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  • Thread Starter remino


    Actually, if a shortcode calls do_shortcode, like img_caption_shortcode, you can.

    See wp-includes/media.php, lines 1586 and 1589:

    When I wrap a [youtube] in my blog posts with [caption], it is actually wrapping the YouTube embed with a caption.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by remino. Reason: Added example
    Thread Starter remino


    Well, digging into the code, I found that if I specify the width in the caption shortcode, I can add whatever I want in the content of the shortcode. The content will also be parsed by do_shortcode in that case, hence allowing me to add embeds.

    My bad. Maybe I missed that part in the docs.

    Okay, I understand there are policies, but it really looked like there was a bug to me. Everything was working fine, then the moment I update UpdraftPlus, it’s failing. Failing in cron and failing from wp-admin.

    I modified updraftplus.php and added this line. This is my diff:

    *** updraftplus-orig.php Sat Sep  3 07:24:44 2016
    --- updraftplus.php Sat Sep  3 07:39:57 2016
    *************** if (!file_exists(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/class
    *** 151,156 ****
    --- 151,157 ----
            $updraftplus = new UpdraftPlus();
    +       $GLOBALS['updraftplus'] = $updraftplus;
            $updraftplus->have_addons = $updraftplus_have_addons;
            if (!$updraftplus->memory_check(192)) {

    Now, everything is working the way it should again.

    Actually, I have 6 WordPress sites. All of them have UpdraftPlus. Only one (the one from which I’ve shown the log above) has a paid licence. They’re all doing the same thing.

    Although, my error message differs a bit:

    Opened log file at time: Sat, 03 Sep 2016 01:53:54 +0000 on
    UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( WP: 4.6 PHP: 5.5.38 (Linux alleghany 3.2.61-grsec-modsign #1 SMP Tue Aug 12 09:58:26 UTC 2014 x86_64) MySQL: 5.6.25 WPLANG: en_CA Server:  safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: -1 (used: 55.3M | 56.3M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 mcrypt: Y LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 1051055.7 MB
    Tasks: Backup files: 1 (schedule: daily) Backup DB: 1 (schedule: daily)
    Requesting semaphore lock (fd) (apparently not via scheduler)
    Fatal error: Call to a member function log() on a non-object in <em>redacted</em>/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/class-semaphore.php on line 176

    There is no reply from @jamesbuck, but I can tell you I’ve been having the same problem as well as the same error, and I’ve done the same procedure.

    When running the SQL query above, I get this:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM wp_22crc9_options WHERE ( option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_unlocked_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_locked_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_last_lock_time_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_semaphore_%' );
    | option_id | option_name                   | option_value        | autoload |
    |     30386 | updraftplus_last_lock_time_   | 2016-03-11 10:28:40 | yes      |
    |     30379 | updraftplus_last_lock_time_fd | 2016-09-03 01:46:16 | yes      |
    |     30378 | updraftplus_locked_fd         | 1                   | yes      |
    |     30387 | updraftplus_semaphore_        | 0                   | yes      |
    |     30380 | updraftplus_semaphore_fd      | 1                   | yes      |
    |     30385 | updraftplus_unlocked_         | 1                   | yes      |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by remino. Reason: Formatting

    Just to let you know, my site was compromised too. A hacker uploaded a doc.php file in /wp-content/plugins/si-contact-form/captcha/temp, with which I assume the same hacker wrote the theme.php (not func.php for me) in /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven. After that, a separate spam WordPress site was installed in /wp-includes/js/saw, which was connected to an external database.

    Thread Starter remino


    Just found the solution. Somehow, I had a small 4KB .mo instead of the bigger ~200KB file I needed. I simply downloaded a copy of the from the following:

    Thread Starter remino


    Is that what the_post() does? I see…

    I just tried it and it works. Thank you! I guess I still have a lot to learn.

    Thread Starter remino


    I added a line, setup_postdata($post), in my template, and that did it. I’m surprised I have to do that, since the_title() works just fine, with and without the added line.

    Thread Starter remino


    Ah, of course. You made me realise the mistake I’ve done. I wrote a function to replace wp_list_pages() and I needed to get the current page. To test that function, I actually called it from within functions.php. When I’m calling my custom function from index.php (the main template page), every works just fine.


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