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  • Thread Starter rdiebel


    When I activate the 2024 Theme, I get at the top “Edit site -New Edit Page”.

    The Edit site is missing when Neve is activated. It usually shows up in the “Appearance” of the Dashboard as “Editor”

    Is all the site Editor does in 2024 cover in “Customize”, or where?

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    Neve is a WordPress Theme. It is recommended as a way forward for users of Parallax One.

    WordPress as of over a year ago has moved to what started out as a plugin called “Gutenberg”, but is now built in to WordPress. It adds “Blocks” of various types to a page/post. It integrates many this that were formerly done by Builders, or by hand. It requires a Theme that supports it. I believe the answer to my question is “no”, Neve does not support the new Block mode of the WordPress Editor.

    I am using the Twenty Twenty-Four theme. The links were fine for me with Blue & underline. After upgrade to 6.6, all link were black & underlined. I added CSS to change the color. Some changed, some did not. Seems random. Asking for support I was told my PHP was corrupt. All link colors are flaky.

    All help much appreciated.

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    I have 3 images. 2 are fine, the third is too high.

    I have tried all settings, but there is no change.

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    Please disregard. The code had links that needed to be removed before Reftagger would work.
    Thanx for all you do!

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    Thanx for all the help. I have been able to get things much more usable.
    My current problem is Reftagger not working in a HTML table.
    Any ideas how to get it to work?

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    my simple form:
    `{“type”:”form”,”data”:{“fields”:[{“id”:”name-1″,”element_id”:”name-1″,”form_id”:”wrapper-5225-3642″,”type”:”name”,”options”:[],”cols”:”12″,”conditions”:[],”wrapper_id”:”wrapper-5225-3642″,”field_label”:”Name”,”placeholder”:”E.g. John Doe”,”prefix_label”:”Prefix”,”fname_label”:”First Name”,”fname_placeholder”:”E.g. John”,”mname_label”:”Middle Name”,”mname_placeholder”:”E.g. Smith”,”lname_label”:”Last Name”,”lname_placeholder”:”E.g. Doe”,”prefix”:”true”,”fname”:”true”,”mname”:”true”,”lname”:”true”,”required_message”:”Name is required.”,”prefix_required_message”:”Prefix is required.”,”fname_required_message”:”First Name is required.”,”mname_required_message”:”Middle Name is required.”,”lname_required_message”:”Last Name is required.”},{“id”:”textarea-1″,”element_id”:”textarea-1″,”form_id”:”wrapper-6974-2247″,”type”:”textarea”,”options”:[],”cols”:”12″,”conditions”:[],”wrapper_id”:”wrapper-6974-2247″,”input_type”:”line”,”limit_type”:”characters”,”field_label”:”Text”,”placeholder”:”E.g. text placeholder You can add new line”,”default”:”Type Text Here”}],”settings”:{“pagination-header”:”nav”,”paginationData”:{“pagination-header-design”:”show”,”pagination-header”:”nav”},”formName”:”Basic”,”version”:”1.15.12″,”form-border-style”:”none”,”form-padding”:””,”form-border”:””,”fields-style”:”open”,”validation”:”on_submit”,”akismet-protection”:”1″,”form-style”:”default”,”enable-ajax”:”true”,”autoclose”:”true”,”submission-indicator”:”show”,”indicator-label”:”Submitting…”,”form-type”:”default”,”submission-behaviour”:”behaviour-thankyou”,”thankyou-message”:”Thank you for contacting us, we will be in touch shortly.”,”submitData”:{“custom-submit-text”:”Send Message”,”custom-invalid-form-message”:”Error: Your form is not valid, please fix the errors!”},”validation-inline”:”1″,”form-expire”:”no_expire”,”form-padding-top”:”0″,”form-padding-right”:”0″,”form-padding-bottom”:”0″,”form-padding-left”:”0″,”form-border-width”:”0″,”form-border-radius”:”0″,”cform-label-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-label-custom-family”:””,”cform-label-font-size”:”12″,”cform-label-font-weight”:”bold”,”cform-title-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-title-custom-family”:””,”cform-title-font-size”:”45″,”cform-title-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-title-text-align”:”left”,”cform-subtitle-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-subtitle-custom-font”:””,”cform-subtitle-font-size”:”18″,”cform-subtitle-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-subtitle-text-align”:”left”,”cform-input-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-input-custom-font”:””,”cform-input-font-size”:”16″,”cform-input-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-radio-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-radio-custom-font”:””,”cform-radio-font-size”:”14″,”cform-radio-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-select-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-select-custom-family”:””,”cform-select-font-size”:”16″,”cform-select-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-multiselect-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-multiselect-custom-font”:””,”cform-multiselect-font-size”:”16″,”cform-multiselect-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-dropdown-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-dropdown-custom-font”:””,”cform-dropdown-font-size”:”16″,”cform-dropdown-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-calendar-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-calendar-custom-font”:””,”cform-calendar-font-size”:”13″,”cform-calendar-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-button-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-button-custom-font”:””,”cform-button-font-size”:”14″,”cform-button-font-weight”:”500″,”cform-timeline-font-family”:”Roboto”,”cform-timeline-custom-font”:””,”cform-timeline-font-size”:”12″,”cform-timeline-font-weight”:”normal”,”cform-pagination-font-family”:””,”cform-pagination-custom-font”:””,”cform-pagination-font-size”:”16″,”cform-pagination-font-weight”:”normal”,”payment_require_ssl”:””,”submission-file”:”delete”,”store_submissions”:”1″,”form_name”:”Basic”,”form_status”:”publish”},”client_id”:null,”integration_conditions”:[],”behaviors”:[{“slug”:”behavior-1234-4567″,”label”:””,”autoclose-time”:”5″,”autoclose”:”true”,”newtab”:”sametab”,”thankyou-message”:”Thank you for contacting us, we will be in touch shortly.”,”email-thankyou-message”:””,”manual-thankyou-message”:””,”submission-behaviour”:”behaviour-thankyou”,”redirect-url”:””}],”notifications”:[{“slug”:”notification-1234-4567″,”label”:”Admin Email”,”email-recipients”:”default”,”recipients”:”[email protected]”,”email-subject”:”New Form Entry #{submission_id} for {form_name}”,”email-editor”:”You have a new website form submission: <br \/> {all_fields} <br \/>—<br \/> This message was sent from {site_url}.”,”email-attachment”:”true”},{“slug”:”notification-1478-4323″,”email-subject”:”Basic Test For email”,”label”:”My Basic”,”email-editor”:”A basic test”,”recipients”:”[email protected]”,”from-name”:””,”form-email”:””,”replyto-email”:””,”cc-email”:””,”bcc-email”:””}]},”status”:”publish”,”version”:”1.15.12″}

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    My efforts have continued, but failed.
    I deleted, and reinstalled.
    Created a new very simple form, but still no email.
    Other email from the site works.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Would any of the substantial Word Press changes lately affect your plugin?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by rdiebel.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by rdiebel.
    Thread Starter rdiebel


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset=”utf-8″>
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    .rtTooltip {
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    padding: 3px 3px;
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    <p>content John 3:16 verse</p>
    var refTagger = {
    settings: {
    bibleVersion: “KJV”,
    customStyle : {
    heading: {
    backgroundColor : “#000000”,
    color : “#ff0a0a”,
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    var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
    g.src = “;;
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    s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    }(document, “script”));


    Thread Starter rdiebel


    Please help. All input appreciated.

    Thanx a bunch

    I am trying to create pages that are very simple. Just using “custom HTML” block. It should be simple, but seems to reject valid code. I want to add a “custom HTML” block with a couple of <styles>, then a “custom HTML” block of a <script>. Then “custom HTML” block of content. I wish the first two blocks to affect all pages, so they would ideally be in the theme. The other one would be in the page.
    I was trying to put them all in the page, but had many problems. Viewing might fail, then shutting down and re-starting might almost work. This does not seem stable. (Or maybe it is just me not stable : -).
    I am on 5.9.3. I was hoping to use the Twenty Twenty Two theme with a modified page template. I am in a little over my head here. Any and all help would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    It seems if the cursor needs to travel from the currently displayed reference over another reference to get onto the tip being displayed, then the tip disappears. It is much more likely to stay displayed if the cursor does not touch any other reference while traveling to get onto the tip which is currently poped up.
    Maybe being too quick to see the reference passed over is what terminates the tip being displayed. Maybe a slight delay in recognizing the reference passed over would cause the currently displayed to remain long enough for me to get onto the tip. This relates to the other problem I reported over a year ago in which a tightly grouped bunch of references do not display correctly.



    Please, please! This needs to be added directly to the Block Editor!

    Thread Starter rdiebel


    Sorry to have caused a ripple in the tranquility of this forum.
    As often happens, I was able to get things to conform after more investigation, and study. I removed the title, and all padding, and it was OK

    Thanx much

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