Forum Replies Created
No reason. That’s how it came I guess ??
I’ve just removed the crawl-delay so hopefully that helps.
Thank you for your reply!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp Top Bar] topbar covering menu!!!How did you resolve this issue? It’s happening on mobile devices for me so I disabled the top bar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sales Tax Discrepancy between Paypal and WoocommerceUpdate: The initial sales tax and initial total amount charged to the customer is the same amount. The Paypal UI shows matches the initial sales tax and initial total amount as well. The only place where the sales tax and final total amount is different from the initial values are on the order confirmation screen after Paypal redirects back to my site. Then at the top of the page under “Order Received” it shows the initial total:
November 3, 2016
PayPalBut under “Order Details” it shows a different sales tax and total amount:
Small Mixtape T-Shirt (White Image) × 1
Subtotal: $20.00
Shipping: $2.86 via USPS First Class Mail (3-5 business days after fulfillment)
State Tax: $1.71
Payment Method: PayPal
Total: $24.57Woocommerce then expects to see the incorrect total of $24.57 in the admin order screen, but the user has been charged the correct initial total of $24.36.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce sending inc tax amount as ex tax amountWas there a solution to using Paypal Standard? I am having the same issue regardless of if a discount is being applied. I do not have any tax settings in my Paypal account. I also tried enabling Braintree but the Paypal option would not work.
Any idea how to fix the issue when Paypal comes back with a different sales tax amount?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Meta title and description missing JS Console errorI have the same problem. After the update the meta description and title are missing.
Yeah, I changed the widget I’m using to the Top 10 plugin. That one doesn’t display blurry images.
Ok, I’m using the Jetpack Top Post plugin. I’ll try to get feedback from them.
Thank you!Realized the issue is that the plugin is calling thumbnail images that are 40×40 pixels, but it needs 64×64 instead. My media settings specify that thumbnails should be 150×150.
I also use EWWW Image Optimizer and I don’t see any images set to 40×40 when I check the Bulk Optimizer.
I’m not sure where the 40×40 image files are coming from. Shouldn’t it be sizing down from 150×150?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BJ Lazy Load] Breaks on Infinite ScrollHi Bj?rn and Ron, what settings did you use to get the Infinite Scroll to work? I’m having trouble on my site ( It seems to work on mobile just fine, but on desktop it only works if I scroll to the bottom really fast and keep scrolling while the next set of posts are loading. Seems like something isn’t being engaged to load the content.
I have the following settings applied:
Theme loader function: wp_footer
Threshold: 200
Infinite Scroll: YesIf all else fails, can you recommend another Infinite Scroll plugin that I can try?
Thank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Illustratr] Next and Previous buttons are oppositeThanks Kathryn! I just enabled infinite scroll instead. I was having a little trouble with it earlier, but seemed to get it working nicely now.
Thanks again for your help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Illustratr] Having issues with slow load times of postsOk, will do. Thanks for your help Kathryn!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Illustratr] Having issues with slow load times of postsThanks Kathryn, that seems to work pretty good! I installed BJ Lazy Load and it’s helping the page load significantly.
The one issue I’m running into is lazy loading the content with Inifinite Scroll from Jetpack. There seems to be an issue with when the Lazy Load engages after the Infinite Scroll loads the 7 new posts. I’m playing around with the pixel setting to try to adjust this.
Any suggestions?
Thank you so much for your help, it’s drastically better!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Illustratr] Having issues with slow load times of postsHi Kathryn,
Thank you for the reply!
Sorry I wasn’t more clear. My current active blog is on, but I want to move it to so I can customize it more. I’ve started the process and created the temporary URL, while I customize before launch, which is
For the statement of the Soundcloud links. I understand that they do add to page load, but I was hoping I could get them to load one at a time and be displayed as soon as they’re loaded. Instead of loading ALL Soundcloud links plus ALL other content before displaying anything.
Does that make sense?
Thanks again!