Richard Thripp
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] include integrationWhere do the short URLs appear in your Twitter account when created through the API? I’m doing testing on it and I can’t find them in my account anywhere.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The Loop gone rogue: goes on endlessly..I haven’t tested Tweet This with multiple loops, but try removing update_post_caches first.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] Takes 3 tries to upgrade pluginI couldn’t find any solution. Sorry. You’ll have to try continue clicking upgrade three times or upload the plugin by FTP yourself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] Takes 3 tries to upgrade pluginI gave up on automatic updating a long time ago because WordPress could never log into my FTP account. I tried it again after reading your post using a non-root account, and it was successful. However, I got the same error messages you did when trying to upgrade from Tweet This 1.5.2 to 1.5.3, and it didn’t work on the third try either. I had to wait five minutes before the error message would show up each time I tried upgrading.
I have no idea how the auto-upgrade works or what is causing this. I’ll do some research on it tomorrow, and I’ll try using FTP instead of FTPS. If anyone else can shed some light on this, please post.
Tweet This has been downloaded 32,000 times and no one has reported this before. I hope it doesn’t affect everyone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] Just Icons for “links”You cannot just remove the text from the “Link:” box in the options because it cannot be left blank. You have to enter “[BLANK]” in it (including the brackets). This used to be indicated more prominently, but in my efforts to simplify the options menu in 1.5 I made it harder to find. It only tells you that when you hover over “Link” (notice it is underlined).
The [BLANK] tag also works for the other social networking services. Make sure that is all that is in the link text box.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] Tweet this appears on pages and postsYou should be able to able to accomplish this by checking “Hide Tweet This on pages” only. Tweet This links should appear everywhere except pages.
I just released v1.4 which is more stable, so this is a great time to upgrade.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tweet This, a WordPress Plugin for TwitterA dumb inefficient MySQL query on the home page cooked my server, and since is the default URL shortener everything was timing out. I stripped of URL lists and hit counters so it’s more like / TinyURL and less like I also released version 1.4 of the plugin a few minutes ago which improves the speed a lot. Tweet This has been getting more negative than positive feedback because of these glaring issues, but I’m hoping to turn this around now.
ALSO: latest version adds open in new window option.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweet This] error for tweet this pluginA dumb inefficient MySQL query on the home page cooked my server, and since is the default URL shortener everything was timing out. I stripped of URL lists and hit counters so it’s more like / TinyURL and less like I also released version 1.4 of the plugin a few minutes ago which improves the speed a lot. Tweet This has been getting more negative than positive feedback because of these glaring issues, but I’m hoping to turn this around now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: tweet this just stalls and hangs the wordpress system?A dumb inefficient MySQL query on the home page cooked my server, and since is the default URL shortener everything was timing out. I stripped of URL lists and hit counters so it’s more like / TinyURL and less like I also released version 1.4 of the plugin a few minutes ago which improves the speed a lot. Tweet This has been getting more negative than positive feedback because of these glaring issues, but I’m hoping to turn this around now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tweet This, a WordPress Plugin for Twitter@katebb That happens if allow_url_fopen is disabled; try out version 1.3.9 which switches to curl if so, or uses local URLs if both are disabled. You shouldn’t get that error message anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tweet This, a WordPress Plugin for Twitter@tixrus I added that in the new version 1.2. You can specify whatever text you want before or after the URL or title.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tweet This, a WordPress Plugin for TwitterThis plugin is at version 1.1.1 now, and it’s a lot more efficient (caches URLs) and has good configuration options. Get it here:
or here:
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: The size of the WordPress archiveTarballs (tar.gz format) are more efficient because the files are compressed as a whole. The cost is that to extract one file (i.e. wp-config.php), your computer has to read through every file in the archive. The benefit is that the compression is more efficient, which is why the file size is smaller than ZIP.
The file sizes listed on the WordPress download page are just plain wrong. They should be 1.5MB and 1.3MB or 1.4MiB and 1.2MiB, not 1.2MB and 1.0MB. 1 kilobyte == 1000 bytes, 1 kibibyte == 1024 bytes, even though Windows says a kibibyte is a kilobyte.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Conditional text if there are no tags?I figured it out; just put the period outside the tags code. This does exactly what I wanted:
By <?php the_author_link(); ?> at <?php the_time('Y-m-d\TH:i:s') ?> in <?php the_category(',') ?><?php the_tags((', with these tags: '), ', ', ''); ?>.
If there are no tags, it just shows the period, and if there are tags, there are the tags, then the period. Didn’t think of that earlier for some reason.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: .gz compression only @ homepage (WP-Super-Cache 0.6)Here’s the subpage analysis; I mixed up the URIs above.