Can you include an option to choose what user role can verify users?
I want the editor role to be able to verify users, but even though i gave the editor role all user capability’s the verifying process only works with the administrator role.
Or, if you won’t include it in the next Register Plus, can you provide me with some info for a workaround?
I searched through all your code but i can’t find any statement regarding capability’s roles.
I’m just so grateful if you have a solution…
OMG, the same problem is discussed in this very same forum earlier on.. Mea culpa. For those who are in search for the same answer:
To achieve this, just open the register-plus.php in an editor and go to line 90 where you’ll find this:
add_users_page( ‘Unverified Users’, ‘Unverified Users’, 10, ‘unverified-users’, array($this, ‘Unverified’) );
Now just change the value 10 (= administrators) to e.g. 7, like this:
add_users_page( ‘Unverified Users’, ‘Unverified Users’, 7, ‘unverified-users’, array($this, ‘Unverified’) );