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  • The screenshot provided in initial post has several private information, including Brazil Tax ID of post author (considered a very private info in our country). Tagging modlook.

    Eu estava vendo aqui que os celulares de todos os estados já tem o “9” adicional.

    Só a Nextel em SP ainda tem alguns gatos pingados usando a tecnologia IDEN, com linhas prefixo 70xx, 77xx, 78xx e 79xx. N?o fosse isso, daria pra fixar a máscara do celular (ou já dá assim mesmo, n?o sei, rsrs).

    é possível deixar a obrigatoriedade dos campos CPF, Pessoa física condicional?

    Exemplo: Para produtos gratuitos onde n?o vai ter pagamento de fato.

    Da forma como o plugin é hoje, n?o. Precisaria de modifica??es.

    E fazer o mesmo com outros campos como endere?o, etc?

    Só pra deixar claro, essa pergunta n?o tem rela??o direta com esse plugin. Ele foi criado justamente para exibir campos adicionais, n?o para remover campos.

    Mas, respondendo sua pergunta: o WooCommerce só pede um endere?o de entrega ao comprador se ele for receber um produto físico. E o endere?o de cobran?a, você pode remover usando este plugin.


    the trick is passing the number of args your function expects to add_filter(). By default, it considers only 1 argument is being passed and does not consider the rest. In this case, only $fields array is passed, but not the other 2 ($sent_to_admin and $order).

    By adding the args 10 (priority) and 3 (number of args passed to your function) to add_filter(), it works flawlessly. Example:

    function ico_woocommerce_email_customer_details_fields( $fields, $sent_to_admin, $order ) {
    	if ( $order->billing_cellphone ) {
    		$fields['billing_cellphone'] = array (
    			'label' => __( 'Cell Phone', 'woocommerce-extra-checkout-fields-for-brazil' ),
    			'value' => wptexturize( $order->billing_cellphone )
    	return $fields;

    Thanks, Mike, for the awesome WooCommerce plugin! ??

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by renatofrota. Reason: forgot wptexturize() on field value
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by renatofrota. Reason: some code polishment

    Most users just overlook the 1st field on network creation form: Network name.

    Re-read the form carefully and you will find it ??

    I haven’t checked if this is supported by this specific plugin, but I guess not. This kind of redirection of the main URL of a site works much better when made manually on .htaccess or on your hosting control panel.

    In cPanel, for example, you would add as a subdomain, pointed to the same Document Root of (in case it does not exist as a subdomain yet – e.g.: if you are using * wildcard subdomain), and then create a redirection to on the Subdomain itself; or on cPanel>Aliases (or cPanel>Redirections, depending on your panel version and translation) – there you can make it match as well.

    Thanks for your reply, Ken.

    Your plugin is very useful. I will try debugging it myself. If I make any progress, will let you know here. ??


    and unfortunately, I have no idea about how to trace the error.

    Thanks for the heads up!

    I have now updated my post above (and for future readers, check current OptiPNG version at ) and on riccetto80’s account on our server.


    Renato F. from Site5 Support here.

    This has been resolved with:

    mkdir optipng
    cd optipng
    tar -xzvf optipng-0.7.6.tar.gz
    rm optipng-0.7.6.tar.gz
    cd optipng-0.7.6
    ./configure --prefix=$HOME
    make install

    then check if locally installed optipng is running fine:

    optipng -v
    ~/bin/optipng -v

    must return something like this:

    OptiPNG version 0.7.6
    Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Cosmin Truta and the Contributing Authors.
    This program is open-source software. See LICENSE for more details.
    Portions of this software are based in part on the work of:
      Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib)
      Glenn Randers-Pehrson and the PNG Development Group (libpng)
      Miyasaka Masaru (BMP support)
      David Koblas (GIF support)
    Using libpng version 1.6.21 and zlib version 1.2.8-optipng

    Then copy it to wp-content/wwww/ as optipng-custom:

    cp ~/bin/optipng ~/public_html/wp-content/ewww/optipng-custom

    Note: not all Site5 servers have compiling tools available to final customers. In case make or make install fail and no binary is generated (or if you are just not comfortable doing this alone), just get in touch with our support and we will be willing to help you with this ??

    Thread Starter renatofrota


    Hi, Sabuj

    Example: I have translated “Calculator Settings” to “Configura??es da Calculadora”, in Portuguese (Brazil). The tab on Dashboard still says “Calculator Settings”.

    Thread Starter renatofrota


    Hello, kamransyed

    Thanks! Your continued assistance was of extreme importance!

    Thread Starter renatofrota


    Unfortunately, no, I can’t.

    lostpassword_post do not carry any information about the user, so I can’t identify which user is requesting the reset.

    @mike Jolley: if an user that do not have a role on blog (“is not a member of blog”) can login, why can’t he request a password reset? This limitation do not make sense for me.

    Please remove this limitation or add a new hook I can use to customize this. ??


    Thread Starter renatofrota


    Thanks, kamransyed

    However, this didn’t work.

    do_action( 'retrieve_password', $user_login );

    is fired only after

    ! is_user_member_of_blog( $user_data->ID, get_current_blog_id() )

    test – i.e., custom_reset_solution is not called at all in my scenario (I want to customize the reset function exactly to make it bypass the “! is_user_member_of_blog” situation).

    The only action fired prior this test is lostpassword_post, but it do not passes the user ID or any useful information unless a failure happens on the user login check (what won’t be useful for me anyway).

    Thread Starter renatofrota


    Marking as resolved.

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