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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My New Blog: ForgetTheBull.comI also am getting no styling either.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for opinions and especially criticismsSnap, that is awesome. I really like the changes you’ve made. That top header bar looks great.
Few things, the right column on the single page says “Latest H and G”, should that be “Latest C and G” maybe?
Also, the two columns, Latest Specifics and then Latest Everything, might be a little much. It seems like a nice minimal design so maybe just the one column <–personal preference.
Are you going to let people comment at any point or will it always be no comments?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My blog, personal journalThe category page needs some padding between the vertical bar on the left and the title and info.
Otherwise, it all looks good. Very clean and minimal.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: How to protect your own design theme from being copy?Oh snap, what a clear case of them ripping you off. Anyone look at the source code? Your site is all over it. If you view the copy site with CSS turned off, your recent comments, email information, archives, even Flickr all show up.
Aren’t there sites you can put this type of thing on?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Dark. Glass. Sciptaculous. Critique Me.Indeed the rollover issue is a problem and I think I will have to fix it with the method mentioned.
The shadow on the big button is different in the “on” state, it’s double what the regular shadow is. I’m not sure what’s meant by “false” and “anxious” but I’ll work with the regular shadow and see what works.
Indeed the menu buttons do not have shadows. I originally intended this and made it that way but I’ll work with some shadows and see what works.
Thank you for the input, I appreciate it.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Dark. Glass. Sciptaculous. Critique Me.Again, alainS, I agree. That is why earlier I said “So I think I may put something on there to say that it doesn’t look right because of their browser and to fix that they can upgrade.” I know people will go and not know its their browser that makes it look the way it does. So I will inform them and hope they change.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for opinions and especially criticismsThe only thing I see that I feel could be better is what’s already been said, the “Home” and “Back to the Top” links are visually the same as the categories. I think the “Next” and “Previous” are ok, its just the other two buttons.
Original though, good idea.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Dark. Glass. Sciptaculous. Critique Me.Thank you. At the bottom I don’t use a plugin for the journal posts list. I simply query 10 posts and display a link to each inside an li.Like so:
<ul class="lists">
<?php query_posts('showposts=10'); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<_li><_a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><span class="date"><?php the_time('m.j') ?></span> <?php the_title() ?> <_/a><_/li>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
</ul>***Note: the a and li tags shouldn’t have an underscore. Couldn’t figure out how to format it correctly so it would show up, sorry.
I originally had it at the top, but I thought it would be easier at the bottom since users wouldn’t have to click to see it (the “more navigation” link) but instead scroll down.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Dark. Glass. Sciptaculous. Critique Me.jnewing: thanks, ill look into it.
faustina: thanks, i appreciate it.
alainS: I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I couldn’t agree with you more. If I was running an online shop then of course I’d wanna reach the largest possible audience and then I would cater to IE6. Clients deserve the broadest audience too and I think a professional web designer should design for all browsers. It’s just that as long as someone with IE6 sees all sites working on their browser there will be no need to change. So on my personal site I’ll bite the bullet, make it not work in IE and try and create that demand, as small as it might be.
If I was paying myself for this I would feel I would owe myself consistency between different browsers. But since I’m getting it for free from myself then I can’t demand much. ??
I do consider myself professional none the less.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Should I change the font?anyone else like Trebuchet MS?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme :PVery clean, everything works well for me on Firefox 2.0.
I have some personal taste suggestions. The Menu button on the left is easily seen when I scroll and it moves with me, but when the page doesn’t scroll there’s really no big visual mark that makes it stick out as the menu. Maybe you could do something there? Also, the gallery looks totally different so maybe if people knew they were “leaving” your site or if you had a link back to the blog on the gallery pages it could make more sense.
Anyways, great site, very straight to the point, very clean. I like it.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Dark. Glass. Sciptaculous. Critique Me.About the issue with IE6 I am not going to fix it because I want people to upgrade to at least IE7, if not Firefox or Opera or something.
So I think I may put something on there to say that it doesn’t look right because of their browser and to fix that they can upgrade. Not to be rude but I’d rather try to create a demand for standards browsers than to continue fixing for IE. If this were some large corporate site or something for a client then I would try to make it compatible with as many browsers as possible but since it’s just my personal site I’ll stick with just standards compliance (which I think is complete?…)
Thanks for the comment though alainS.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please help me release my first themeYou can validate your site by going to the WDG Validator, putting in your homepage URL and checking the “Validate entire site” box. I don’t know if it’ll get everything, like the search page, but it’ll get a lot of them.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback WelcomeVery well done, very clean. I see no problmes in firefox It’s very well organized and one can tell where they should be looking. I like it.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Norwegian website, don’t be gentleNice and clean indeed. I would only note that the titles on the right side, like “Arkivene” and “Kommentarer” aren’t quite as easy to distinguish as titles than, say, your post titles. Maybe make them a little bolder or bigger? Also, what is this
tag you use for the dates?