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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] Visual Page Building is not displaying optionsPages is selected by default…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Weather Widget] Warning: Creating default object from empty value intry deleting the city… then the widget… readd it…. clear your cache,,, and then see if the problem still exists.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Weather Widget] Warning: Creating default object from empty value inyes it is.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce CSV importer] Importing variables but product shows up as Freefound the answer searching support
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] How do I force HD quality?I figured out the shortcode, but it’s not working, nor is the mute option within the settings because the page refreshes and video sound starts playing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] How do I force HD quality?quality=highres
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Way to add an attachment to the Approval Email?Josh, would it be possible to develop a premium version of this plugin with features such as attachment abilities, and custom emails etc… all those goodies most of us ask you on here.
I’ve been asking my friend to develop an extension plugin to your plugin so that everytime you send out an update I don’t have to ask him to keep adding the code for the attachment that gets sent out in our approval email.
This would be incredibly awesome if you got this done!
I can confirm that the error is not being reproduced on my end anymore. Good work Tim.
That’s the error I get.
I have site domains all with different names. So, Did exactly how you said, but still getting errors.
I’ve made sure all my sites have wordfence and are only searching within their own wordpress installation, and disabled config caching, but still didn’t work.
So I unselected disable config caching, because I’m not having any trouble with my settings saving, but I couldn’t get it to work.
After doing some tests on the other subdomains, I did have some success though, which leads me to believe maybe something else is going on we haven’t thought of.
There were 2 warning messages on one of the sites I manage One of the warning messages did allow me to view the modified pages, the other one didn’t. The one labeled,
Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/wysija-newsletters/views/front.php was the one that didn’t work. But, Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/readme.txt did allow me to view the file.It also worked for Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/store-locator/js/store-locator.js
BUT did not work for Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/new-user-approve/new-user-approve.php
So it seems to be that maybe there is some error within that part of the plugin that’s working for some files but not all. What could be the cause of this?
Other shared domain didn’t allow me to view modified file which was for: Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/wysija-newsletters/js/tinymce_init.js
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Way to add an attachment to the Approval Email?Josh I’ve had my coding buddy help me out to add an attachment to the new user approve email, but he couldn’t do it by adding the line to my functions.php, he had to add it the plugins main php files, so now everytime you release an upgrade it’s messing up my attachments.
He can’t figure out how to do it on the functions.php. Is there anyway you can build this functionality in, or just tell me the code I should add to my functions.php that can handle this attachment issue, so I don’t have to ask this guy to constantly keep adding this line of code that gets stripped out every time there’s an update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Customize Email Sent to new usersVery cool. Thank you. Thought I was just going crazy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Way to add an attachment to the Approval Email?I had someone give me a hand with this today, and was successful but they couldn’t get it done adding the modifiers to the functions.php file instead they modified the plugin by adding the following code to new-user-approve/new-user-approve.php (not by my advice)
$attachments= array( WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/uploads/2014/09/Filling-out-the-Wholesale-Application.pdf’ );
// send the mail
wp_mail( $user_email, $subject, $message, $this->email_message_headers(), $attachments );This is not ideal, I know. So if you would be so kind, how would you suggest I (he) does this then?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Customize email to approuve/deny userBasically what I’m looking to achieve is
A. Modify the Default Subject for User Approvals to the following
“STEP 2: Get Approved”
B. Add the following in front of the siteurl in the Approval email.
“You can now login at [siteurl]”
C. Modify the Default Subject for User Denial Emails to the following:
“Thank you for your interest in Distributing Vegamatrix.”
D. Modify the default Message for the denial email to the following:
Thank you for your interest in distributing Vegamatrix. We were unable to approve your user account for access to our wholesale backend. If you feel this is an error, please contact our sales department at [email protected].”E. I’d love to be able to add an attachment to the approval email. If you can provide me the code in the other thread created specifically asking about the possibility, you would be a god send. I found what I think would be the correct example on the page you referenced but don’t have a clue as to how exactly to add it so that it does what I need.
Thank you for having patience with this matter, and me ?? I really appreciate your assistance with this problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] Customize email to approuve/deny userJosh I was like crossing my fingers and hoping this would be build into the user interface of with 1.7 update but it seems my hopes were wrong. I’m still having to screw with the code to get things right.
Broke my site for about 5 min trying to add the code. Ended up causing a problem by redeclaring some line of code you told me to add twice.
I added once for modifying approval and then once modifying the denial message.
How would I go about doing this?
What code do I need to add that will be able to handle both changes so I don’t run into this php error conflict that breaks the site?