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  • Good find @omarkoza!

    Unfortunately I have the ai1ec plugin deeply integrated with my own plugin and would have substantial recoding to integrate another calendar plugin. I have fixed their issues as I find them so it continues to work with my application.

    It appears that Timely has abandoned updates on their plugin. When I sent a message to report the errors, they suggest using their paid subscription service instead.

    I have stopped the error log generation by making the following changes to lines 318 and 718 in the file IcalXML.php

    Line 318 change from:
    @is_null( $content[Util::$LCparams][Util::$TZID] )) {

    Line 318 change to:
    (isset($TZID) && @is_null( $content[Util::$LCparams][Util::$TZID] )) ) { // added isset to stop errorlog

    Line 718 change from:
    ( Util::$MINUS != $content[0] ) &&

    Line 718 change to:
    (isset($content[0]) && ( Util::$MINUS != $content[0] )) && // added isset to stop errorlog

    The code below is what I created in a plugin that runs on both multi-site and single site installations. My plugin depends on the All in One Event Calendar and the recent upgrade locked calendar access for event creation and edits. This code may be placed in your theme’s function.php file if you are not using a custom plugin as I do.

    * This checks if the ai1ec api settings are enabled, and
    * if not calls the function to enable them. It was required
    * due to changes that turned off the options in
    * an update unless an account was created.
    $option_name = ‘ai1ec_api_settings’;
    $options_array = array(
    array (
    ‘option_name’ => ‘enabled’,
    ‘option_value’ => true
    ); // option array set ai1ec api to enabled

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array[‘enabled’]) set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array);
    //Set enabled only if it isn’t already set.

    * function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)
    * This sets or updates an option stored in the
    * WordPress options table. An array saved in
    * this program is passed to this function an we
    * iterate through the array to get desired
    * options. Options are retrived from options
    * table, the array is updated and then saved
    * back to WP options using WP functions.
    function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array) {
    //Get entire array

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array (
    $option_name => $options_array);

    foreach ( $options_array as $option_value) {

    // Alter the options array with new value if it existed already
    if ($wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array_replace($wp_options_array, array (
    $option_value[‘option_name’] => $option_value[‘option_value’]));
    } // end foreach
    //Update entire array
    $status = update_option( $option_name, $wp_options_array );

    return $status; // this is boolean true if update saved ok
    // end set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)

    The code below is what I created in a plugin that runs on both multi-site and single site installations. My plugin depends on the All in One Event Calendar and the recent upgrade locked calendar access for event creation and edits. This code may be placed in your theme’s function.php file if you are not using a custom plugin as I do.

    * This checks if the ai1ec api settings are enabled, and
    * if not calls the function to enable them. It was required
    * due to changes that turned off the options in
    * an update unless an account was created.
    $option_name = ‘ai1ec_api_settings’;
    $options_array = array(
    array (
    ‘option_name’ => ‘enabled’,
    ‘option_value’ => true
    ); // option array set ai1ec api to enabled

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array[‘enabled’]) set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array);
    //Set enabled only if it isn’t already set.

    * function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)
    * This sets or updates an option stored in the
    * WordPress options table. An array saved in
    * this program is passed to this function an we
    * iterate through the array to get desired
    * options. Options are retrived from options
    * table, the array is updated and then saved
    * back to WP options using WP functions.
    function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array) {
    //Get entire array

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array (
    $option_name => $options_array);

    foreach ( $options_array as $option_value) {

    // Alter the options array with new value if it existed already
    if ($wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array_replace($wp_options_array, array (
    $option_value[‘option_name’] => $option_value[‘option_value’]));
    } // end foreach
    //Update entire array
    $status = update_option( $option_name, $wp_options_array );

    return $status; // this is boolean true if update saved ok
    // end set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)

    The code below is what I created in a plugin I created that runs on both multi-site and single site installations. My plugin depends on the All in One Event Calendar and the recent upgrade locked calendar access for event creation and edits. This code may be placed in your theme’s function.php file if you are not using a custom plugin as I do.

    * This checks if the ai1ec api settings are enabled, and
    * if not calls the function to enable them. It was required
    * due to changes that turned off the options in
    * an update unless an account was created.
    $option_name = ‘ai1ec_api_settings’;
    $options_array = array(
    array (
    ‘option_name’ => ‘enabled’,
    ‘option_value’ => true
    ); // option array set ai1ec api to enabled

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array[‘enabled’]) set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array);
    //Set enabled only if it isn’t already set.

    * function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)
    * This sets or updates an option stored in the
    * WordPress options table. An array saved in
    * this program is passed to this function an we
    * iterate through the array to get desired
    * options. Options are retrived from options
    * table, the array is updated and then saved
    * back to WP options using WP functions.
    function set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array) {
    //Get entire array

    $wp_options_array = get_option($option_name);

    if (!$wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array (
    $option_name => $options_array);

    foreach ( $options_array as $option_value) {

    // Alter the options array with new value if it existed already
    if ($wp_options_array) $wp_options_array = array_replace($wp_options_array, array (
    $option_value[‘option_name’] => $option_value[‘option_value’]));
    } // end foreach
    //Update entire array
    $status = update_option( $option_name, $wp_options_array );

    return $status; // this is boolean true if update saved ok
    // end set_or_update_wp_options($option_name,$options_array)

Viewing 5 replies - 91 through 95 (of 95 total)