Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restricted Site Access] Restricted site being indexed by GoogleAny word on this>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The WP Remote WordPress Plugin] WP-Remote Does Not WorkIt’s still not working and we are experiencing the same + additional issues. The url for some of my sites has mysteriously changed and updating it does not take effect – same incorrect url (that I did not enter). I receive errors on most attempts to update plugins and results are 100% failure for the last month or so. The failures go beyond the occasional deactivation, or sites showing updated when their not or vice versa. Backups are also not working.
I have the same issues with the support team. I get an email and reply then nothing. I send in support tickets that are specific and no response. I believe this is a dead plugin. Their blog has not been updated in about 6 months. I do see these guys are using so I have a pretty good idea they have the capability to track their users but must not have time to actually run an open source plugin, manny offers for help and no real request for anything – testing or otherwise that could help the community of users and Human Maqde run a good plug. Great concept and when it worked it was a real time saver. But as we all know (including you guys over at human made) poorly supported code is a bigger time waster than this plugin can save when it does work.Please advise if you will be responding to tickets or updating the plugin. Further any change log or currently known issues would be really nice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PhotoDropper] Breaks WP 3.5 Media ManagerHey photodropper dev team, can you update uis to let us know if you are working to make this functional with wp-3.5+?
Thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PhotoDropper] Breaks WP 3.5 Media ManagerIs anyone still experiencing issues? I have a different issue, the photodropper button above the kitchen sink does nothing. My media gallery is working fine but the plugin is not functioning at all. When I hover over the button it does not look like it is pointed to anywhere I would expect to see it go, it’s just the edit post link…
Would be great to have this one working again.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] Pages were hackedHi @david_x and @tom willmot,
I’m very curious about this potential issue. Please advise ASAP, I have deactivated the plugin across all of my sites pending the outcome of your investigation. I could see how this could happen storing the .zip of the entire site/db so I would like to error on the side of caution.Tom please advise what you find to be the case here,
usually because some value has not been defined or set, it usually likes everything to be declared. But the issue with this plugin has to do with the below function throwing this error:
Unable to get value of the property ‘ajaxClass’: object is null or undefined
script block (14), line 40 character 6:Any help would be great!
(function( $ ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// WP Accordion ////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// $.widget( 'wpui.wpaccord', { options : { header : 'h3.wp-tab-title', content : 'div.wp-tab-content', ajaxClass : 'a.wp-tab-load', effect : (typeof wpUIOpts != "undefined") ? wpUIOpts.accordEffect : '', autoHeight : (typeof wpUIOpts != "undefined" && wpUIOpts.accordAutoHeight == 'on' ) ? true : false, collapse : (typeof wpUIOpts != "undefined" && wpUIOpts.accordCollapsible == 'on' ) ? true : false, easing : (typeof wpUIOpts != "undefined" ) ? wpUIOpts.accordEasing : '', accordEvent : ( typeof wpUIOpts != "undefined" ) ? wpUIOpts.accordEvent : '', wpuiautop : true, hashChange : true, template : '<div class="wp-tab-content"><div class="wp-tab-content-wrapper">{$content}</div></div>' }, _create : function() { self = this; $this = this.element; this.o = this.options; this.header = $this.find( this.o.header ); = $this.attr( 'id' ); if ( this.o.wpuiautop ) { $this.find('p, br') .not( this.o.content + ' > br, ' + this.o.content + '.wp-tab-content > p' ) .filter(function() { return( $.trim( $(this).html() ) === '' ); }).remove(); } $this.find( this.o.header + ',' + this.o.content ).wrapAll( '<div class="accordion" />' ); this.header.each( function() { var elId = $( this ).text(), toLoad = $( this ).children( self.o.ajaxClass ), img = $( this ).find( 'img' ), linkStr = ''; elId = $.wpui.getIds( elId, ); $( this ) // .next() .attr( 'id', elId ); if ( toLoad.length ) { $( '<div />' ) .load( toLoad.attr( 'href' ), function( data ) { $( this ).html( self.o.template.replace( /\{\$content\}/, data ) ); }) .insertAfter( this ); } }); }, _init : function() { var options = {}, accClass; options.autoHeight = this.o.autoHeight ? true : false; if ( this.o.collapsible ) { options.collapsible = true; = false; } if ( this.o.easing ) options.animated = this.o.easing; options.event = this.o.accordEvent; this.accordion = $this.children( '.accordion' ).accordion( options ); accClass = $this.attr( 'class' ); if ( activePanel = accClass.match(/acc-active-(\d){1}/im) ) { this.accordion.accordion( 'activate', parseInt( activePanel[ 1 ], 10 ) ); } if ( $this.hasClass( 'wpui-sortable' ) ) { this.header.each(function() { $( this ).wrap( '<div class="acc-group" />' ); $( this ).parent().next().insertAfter( this ); }); this.accordion .accordion({ header: "> div.acc-group > " + self.o.header }).sortable({ handle : self.o.header, axis : 'y', stop: function( event, ui ) { ui.item.children( "h3" ).triggerHandler( "focusout" ); } }); } // Auto rotate the accordions this.rotate(); if ( typeof( $.wpui.ids.children ) == 'undefined' ) $.wpui.ids.children = {}; $this.find( '.wp-tab-content-wrapper' ).contents().each(function() { if ( ) $.wpui.ids.children[ ] = $( this ).closest( '.ui-accordion-content' ).attr('id'); }); }, _setOption : function( key, value ) { switch( key ) { case "destroy": this.destroy(); break; } $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments ); }, rotate : function() { var self = this, rSpeed = this.element.attr( 'class' ).match( /tab-rotate-(.*)/, "$1" ), aRot, rotac; if ( rSpeed ) { rSpeed = rSpeed[1]; if ( rSpeed.match(/(\d){1,2}s/, "$1") ) rSpeed = rSpeed.replace(/s$/, '') * 1000; cPanel = this.accordion.accordion( 'option', 'active' ); tPanel = this.accordion.children().length / 2 -1; rotac = setInterval(function() { self.accordion.accordion( 'activate', ( cPanel > tPanel ) ? 0 : cPanel++ ); }, rSpeed ); self.accordion.children(":nth-child(odd)").bind( 'click', function() { clearInterval( rotac ); }); } }, destroy : function() { this.header.unwrap(); this.header.attr( 'class', this.o.header.replace( /.{1,6}\./, '' ) ); this.header.siblings( this.o.content ).attr( 'class', this.o.content.replace( /.{1,6}\./, '' ) ).removeAttr( 'id' ).show(); $ this ); } }); })( jQuery );
Hi @hifidesign
many seem to be experiencing this. This is the thread that it is happening under:
Please let me know if you found a way to make this work in IE, thanks!
@signcarver just an FYI your FAQ page is not rendering an accordion in IE.
I also find that when adding a title to the template for accordions that the title prints as it should at the top of the accordion list of posts but repeats about 20 times below the list of posts in the accordion? I am still not able to get the accordion to work in IE after days of changing settings. I was able to get it to work in IE but only for a moment and with a setting config that I was not happy with. I found that : or , or . ion the posts title will break the list of posts displayed in an accordion. I have reached out to the plugin author on twitter, his website and here to no avail. Pretty sad, this is a great plugin and great concept – exactly what I was looking for but with all plugins will have to drop using it due to non-functional in IE which I will remind is still the majority of internet users hitting all of my sites.
Im having the same issues and have identified the same issues as @invaderb. It is the accordions and further these options in the plugin settings may make it work or not:
1. set a title vs leaving it blank
2. Accordion auto height (try checking or unchecking the box for Uniform accordion panel height.)I have also found that having any characters in the post title that are not letters, numbers may make it break.
This is an issue and will ultimately make me stop using this otherwise awesome plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Post Analytics] [Plugin: WordPress Post Analytics] Error messageIm concerned about the security of this plugin, most people have an adwords account connected with the same password as analytics and all of their google account services including others which may potentially contain cedit card and other personal data (google wallet). The analytics account, likely linked to other google services will use the same password.
When I installed and ran into issues the post with the short code took out the entire page with a verbos error message, like others have posted, my error contained my user name and password. I would assume this is a flaw in the code and should really be addressed.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: front and back end unavailable – parse errorcase closed, wow for the record this is one of the dumbest errors I have made to date. I set text wrangler to number the lines, but actually in the file rather than on the side of the file. The issue was that the line numbers were actually saved as text inline on the file, WOW!~
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: front and back end unavailable – parse erroralso, I have a index.html up so that is why I included the /index.php in my above url to the site.