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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Meteor Website Speed Optimization Addon] Elementor popup firstGOOGLE TRANSLATE
Thank you for all the advice and help. They don’t work for my site. When I remove the fancy product designer, everything is ok and your advice works. Google page speed score is great. When I install product product designer google speed score is wrong. I’ll use the “Delay until first interaction” option, which is a great feature.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Meteor Website Speed Optimization Addon] Elementor popup firstGOOGLE TRANSLATE
I’ve tried so far. OMGF broke the diacritics. I guess I’m making a mistake somewhere. I’m a layman, so I probably won’t configure it correctly. X times I measured the pagespeed score and still low. As I say, I’m probably making a mistake somewhere.
“Delay until first interaction” is TOP for me. Nothing else works.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Meteor Website Speed Optimization Addon] Elementor popup firstGOOGLE TRANSLATE
with 2s delay not very good. The google pagespeed score is pretty low. Because of the fancy product designer.
PC: 56…js/FancyProd….min.js?ver=5.2.5( 337,4 KiB 217,9 KiB …js/fabric-3.0.0.min.js?ver=3.0.0( 86,9 KiB 48,9 KiB …swiper/swiper.min.js?ver=5.3.6( 38,1 KiB 34,2 KiB …js/preloaded-elements-handlers.min.js?ver=3.3.2( 41,5 KiB 27,7 KiB …js/main.min.js?ver=1.0( 35,9 KiB 26,6 KiB
If “Delay until first interaction” is activated then the pagespeed score is great.
PC: 99Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Meteor Website Speed Optimization Addon] Elementor popup firstGOOGLE TRANSLATE (My English is lousy)
Alex, thank you for the early answer and advice. I tried the recommended exclusion and the google pagespeed score for mobile is really bad. Fancy product designer does not allow script delay. If FPD is active, exclusion does not work. Ideally, it is to delay javascrip into user interaction. Maybe there will be a solution in the future. Lots of happiness and satisfied users of your excellent plugin.
Regards Maros.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Problem vyrieseny. autor pluginu je hlavicka! Dakujem
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.kamarat ma nezabezpecenu stranku teda bez certifikatu a ficiii mu to!! no ma aj iny host. webssuport. hmm. mozno, ze je tam chyba
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.neviem ci vam to k niecomu bude ale toto je vypis z prieskumu chybovej stranky z google chrome
<body data-rsssl=”1″ id=”error-page”>
<p>CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.</p></body>
nemoze byt nejaka chyba s ssl certifikatom?
- This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by rellax.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Poslal som vam FTP udaje na vas email. Dufam ze vam to pomoze
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Ja som mal deaktivovane vsetky ozaj vsetky moduly. temu zmenenu na zakladnu. vymazal som udaje prehliadania v chrome teda cache je ciste a tiez to nefunguje ?? Ale verim, ze sa to podari autorovi vyriesit. Rad by som pomohol ved je to super plugin a hlavne dolezity no moje znalosti s pisanim kodu su skutocne minimalne.. poznam akurat <div> a este tak <p> ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Uz mate k dispozicii pristup na FTP? poslem vam moj?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Ja som modul ceske sluzby instaloval az po update na 4.7. No kamarat mal modul nainstalovany na 4.6 uz davnejsie a teraz po aktualizacii na 4.7 mu to stale bezi bez problemu kod generuje v pohode aj po update … mozno to nacitava z cache, netusim. No v kazdom pripade dufam, ze sa to podari opravit. Kamos si ceske sluzby nevie vynachvalit. Ja som modul zacal pouzivat iba vcera aj to s error-om tak nemam vobec ziadnu skusenost.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] CHYBA: Toto nie je platny kanál.Dobry den.
Deaktivoval som vsetky moduly okrem woocommers pouzil temu Twenty Sixteen a stale nedokaze vygenerovat feed. Keby sa vam to podarilo vyriesit bol by som vam velmi vdacny