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  • Are you trying to add this below the footer widgets of your theme? If so, check to see if your theme allows for adding this directly from the Theme Options. A lot of times the option may be referred to as something like “Copyright Text”, “Footer Text”, etc. If not, you can add it to your theme’s footer.php. However, since you not experienced with HTML, this may be difficult. Editing your theme’s files without at least some HTML and PHP knowledge can lead to errors and things not looking right. If you need additional help, let me know.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Favicons

    Check out the plugin page’s support here:

    It looks like you’re not the only one with this problem. Hopefully you find a solution.



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Profile Picture

    Your last post sounds like you’re saying you have two separate user accounts on your site: a Subscriber and an Administrator. If your Gravatar isn’t showing for the admin account, check to make sure the proper email is associated with that account. It seems like you aren’t having the issue with your Subscriber account so the problems seems to be lying with the email in the admin account. You don’t want to delete your current admin account unless you create a new one beforehand. I don’t think deleting the account is necessary either way, though.

    My only other thoughts would be to maybe delete and re-upload the image in Gravatar or to delete and re-add the email altogether in Gravatar. Since it’s your primary email in Gravatar I’m assuming it has been verified, correct?

    If you still are unable to figure it out, it may need looked at in more detail. Let me know if you need anything further.


    If you’re trying to open a new window using the items in your menu bar, go into the menu settings (Appearance –> Menus) and click “Screen Options” in the top-right corner of your screen. Then, in the dropdown, check “Link Target”. This will add a checkbox to each of your menu items (underneath the “Navigation Label” bar) that you can check to open that menu link in a new window. Make sure to save.

    If you’re talking just making your anchor text (link text) open in a new window, you can use the WordPress link tool and select “Open link in a new window/tab” or by editing the HTML directly by adding target=”_blank” after your href=””. This would look like:

    <a href="" target="_blank">Your Anchor Text Here</a>

    Hopefully this answers your question.


    As esmi said, you are very limited. There are no solutions to the best of my knowledge without having complete admin access or FTP. Your only real option is to just export the content and import it on the new site. That’s a tough situation.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Profile Picture

    Go to Users –> Your Profile and confirm that the email associated with your Gravatar is the email on your user profile.

    Go to your admin and create two pages: Home and Blog (or whatever you want to call them). Then go to Settings –> Reading and select the option to use a static front page. Chose your “Home” page as your front page and your “Blog” page as your posts page. Make sure to save your changes. You can then add these pages to your navigation bar. Go to Appearance –> Menus and create a new menu called “Main” (or whatever) and make sure to chose this menu as your theme’s default menu. Add your pages and save. Hopefully this will help get you going.



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Profile Picture

    Settings –> Discussion –> Avatars (at the bottom)

    1. Make sure “Show Avatars” is checked
    2. Select “Gravatar Logo”

    Else, make sure that your User email is set to the email associated with your Gravitar. Your User email may have been set to something different from the admin email.

    Hope this helps.



    1. You’re going to want to create a backup of the database.
    2. Once you do that, you’ll need to create a new mysql database and import the one you exported from the previous site.
    3. Upload the original files
    4. Import the XML file of all the content you exported (pages, posts, etc.). Remember that this is only necessary if you are starting with a new mysql database. Doing this with the same database will cause duplicates.
    5. Update the URL’s

    If you don’t have access to the current site’s FTP, there’s a plugin called Duplicator that seems to lend itself to your situation. I’ve never used it so I can’t vouch. Off the top of my head, though, this will be your only shot at getting the current site’s files. Also, the media files should be in the wp-content/uploads/ directory. My advice would be to contact the original designer to demand access to the files. If the site legally belongs to your client, there may be legal issues with them not giving you access (I’m not a lawyer). Let me know if you have any further questions!



    Did you change any of the URL’s in your General Settings?

    On the left side of your wp-admin for (where you have Pages, Posts, etc.), there is a “Settings” tab toward the bottom. Click it and it will take you to the General Settings. Make sure that both the Site URL and WordPress URL are:

    1. The align attribute for a table is depricated so you should use CSS.
    2. You’re setting the table width to 1161px that’s causing everything in it to stop adjusting to the screen size once it becomes less than 1161px wide. I removed the table width attribute. Hopefully this helps.

    <div style="float:center;">
    <form action="" method="post"><input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="_s-xclick" /> <input name="hosted_button_id" type="hidden" value="R4PH7WPDWVXR8" /></form>
    <table align="center" class="aligncenter" style="height: 56px;">
    			<td style="text-align: center"><input name="on0" type="hidden" value="Autograph Options" />Autograph Options</td>
    			<td style="text-align: center"><select name="os0"><option selected="selected" value="Autographed w/ first name">Autographed w/ first name $20.00</option><option value="No autograph">No autograph $20.00</option></select></td>

    Try editing your product image sizes in WooCommerce –> Settings –> Catalog –> Image Options.

    Your navigation has an id of “site-navigation”. Have you styled this id elsewhere?

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