Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I need help with Simple Twitter ConnectThat’s funny, we just added Auto Twitter! I could try to find the files in the directory, zip them up, and email them to you?
Initially I wanted to find an all-in-one type solution for posting to FB and Twitter (and Google+ as well, but I wonder if that social media outlet is too new to have plugins for posting to it automatically anytime a new post is made on a WP blog… I couldn’t find any). It seems that using a single plugin for each one individually is a better bet, however.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I need help with Simple Twitter ConnectFPMSummer, we never could get it to work so we had no choice but to give up. We are now using Add Link to Facebook (by Marcel Bokhorst) and Auto Twitter (by Unreal Media) instead and they are working fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: plugin recommendation for site backupBackupWordPress looks good.
I was also considering EZPZ One-Click Backup.
Will it gum up the works if I install both and try them out?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add "follow via email" widget?It does! And it’s much more simple than trying to figure out FeedBurner.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add "follow via email" widget?Just FYI, once the plugin is activated you end up here:
Jetpack supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of To enable all of the Jetpack features you’ll need to connect your website to using the button to the right. Once you’ve made the connection you’ll activate all the delightful features below.
Clicking the button takes you to a page where you enter your username and password. Once your accounts are connected you’re good to go, it would seem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add "follow via email" widget?OK, I will try it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add "follow via email" widget?This blog belongs to a friend of mine in Chicago. If you scroll down a little bit you will see on the right-hand side (above “Archives” and “Meta”) she has a box that says “Subscribe to Little Wonders” and there’s a box where you just type in your email address and you will receive a message anytime she posts a new blog.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I need help with Simple Twitter ConnectUnfortunately I still get the blank screen even when using the Twenty-Eleven theme and with all plugins except the Simple Twitter Connect ones deactivated. Thoughts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I need help with Simple Twitter ConnectI put the URL of the site in the Callback URL and then went through the authenticate process again. Now instead of getting the PIN I just end up at a blank screen after authorizing the app. Is that supposed to happen?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add "follow via email" widget?Does the current version of WordPress have an option that is already installed and I’m just missing it? I’m reading more about FeedBurner and in one place it says “[i]f you are using a popular blogging platform or publishing tool like TypePad, WordPress, or Blogger, you likely publish a feed automatically.”
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: need theme recommendationI just noticed that. Chalk that one up to a big “duh me!”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Spaces removed after punctuationI’d just like to say thanks to cjhmdm and alchymyth for passing along the solution from that other forum. It worked for me!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: updated theme, now must force spaces after punctuation marksThanks alchymyth. I will have to check out that post in greater depth. I only scanned through it yesterday, but it looked like there was a solution in there somewhere.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: updated theme, now must force spaces after punctuation marksThis is an example of a blog post where he did not force spaces:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I control the order of the links to pages on a site?Oh my gosh, I feel like such a moron!! It was right there all the time and I just didn’t see it because I was looking for something more complicated. *facepalm* Thank you both!!!