar vs EC3Before deciding to fork, be _VERY CAREFUL_ to think about your available time, and your commitment to the community.
Also consider what would be involved in handing a fork over to someone else when you get tired of it.
I would STRONGLY URGE YOU to try contacting Alex Tingle at his various published emails and asking him about that, and about access to the ec3 blog to announce a fork.
-_ Rick
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog not showing after adding google analyticsdo you know your server’s FTP address, username and password?
Do you have a control-panel log in that lets you get to phpMyAdmin so that you can back up your data?
If not, you need to find a guru…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add thousands of pictures to wordpress?It’s just a database insert…
in theory you could do a
Select yada yada yada
from the zenphoto database, pulling the caption and file location and etc, and then do an
Insert yada yada yada
into the appropriate wordpress table.
It’s moderately complex sql-fu — but you could do it with nothing but phpmyadmin if you know the table structures.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The incredible rotting WordPressHow to tell….
pull a copy of all the php files in the wordpress folder BEFORE you re-install.
Run a comparison utility on them… see if the files have become corrupted.
If they have, if the php files are not EXACTLY AND PRECISELY the same as when you uploaded them, then by golly, SOMEONE is hacking you.
At which point you change your FTP password, change your cpanel password, change your admin username… etc etc etc…
Check, and then you’ll know.
((( * I like Beyond Compare from Scooter Software for this.)))
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Podpress HelpThe problem with podpress stats is almost always related to permalinks.
If you configure permalinks to numeric, and make SURE they’re working, and that you can get to posts OTHER THAN PODPRESS by using them, then the podpress stats should start working and the downloading.
If not, then not.
This assumes that it works FINE when you have stats turned off, so that the path to the media files is correct. ??
and, as dgold said, there are several plugins that solve the “revisions” problem elegantly.
https://dd32.id.au/wordpress-plugins/revision-control/ (I like this one)
Podpress isn’t the only plugin broken. Twitter plugins, etc also broke. So, intall a revision-turner-offer plugin and stay calk until Seeker shows up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Events Calendar] Previous/Next month links appear, but don’t workEC3 works fine with WP 2.5 and 2.6
The navigation button problems are a known problem with ec3 rc3 on 2.5 or greater.
you need the files patched for wordpress 2.5 or later. There is a known problem with rc3 with wordpress 2.5 or later. ??
These are in the SVN at source forge, or a user has made the two critical patched files available in a zip.
Or, if you prefer, you can download it from sourceforge. (but it’s a
.tar.gz, so you may have to extract twice if you’re on a windows machine. )https://wpcal.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/wpcal/trunk/eventcalendar3.tar.gz?view=tar
either way, it fixes a bunch of problem with wordpress 2.6
The code HAS been updated in the SVN, but Alex Tingle, the owner has not updated the BLOG to show the new version.
Development continues, and there are other users with SVN access, but not with front end access. If Alex doesn’t show up “soon” someone will doubtless start a fork.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: EC3 Not showing future eventsThe plugin has NOT been discontinued…
if you had asked at the EC3 support mailing list, you would have seen many many posts with the following information.
you need the files patched for wordpress 2.5 or later. There is a known
problem with rc3 with wordpress 2.5 or later. ??These are in the SVN at source forge, or a user has made the two critical
patched files available in a zip.https://nymisoa.com/testing/eventcalendar3_patch_for_2_5.zip
Or, if you prefer, you can download it from sourceforge. (but it’s a
.tar.gz, so you may have to extract twice if you’re on a windows machine. )https://wpcal.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/wpcal/trunk/eventcalendar3.tar.gz?view=tar
either way, it fixes a bunch of problem with wordpress 2.6