Forum Replies Created
Boomshakkalakka! the “hack” worked , the search is back and the problem is solved, the world is a better place now again ??
Thanks a ton for the help!
Heya the shortcode is not working anywhere, as a widget it works however
I deactivated and again activated it now, but with no success =/
The plugin worked wonderfully until some days ago, I did not change the theme or updated anything so its quite weird that it stopped worked from one day to another.
Where would I have to check if the shortcode & statement is placed or where would I have to place it?
Thanks for the reply already!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Tiny images in ChromeHeya, just fixed the problem anyway, just had to change the max width 100% in the stylesheet to maxwidth : None
But there is something else I did not find a solution for
That space there everywhere before the siter starts with the letters and the image can I get rid of them so the site starts directly on the upper screen and not around 120 pixels below?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] Significant downgrade in capabilitythis ^^
Seriously, i wait for updates every day now since writing new posts is almost a pain. Have to work much longer now on something than before.
The changes and removal of features is the most stupid thing since a long while in the wordpress world.
The incompability between plugins and bugs since 3.9 is phenomenal bad.
^^ yup.
Its the worst update i have seen since i use wordpress (2011)
Was able to build up a site seen by some thousand people every day alone with only a few html knowledge thanks to the easy interface of wp and really awesdome plugins like the simple and still flawless tinymce advanced.
Now half of the options which helped me to create articles, with galleries and tables are gone or over-complicated to use without copy-pasting already existing older tables or learning how they work.
I asked before but got no answer…why were so many options removed in the first place? Whats the sense behind it?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] Bad update.That sounds good, the missing options were /are a real hassle.
Thewordpress image option window does not have the scaling features as example if the image was not uploaded to the post but another one before, this and the missing table options make creating content a good step more difficult than before
Well, many people today seem to use css for tables, and basically it is not that hard to make them with raw html but it was simply a lot easier and faster to make with the advanced table options.
Its a hassle that it was removed and replaced with the current table options. Currently i just copy my older empty tables formats into a wordpad so i can just copy and paste them into a wp post but hope the old table options will be back with all their borders /colors etc options.
Glad i am not the only one missing those.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] Lines /spaces missingHeh, marking your goo old “Stop removing the <p> and
tags when saving and show them in the Text editor ” option solved it ??I tried going back to tinymce 3.9 but that one does not work 100% with wp 3.9 anymore (as you most likely know) and had that option not marked anymore ??
Sorry if i am a bit annoying here but your latest update of tinymce is quite troublesome for me since the image and table options are a often used and important part of my website
btw is it normal that the wp image options don’t have a scaling option?
That’s why the tiny-mce image button is quite important for me too. I can scale the images via html too but its more time consuming (have to calculate the different size)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] The new Table MenuAh…thanks
There is one more thing. =S
The image editor is not visible somehow. I placed it extra in the third row after it not being visible while editing a post. In the options of the plugin it is visible /moveable.
All other parts of the editor are visible and working as they should.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] The new Table MenuAnd there is more
Rightclick in the textfield, everywhere brings up the insert links /insert table /row /collumn /cell properties.
It is not possible to simply copy /paste a text or part of it as usual. Yes i know there is the strg+ c or v option but is this a bug maybe?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] The new Table MenuThese changes are really bad.
Guess i have to copy-paste old tables etc, now because it is complicated and more time consuming now to make new ones. Wonder why the old options were removed.Whats the point of removing usability?