Forum Replies Created
Hi Jona,
Thank you for your reply and test on your test system.
I tried everything you suggested but the automation still does not work. I will continue the conversation on because I am also your Suite customer. That way it will be easier to share the required data with you.
Best regards,
ReneHello Mario,
Thank you for your fast response and sorry for my late answer ??
I tried what you suggested before I raised this ticket and the action is not working for me. The automation is activated, but when I change the status of the order to Completed and save it, the automation is not executed and the user is not added to my autoresponder (MailerLite)- also in log, there is nothing. See the images below: did not try to disable all plugins and change to the Twenty theme yet.
But with all my plugins (not so many) and with the theme Generate Press, this action is not working.
Best regards,
ReneEnabling the Fix for Lazy Loading Short Codes and Disabling Lazy Load Iframes works for me.
Rene@arnaudbroes Thank you for the great news!
I will definitely wait for the update and test it out. I will let you know about the results.
Really appreciate your efforts and thanks again for the fix you made!
ReneHello @arnaudbroes,
Thank you. Yes, I disabled the FB under social medial so the tags are not generated by AIOSEO plugin.
I investigated a little bit and see that if the FB is enabled under social media, the AIOSEO plugin creates (duplicate) the image that will be displayed on FB with sizes – code snippet below:
<meta property=”og:image” content=”×364.jpg” />
<meta property=”og:image:secure_url” content=”×364.jpg” />
<meta property=”og:image:width” content=”1024″ /><meta property=”og:image:height” content=”364″ />Is there any way to just tell the sizes of the image and not create another image with different dimensions (1024×364) for each blog post, because I don’t want duplicated images, because of disk space.
The plugin I am using now is doing the following thing: It just link to the featured image and set the dimensions, not duplicating the image, see below:
<meta property=’og:image’ content=’’ />
<meta property=’og:image:width’ content=’620’/><meta property=’og:image:height’ content=’541’/>I want to use the AIOSEO plugin to generate the og:tags for me, because it is much more sophisticated than the plugin I am using right now, the only thing that makes me hesitate is the featured image duplication.
Is it possible (maybe once in the future), to add the option to just link to the featured image and set the dimensions and not duplicating the image? This will be very useful at least for me.Thank you for a great plugin.
best regards,
Rene@arnaudbroes sorry for the confusion I made. I performed a further investigation and it turned out that the issue is not related to the theme. The reason that the tags in AIOSEO section disapeard was because I forgot to set the logo image.
But I was able to find which plugin generates meta tags for social sharing and these tags are ok because there is the featured image set which also has height and width attributes.
By the tags set by AIOSEO plugin, there is always a logo image set, which I don’t want. In the old version of AIOSEO plugin, the plugin itself did not generate any og:image tags at least in my case not.
Is there an option to disable the og:image tags to be generated by AIOSEO? The tags I am talking about are these 2 (in the image below):
I want the tags the plugin generates because these tags have the correct feature image set and also sizes height and width.
Best regards,
ReneThe problem was resolved with the solution you proposed. Thank you, Stoyan!
@arnaudbroes I investigated a little bit more and found out the following:
I switched to the Twenty Twenty-One theme and the og:image tags at the beginning disappeared. Then I switched to Generate Press Theme, which I am using, and the og:image tags also seem to work correctly. But when I switched back to my Generate Press child theme, the multiple og:images tags appears again. I tried with a clean child theme, with absolutely no code, I downloaded the child theme from here:
But the problem is the same. It seems that the issue is related to the use of the Child Generate Press theme, and it occurs even if the Child theme is completely empty.
Hope that this helped a little. I cannot switch to the non-child theme, because I have some custom code that must be placed in the child. But as said even a completely blank child theme causes the og:image duplicates.
Your support is highly appreciated!
Rene@arnaudbroes Thank you for your reply. Strange is that if I disable the AIOSEO plugin, it is working ok (that is my workaround right now for posting on Fb. I disable the AIOSEO for a couple of minutes, create and publish a post on Fb, and then activate AIOSEO again).
And as said, AIOSEO versions prior 4.0… works perfectly fine for me.
Of course, I don’t know the background, but just sharing my findings.
Best regards,
ReneHello @sstoqnov,
Thank you for your fast reply.
I can provide you the URL of the staging page, but it is password protected. Is it possible to share credentials with you somewhere private, I don’t want to share them publicly.
ReneOk thank you.
ReneI set the height to 3cm and it looks ok now.
Hi @alexmigf
Ok, I change that to height. Thank you for your support. Highly appreciate it.
Best regards,
Aha ok, no problem, I already implemented your first solution with 0 cm and it works ok now.
Thank you for the fix.
Kind regards,
ReneHello @alexmigf,
Thank you for a fast response. Do you plan to fix this in next version of the plugin? I can wait for that.
However I will add the code to my functions file anyway, but if you will fix it in the next version I will remove it after update. What are your plans?Thank you,