Hi – thanks for the response; I’d love to contact the developer but I purchased the theme through Envato, and support was only for six months.I physically cannot contact support (Themefusion are the developer) without a current support agreement as I am required to supply a purchase code to register for their support page, and even their community support forum (which, by rights, should be free).
This has now expired, and I’m not willing to pay again for extended support to enable me to ask them to fix something which should not have been shipped in this state, so ideally I’d like to fix it myself; I’m also keen to learn about these things so I can self-administrate the problem should it occur elsewhere. Thanks for the tip with the Inspect tool, schoolboy error, I’d forgotten to try that, so I’ll check it out. The site isn’t live yet but I’ll post details of the element if I can’t sort it myself. Cheers!