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  • Thread Starter allm


    Hi Sybre,

    I don’t know where you get all the time to help us all out. Your support is fantastic.

    1. and 2. Thanks. That was what I was looking for.

    I’ll wait and see what future versions do for “guessing” the right actions for custom posts. It might be that always guessing it right is impossible. In that case I might write a plugin to edit settings per (custom) post for this, using your ‘guessing’ as the default. I’ll wait first, and see how things evolve.

    3. I’ll see how things evolve and see if it is still wrong in future versions. In that case I can always mail you the details of my example.

    For now I have tried your plugin on a not-so-important website of my own, and will wait for a future version as I use custom posts of all kinds in all of my websites.

    I have looked at your code for fetching a post type. If I read correctly you check for the “public” argument. Usually that will be ok, but in theory you can define “public” as false and still make a public custom post (or the other way round). The value of the “rewrite” argument might be a good alternative or additional indicator.

    Anyway, thanks for all your help. I made a 5 star review some time ago, even before testing your plugin, and now I want to give more than 5 stars…

    Have a good day/night or whatever it is when you read this.


    I’ll set this to resolved.

    Thread Starter allm


    Hi Sybre,

    Thanks for your reply. I’ve looked at all the links and I have a hard time finding the right answers. Or maybe I am posing the wrong questions…

    Earlier today I made a numbered list in a new thread (as you just requested ;-), just to get things organised again. You can find it here:

    I’ve set the current thread to resolved.

    Thread Starter allm


    @Sybre: please take a look at my latest reply, before Piet’s reply.

    @piet: thanks a lot for providing this function. Do you know if there is a filter to set the SEO metabox ON for certain custom posts? So if the plugin decides to switch off the SEO metabox for some custom post I can turn it back on again.

    Have you looked at turning on/off generating sitemap info for certain custom posts? Is there a filter for that as well? In case you haven’t maybe @Sybre can provide the answer to that…

    By the way: I have made a small change to your code. You can get $current_screen as an argument, in stead of having a new function call. For more info:

    add_action( 'current_screen', 'so_hide_seo_backend_output_cpt', 9 );
    function so_hide_seo_backend_output_cpt( $current_screen ) {
    	if ( 'wp-help' === $current_screen->post_type ) { // change wp-help into your own CPT
    		add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_seobox_output', '__return_false' );
    		add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_show_seo_column', '__return_false' );
    Thread Starter allm


    Hi Sybre,

    Great! It is a good idea to check out what “being public” means for a custom post. If I understand correctly it is possible to set the “public” parameter for a custom post to “true” and then setting the related parameters so, that in fact it is not public. And vice versa.

    If the “rewrite” parameter is not false there is a good chance the custom post is public.

    Having a title and a content box does not in any way decide whether a custom post is public or not.

    Maybe someone else can specify the conditions under which there is 100% certainty whether a custom post is public or not.

    Thanks for all your hard work. Really appreciated!

    PS tonight I thought of creating a seperate plugin to manually set your SEO metabox and your sitemap on or off for all the (custom) posts in a website. That way your guess is the default, but if you want to you can do things otherwise. Can I use any of your filters to turn sitemap generation on or off for specific custom posts? And the SEO metabox? For now I will leave that for some future moment when the need arises or having too much time on my hand…

    Thread Starter allm



    Thanks for your reply. I fully agree that more options should be added with the utmost care.
    But then I come back to my original question: I’ve got a custom post that is for dashboard / internal use only, so it doesn’t need the SEO metabox. The guessing you do right now doesn’t always seem to work. And there seems to be a CSS problem as well.

    Wouldn’t it be better to guess that if a custom post is not in the sitemap, it probably won’t need the SEO metabox (and related functionality)? The guess you are now making depends on the availability of the title and content. But they can be available for private custom posts as well.

    Can I help in any way to get this fixed / make this better?

    Thread Starter allm


    @piet, you might want to start your own thread. My question gets lost like this.

    @Sybre: Hope you look back in this thread to find my reply…

    Thread Starter allm


    Thanks for answering!

    I looked at the sitemap using firefox, and then it looks like a regular text file. There is also no comment on the bottom.

    But…. looking at the source of the page reveals the xml file, with a comment on the bottom.

    My mistake. Should have looked a little deeper…

    Thread Starter allm


    Hi Sybre,

    In this case it is a custom post from a plugin that I have written myself. The custom post does not result in pages on the website, but the info is used to display widgets on the dashboard.

    It is perfect that this custom post is not in the sitemap, but there is also no need to display the SEO metabox (and the column I described).

    It does have a title and content, because I need that.

    Isn’t it an idea to make it possible for people to edit for each (custom) post whether they want:
    . show it in the sitemap
    . add the seo metabox

    Of course you can always guess what people want and provide that as a default, by looking at the custom post parameters, but the possibility of overwriting that would be a good idea. The possibilities with custom posts are almost endless, so giving people some flexibility might be a good idea.

    I have some other examples that I can test. If you want to know more about the details of my current example I can mail you the specifics.

    Thread Starter allm


    First of all I want to pay my respects for all the work that you do with this plugin and in answering all those questions.

    From your answer I get how it works. And that is fine. I just wanted to edit the automatic description and by doing that make it into the custom description. That did not work and copying the text also didn’t work.

    I just noticed that once you make a custom description everything works as expected.

    It’s no big deal. I guess you want to input a new description anyway, in stead of messing with the automatic one.

    I’ll set this to resolved.



    A bit late, but maybe someone is still being helped by my remarks:

    Disabling “Hide WordPress version” in the WordFence options seems to fix this.

    Sounds like a bug to me, since I DO like to hide the WP version, but for now it does the trick. Apparently CSS files get some kind of weird version number to obfuscate things when the option is on.

    Thread Starter allm


    Thanks bkglass and Sybre. This is the confirmation I needed. I’ll do my first test the coming week and if that works more will follow…

    I’ll set this to resolved.



    You might try to delete WordFence AND delete the WordFence database at the same time. After that you might try a fresh WordFence install.

    Somewhere near the bottom of the options you can check “Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation?” before deactivation and deletion.

    Hope this works for you.

    Thread Starter allm



    Thread Starter allm


    I just found out (from anonther thread) that I just need to give access during the installation. I can protect htaccess again afterwards.

    That’ll work fine.

    Thanks for your quick answer!



    remarks removed by author.

    sorry, this needed to be a thread on its own…

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