Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Simple AJAX call not returning resultsYou should also be using the wordpress function wp_die(), rather than the php function die().
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Last Login] FIX for undefined $current_screenTrying to get property of non-object in plugins/user-last-login/user-last-login.php on line 147
Still getting this error in 1.2. The rest api url of /wp-json/wp/v2/users generates this error. The $current_screen global will not be set in a rest api call.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying most recent post on static pageahhh, then perhaps a shortcode may be the way to go.
Insert a shortcode into the static page content where you want your post excerpt to appear:
Then, in the functions.php file, you can put the code to display what you need in a function like so:
function mario_post() { $html = 'Content to be displayed'; return $html; } add_shortcode('mario_post_excerpt','mario_post');
The function code to retrieve the post excerpt will need to be a custom loop. The link I posted earlier has example code for that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying most recent post on static pageFollowup: Using the
filter will not work if the new loop is usingthe_content()
to display it’s content, due to recursion issues. While solvable, I don’t really recommend trying it that way.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying most recent post on static pageIf multiple posts are being displayed on the the page then you should be able to insert what you want between the posts, something like this:
if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); the_content(); get_template_part('insert_stuff'); } }
You may want to use a counter to only insert it between the 2nd and 3rd post, for example.
If only one post is being displayed then you may be able to use the filter
to insert something. Only problem there would be to figure where to insert it at.add_filter('the_content','insert_my_stuff'); function insert_my_stuff($content) { if (is_home()) { // maybe is_front() // locate where you want to insert $pos = strpos($content,'insert here maybe'); if (!$pos===false) { // split content at point of insertation $before = substr($content,0,$pos); $after = substr($content,$pos+1); // get new content $new = new_content_loop(); // add in the new content $content = $before . $new . $after; } } return $content; }
This is just a general outline of how you might do something like this. You would need to work with it to arrive at a usable solution.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying most recent post on static pageYou have complete control over where it shows up. What I usually do is put that second loop in a separate file, along with the HTML to display the content. Then in the static page I will use get_template_part() to load the file. This keeps it all modular, and allows me to use that same loop in other places if I need to.
Break, definitely break.
change needed to be:
add_action( 'init', 'aioseop_init_class', 1 );
plus, all_in_one_seo_pack.php:359: change priority 1 to a 2
add_action( 'init', 'aioseop_load_modules', 2 );
I thought it interesting just how many plugins want an init priority of 1. I feel sure the aioseop people will tell you to stay out of their code. And they will be right.
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'aioseop_init_class' );
can be changed to
add_action( 'init', 'aioseop_init_class' );
That might fix your problem. Or it might break your system.
Tread with care.
I am running the exact same wp and plugin versions
This may be related to your issue. This error has been showing up in my logs:
PHP Notice: bbp_setup_current_user was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init().
debug_backtrace() produces this: (edited some for brevity)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/sub-actions.php [function] => _doing_it_wrong [args] => Array ( [0] => bbp_setup_current_user [1] => The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init(). [2] => 2.3 ) ) [1] => Array ( [function] => bbp_setup_current_user ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php [function] => call_user_func_array [args] => Array ( [0] => bbp_setup_current_user ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => set_current_user ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php [function] => wp_set_current_user [5] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php [function] => get_currentuserinfo ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/user.php [function] => wp_get_current_user ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/admin/meta_import.php [function] => get_current_user_id ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php [args] => Array ( [0] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/admin/meta_import.php ) ) [9] => Array ( [function] => aioseop_init_class ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php [function] => call_user_func_array [args] => Array ( [0] => aioseop_init_class ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-settings.php [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => plugins_loaded ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-config.php ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-load.php ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /home3/creatomb/public_html/index.php ) )
As far as I can tell, this is what is happening:
Item 11 is where the ‘plugins_loaded’ action is fired. This pulls in Item 9 – aioseop_init_class. Later code, Item 7, wants the user ID. This causes WP to go looking for that information, which causes the ‘set_current_user’ action to be fired off, Item 3. This pulls in Item 1, ‘bbp_setup_current_user’. That function checks to see if the action ‘after_setup_theme’ has been done – which it has not! It then calls _doing_it_wrong(), which calls trigger_error(). I have no idea what happens after that. Hopefully this can help someone more familiar with these plugins figure out how to fix the issue.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Calling specific category to front pageI see a couple of things:
The line
<h4><?php echo $feature_posts->post_title; ?></h4>
has an error in it. It should be<h4><?php echo $feature_post->post_title; ?></h4>
.Also, as already pointed out, the image url is never defined.
You shouldn’t need the array_reverse() call. Just add
'order' => 'ASC'
to the array.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to include a Php fileSorry for the late reply. I don’t log on here on a regular basis. I hope you have already solved the problem…
If I am understanding your problem correctly, I would not create the 30 different pages, but rather 1 single template file that can display any category. The category can be passed back to the server as a POST variable, which the template can then read and include the appropriate php file to display the category requested.
Frankly, this is not specifically a WordPress question, and you might be better served looking for information on websites dealing more generally with php .
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying most recent post on static pageSounds like you need to add a custom query to the page. Take a look at, and look at the multiple loops example.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to include a Php file<?php include("../services/lulu.php"); ?>
Depending on where you are inserting this in a file, you may not need the surrounding php tags. Also, this will not work from within the editor. WordPress does not execute php there, due to security concerns.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: A user variable whose versions are also saved.One way could be to make the “weight history” an array using a date string as the index. Then just save it as user_meta using the ‘personal_options_update’ filter.
add_action(‘personal_options_update’, ‘update_weight_history’);
function update_weight_history($user_id) {
if (current_user_can(‘edit_user’,$user_id)) {
$weight_history = get_user_meta($user_id,’weight_history’);
$weight_history[date(‘Y-m-d’,time())] = floatval($_POST[‘weight’]);
update_user_meta($user_id, ‘weight_history’, $weight_history);
}Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Different homepages based on cookies?
if (isset($_COOKIE[‘cookie_name’])) {
wp_redirect(‘new_location_addr’); exit;