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Just check, I have over 2300 images but in a lot of small galleries (~240) built over 5 years. One gallery per blog post. I don’t use album much.
and I’m thinking of getting out of nextgen, or using only 1.9.x or build my own system…
yes, lightbox system is completely broken is 2.0.x (most of the modes are broken, some kind of work).
The developer answering question didn’t even know you could add link to CowPoke98 suggested, select ‘no lightbox’ in NextGen and install/enable ‘WP jQuery Lightbox’. That works fine for me.
I think that if Nextgen can’t make lightbox work, they should let other plugin handle it.
As a developer of a Lightroom plugin that exports to NextGen gallery, I’m really disappointed and worried of the direction NextGen took. I used for more than 5 years, and it’s been mostly good but v2.0.x is a disaster, not only in terms of bugs and compatibility, and in terms of design and simplicity. Old short codes which were simple and short are now deprecated, replaced by horrid new ones and now mostly html code, which is pain (impossible?) to generated. The UI to attach content is a , real pain, not programmable, stylesheet/templates are huge over engineering (it used to be a single php file placed in a directory), now see: used to recommend nextgen to all my friends, there’s no way I can do this now.
Time to look for something else…sad.
1) yes, I double checked, wordpress says 2.0.2 (it didn’t work either in 2.0)
that this works for a very long time, more than 5 years on my site
my site with NG 1.9.x :
every pic in the main page is a singlepic + link to open the blog post.2) what’s the purpose of singlepic + link -> you click on the picture and it opens a link. simple. now, you click a picture and it renders the link inside the lightbox:
go to : and click on the picture.
it should open the new page, and it doesn’t.
the singlepic shortcode should be interpreted to something like:
<a href=link> <img src=mypic /> </a>
but I need to use short code this the post in generated (lightroom plugin), not hand-typed.3) without link, of course it works, that’s missing the point.
4) yes, i’m sure: test site just with wp 3.6 and nextgen 2.0.2
The lightbox system needs some serious review and testing: only “shutter” works for me (but not the look I want).
I want to be able to navigate through a gallery, the images should fit in the screen, and it should open only images.Here my example code:
[ngg_images image_ids=3 width=450 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_basic_singlepic link=””%5DSeveral lightboxes try to open links in a lightbox, some do not scale the images to the screen size, some have broken icons, …
Here what I tested (new WP 3.6, nextgen 2.0.2, no other plugins):
shutter: work fine, but not best looks
shutter2 : broken icons
thickbox: scale images ok, but tries to open links into the lightbox
highslide: scale images ok, tries to open links, try open single image link too outside gallery (if you have singlepic and gallery inside one post)
fancybox: tries to open links into lightbox, scale ok
lightbox: tries to open links, wrong scale (do not fit in window), try open single image link too outside galleryLuc
Cool. It does work now.
Thanks !Not fixed in NextGen 1.9.9