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  • Is there an overview of all paid features? If not, would you provide a list for us, please? Thank you! =)

    Thread Starter renet


    Seems like this feature didn’t make it in the last release…

    Here’s some suggestions for consideration:
    – If a user tries to register with (for example) Google+ and a user with that e-mail address already exists: Suggest merging the users (user will then have to authenticate with the credentials, or social login, for the existing user, first).
    – If a user has two or more social networks connected: Let the user specify, from which network he wants to use the profile picture for WP, if any.
    – Allow users to disconnect their WP users from social networks. Make sure that the user specifies a password for the WP user before, so that he still can log-in in the future. And maybe offer the option to automatically delete his account (or request deletion), when disconnecting.

    Not sure, if you already considered some of them… Any plans on this?

    Thread Starter renet



    cool, thanks for your quick reply! Can you estimate, about when this feature will get released? ??


    Thread Starter renet


    And on top, if this is possible: Can I determine whether the currently logged in user has access to a page or not in my theme (I’m a theme dev), so I can simply hide menu Items of pages that the user doesn’t have access to?

    Thread Starter renet


    I don’t have a separate avatar-plugin. It’s WordPress default.

    But it is my Google avatar, so your Google Connect plugin must have caused this.

    It’s possible to edit your posts, please use this possibility to prevent double-posts. Thank you.

    Thanks, shecky. This should have been fixed in version 1.4.47.

    Thread Starter renet


    I think it’d be a good solution. But haven’t you already done this? I’ve looked into your code and found you are using the __($string,$domain) function.

    Thread Starter renet


    Hi, I don’t think that’s a good idea. There might be users who don’t want to change their avatar or don’t want to use an avatar, at all. So here’s what I think would be the best solution:

    1. New user created with Nextend plugin: Use the current avatar from the social network. (Don’t automatically update the avatar when the profile picture of the social network is changed.)

    2.1. Existing user linked: Don’t change the avatar.
    2.2. After linking process is complete: Add a button beside the “unlink”-button that says something like “Use the current Google profile picture as avatar”
    2.3. When this button is clicked: Add the G+ profile picture as avatar, but only once.
    2.4. When the G+ profile picture changes, do nothing (do not update the avatar with the new profile picture), unless the user clicks on that button, again.

    What do you think about this?

    Thread Starter renet


    About unlinking Google, I just produced this error, when trying to unlink my Google account:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘apiServiceException’ with message ‘Error calling GET{removed_by_renet}: (503) Backend Error’ in /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/sdk/io/apiREST.php:86 Stack trace: #0 /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/sdk/io/apiREST.php(56): apiREST::decodeHttpResponse(Object(apiHttpRequest)) #1 /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/sdk/service/apiServiceResource.php(187): apiREST::execute(Object(apiServiceRequest)) #2 /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/sdk/contrib/apiOauth2Service.php(42): apiServiceResource->__call(‘get’, Array) #3 /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/nextend-google-connect.php(142): UserinfoServiceResource->get() #4 /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/nextend- in /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/sdk/io/apiREST.php on line 86

    Refreshing made the error go away. Sorrily I am not able to reproduce it. Just thought it might help you.

    Thread Starter renet


    You’re welcome. The fatal error is gone now, thanks!

    About the points: 3, 4 and 5 (partly) seem to be ok now. I assume you only fixed these issues for the Facebook and Twitter plugins, but the redirect is still buggy for the Google plugin.

    But behaviour hasn’t changed regarding the points 1, 2 and 6. If I can help you fixing these by providing more information, I’d be glad to do so. Just ask. ??

    PS: About point 5 part 2, being able to change/translate the message texts (like “Your Twitter profile is successfully linked …”) in the admin area would really be great, as I am using slightly different terms now. ??

    Thread Starter renet


    Thank you, I’ll test it, as soon as you allow me to:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare new_google_start_session() (previously declared in /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/nextend-google-connect.php:37) in /home/www/web185/html/loud/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextend-google-connect/nextend-google-settings.php on line 42


    Thread Starter renet


    Edit about 3.: Sometimes redirection works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    Thread Starter renet


    5. There is no info-message, when an account has successfully been unlinked. It would be great, if you added it and also added the possibility to change the info-messages in in the admin area (e.g. for translation purposes).

    6. About the “force password change” function: I think it’s not a good idea, as users don’t understand why they are forced to change their password in order to unlink an account. A better solution would be to make sure (as you planned it for the Twitter plugin) that a user entered a valid e-mail address, if the address could not be recieved from the social network. This way you ensure, that the user received the auto-generated password when creating a new WP user with your plugin, so “forced password change” is no longer necessary for unlinking an account.

    Thread Starter renet


    Thank you for all your effort you put into this plugin! It’s really great! Anyway, I have found some issues that came with the unlinking functionality:

    1. If I want to unlink my Google account and click on the unlink-button for the first time, I get to the account selection page of Google (for users with multiple Google accounts) and after I selected the correct account, I get redirected back to my profile, but nothing happened, the account is still linked (not even an error-message). When I click on the unlink button again, it works.

    2. It seems like you redirect to the social network when the unlinking button is clicked. Wouldn’t it be enough to just remove the link-data from the database? As the user has to be logged in for that action, there is no need for further verification.

    3. It seems like your “redirect” parameter is no longer working. I always get redirected to the home page, after I successfully linked or unlinked an account. (But only for the “link account” and “unlink account” links in the profile. The login buttons I added to my comment form work fine.)

    4. The unlink function does not work for Twitter, as you forgot to add &action=unlink to the url.

    Sorry for mixing up Google/Facebook/Twitter, but I think that having all unlinking-issues in one post is better.

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