Thank you for the answers. First I have to say that i was stupid, because i had not published the page, it was a concept so user could not see that page only admin. Must be my age of sixty!
I can translate within the PHP code, so that is okay.
I hope i can ask you still some questions.
Issue about the Bank-module
If i deposit Gold to bank, the current gold amount will decrease but the Banked Gold will not increase.
Is it something i dont understand or something in the software?
in the list off users there is a collum named XP, is that the points you have?
I quess HP has to do with the state of your health.
Can i find somewhere on whitch way the ranking is build?
I realy love this plugin, because maybe i can use it for my website i am making for autistic kids.
I hope you make more modules.
Thanks so far. I can give the website adress but that is in dutch.