I found the place where I the date format is. It’s in wp-rss-widget/includes/views/view-widget-display.php
<?php if ( $show_date || $show_author ): ?>
<div class=”wprss-w-meta”>
if ( $show_date ) {
$item_date = get_the_time( ‘U’, get_the_ID() );
$item_date = ( $item_date === ” )? date(‘U’) : $item_date;
$fulldate = date( ‘j.n.Y’, $item_date );
echo ‘<span class=”wprss-w-date”>’ . $fulldate . ‘</span>’;
$author = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘wprss_item_author’, TRUE );
if ( $show_author && ! empty( $author ) ) {
echo ‘<span class=”wprss-w-author”>By ‘ . $author . ‘</span>’;
<?php endif; ?>
Where there’s j.n.Y now was the old format of 4th Jul 18. How can I make this change to last over updates?