Rick Cano
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cart66 Lite :: WordPress Ecommerce] Your cart is emptyActually you have the correct php file, cart.php line 424 and editing whats between the quotes will not crash your Cart66…I’ve customized a Cart 66 site in the past.
However, changing this “should not” change any language…the _e is the language for english so you’re only changing the English ‘Your cart is empty.’ and that line only serves as the “message” it has nothing to do with the functionality…in other words you can put “My cat is black” and it won’t affect the functionality.
Now, if you have a different language….you will have to insure that you’re using proper english so that it can in fact translate the new line or sentence.
My suggestion…test it on a demo site…just make sure you back it up before you tinker with it.
Thanks again and good luck,
RickYour welcome K,
I prefer Elegant Themes, Genesis Framework, PageLines and if you have a little money Woo Themes(they’re quite expensive but work great). I like all of these because they allow me to customize the platform to get the design I’m looking for and they have some pretty nice designs right out of the box.
Hope that helps….thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] This plugin is a piece of junkUnfortunately Jbobw….you made it about me.
When I originally posted a reply to your “complaint” I was merely trying to explain to you that instead of “complaining” it would be far better to assist them. Premium plugin or not.
Its clear that we have a difference of opinion….you believe that its okay to bash but don’t provide solutions….and I believe that to be a positive influence you need to assist them…whether they collect money for it or not.
This is not a protest….but when I see someone bashing in this forum and its pretty clear they’re bashing….I’m going to call you out on it and I’m going to tell you that we don’t need that sort of bashing on this forum.
There’s nothing wrong with reporting a “bug” and then asking for help and guess what…one of us would have offered “Free” help to help you fix it to work with your website. However…posting that this plugin is a piece of crap….that’s not going to get you anywhere.
If you don’t understand that there’s a certain etiquette that one should follow when posting in a forum, then I feel sorry for you.
Thanks again and good luck.
P.S. 50 clients I mentioned was over the past 5 years….that’s hardly an epidemic.I’ve never used this plugin with Mystique and as I recall its a free theme and I usually stay away from free theme’s because their code is not always W3C compliant which means there may be some php coding within the theme that is not written correctly…therefore its not compatible with this plugin.
I can give you the quick and short answer…which you probably don’t want to hear but I’d say find another theme that at least is close or consistent with this theme and if possible use a premium theme not a free theme.
The long answer….use Nirav Mehta’s suggestion above in this thread on how to get the php “error” and then fix those php errors and then you should be good to go. If that doesn’t work and you still want to use that theme you’ll have to hired someone to make that them compatible with the plugin….which can get..in some cases….very expensive. I’m not suggesting this last part….I’m just making you aware that it could get expensive.
Thanks again,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] This plugin is a piece of junkIf you don’t believe me..go to this link within this forum and you’ll see how I provided FREE help to another WordPress member:
I could give you multiple threads like this form hundreds of Guru’s who give FREE advice and tips without charging a single dime.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] Editing the default checkout formsYou’re welcome Medu member…glad I could help.
RCForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] This plugin is a piece of junkAhhhh jbobw….if you’re going to quote me then make sure you “correctly” quote me….I didn’t say that 50 people hired me….I said:
I’ve helped over 50 people within this forum on how to find and fix bugs that creep up. Designing websites and plugins over the years “always” have had a “bug” at some time within their life span…no plugin is perfect….you just have to know how to fix it.
I’ve helped, if you don’t know what that means is “Free” help from this www.ads-software.com forum. I’ve been hired by 12 people in the past year because they were looking for more custom work then just adding a flat fee to their store.
If people quite buying it…they’ll go out of business as they should go out of business…but do you know how long they’ve been selling this premium plugin?? That’ll give you an answer as to why they continue to stay in business.
Contrary to what you think or believe there are a lot of us Web and Plugin Developers who do pro bono work for charities….I’ve designed 7 Non Profit websites just this year for various types of organizations. Not all of us are money hungry Guru’s. We actually do give back.
Thanks and good luck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] Removes all posts and pagesWP eCommerce Plugin version was the last “stable” version that I’m using which has NO Bugs any longer. This version also has the “mandatory security update” so be rest assured that its the most updated.
I know this sounds horrible but any “newer” versions are a waste of time to add to your website as they’re too unstable and ruin your theme, pages, posts, menu’s, image loader and any number of other bugs.
Don’t get me wrong I love the plugin but every once in a while they upgrade the version and for the life of me can’t understand why there are so many bugs…. will eventually be a good plugin but they have to fix a lot of bugs.
Thanks, Party on…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] Removes all posts and pagesI’ve been working with WP eCommerce for over 5 years and “ALL”of your are correct…the latest upgrade of the plugin has virtually shut down a lot of websites.
My suggestion:
1. Use the previous version as all the bugs have been removed from that version and it works great with every theme and has no conflict with any plugins any longer.
2. Never, and I mean never upgrade a plugin for at least 3 to 6 months as plugin developers sometimes cannot possibly create the perfect plugin the first time out and I have found that waiting 3 to 6 months is always a safe bet.
3. Always, and I mean always keep a backup of four components of your website….a. Core files, b. MySql Database, c. Theme files which should always include your custom CSS php file as well..and d. XML export file of your website by using the export function.
I have wp ecommerce on 5 of my personal websites and I’ve created over 20 WP ecommerce sites in the past six months and none of my sites or their sites are experiencing any of these issues.
This is free advice that comes from 10 years of designing websites and plugins…if you need any other help besides what I have posted here. I don’t work for free.
Thanks again, Party on
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] Editing the default checkout formsHey Medu….you’re sort of correct….it is possible to delete an item in the checkout form…..its not advisable.
However let me suggest a better way to this. In the settings area within the plugin…click on the tab for Checkout….at the very top of the first line of the checkout “defalut” form you’ll see a drop down arrow…to the right of that you’ll see the word Filter and then to the right of that you will see +Add New Form Set.
Create your own form set and then once you’ve completed doing that make sure you click save changes…and then..select it from the drop down and make sure you scroll back down to the bottom and click “Save Changes” again….now that checkout form will be active and the default checkout form will be inactive.
That should help you. Thanks again,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] This plugin is a piece of junkI respectfully will disagree with anyone who believes this plugin is a piece of crap!
I have no ties with the developers at GetShopped.org but I’ve been using this premium plugin for over 5 years now creating and designing WordPress eCommerce combination websites for hundreds of clients. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years and before WP Ecommerce plugin I used several other plugins to get the same result.
I’ve helped over 50 people within this forum on how to find and fix bugs that creep up. Designing websites and plugins over the years “always” have had a “bug” at some time within their life span…no plugin is perfect….you just have to know how to fix it.
I’ll stack this plugin against any plugin for a truly advanced eCommerce solution.
So do me a favor and the WordPress community a favor…don’t complain about a plugin…contact the developers at GetShopped.org and report the bug you’ve found or better yet…create your own plugin….otherwise don’t waste your time bashing a plugin. Most of us Web and Plugin developers don’t want to hear it.
Thanks again,
RCForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP e-commerce] Handling fee for only some categories?For those of you who continue to struggle with adding a one time fee to your WP eCommerce plugin….read the first request at top under “mkrank”….he essentially is giving you the step in how to add a flat fee:
Looking over the forums, I saw how to adjust cart.class.php to add a flat fee to the total, and use the following code in the calculate_total_shipping function, just to kind of test the idea:
$total = $this->calculate_base_shipping() + 5.00;
That does a lovely job of adding a flat $5 to every transaction.I’ve received quite a few emails and requests when the answer to your question is listed already in this thread.
Please…if you’re interested in hiring me for “custom” work…..then feel free to email me directly….if not I ask you to respect my request that you “not” email me.
Good to hear that the step by step approach helped and at least you know that you’ve narrowed it down to the actual theme. As I recall they developer of the theme has a forum that actually walks through a fix or at least I remember reading something about that.
Thanks again for getting back to me K…really appreciate it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP e-commerce] Handling fee for only some categories?Thanks BMS1…the answer to your question is actually here within this forum and through WP eCommerce’s forum and through experience.
I’ve been coding for roughly 10 years so I learned how to do it by trial and error and I never could find anyone who knew exactly how to do it.
Unfortunately I’ve been inundated with request to custom code their shopping carts that I can’t offer this service for free any longer.
Thanks again and good luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about Sample PageThanks for the question InnKeeperea and sorry I hadn’t seen your posting sooner and was a little surprised that one of my colleague’s hadn’t answered it by now.
Based on your explanation as to what you’re trying to accomplish the process is as easy as…..go into “Settings” in your dashboard and simply change the “Reading” settings from “Your Lates Posts” to A Static Page by unclicking one and clicking the other…then select “Sample Page” from the drop down….leave posts page blank unless you’re going to have a blog..in which case you will want to create a static page named “blog”.
Your WordPress will automatically connect the Nav menu “home” to that page..but remember that in the Menu system there is no need for adding “home” or the Sample page as a menu item….your explanation on the template you’re using tells me that it “always” has Home defaulted in the menu so no need to select in in the menu.
Hope that answers your question and I apologize again for getting back so late.
Thanks again, Rick