These options are missing after enabling the plugin
Linked products
For single product
To add linked product go to Admin Panel -> Products -> Edit product.
In Product Data metabox open Linked products tab.
Add products to Linked Products, that can be removed or Linked Products, that can be removed only with this product field
For products in category
To add linked product to category go to Admin Panel -> WooCommerce -> Force Sell.
In Categories? block select category in dropdown menu and click Add Category.
In table add products to Products Added field
Check Linked if products can be removed only with added product
For products list
To add linked product to list of products go to Admin Panel -> WooCommerce -> Force Sell.
In Products? click Add Product.
In table add products to Products field. Those are products list
In table add products to Products Added field. Those are products that will be added to products from Products field
Check Linked if products can be removed only with added product