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  • He is basically asking you to pay $19.95 for a feature they removed within the past month that was always for free, but now requires payment.

    He is basically asking you to pay $19.95 for a feature they removed within the past month that was always for free, but now requires payment.

    Thread Starter richconner


    So this is basically a money grab on your part? Why else would you change your product after several years of it being the same only to remove one of the core features and now charge for it.

    You sound so excited about this money grab… which I guess you should be since you are forcing everyone here to suddenly pay money for a standard feature. It’s like Facebook charging you $19.95 to post on your own wall.

    Thread Starter richconner


    One of the channels was banned from Twitch.

    Thread Starter richconner


    I can confirm that it does work on a single site; however, on my multi-site it is not currently working. Do you have any advice as to why this is or if there are any known issues with multi-sites?

    Thread Starter richconner




    I recommend attempting to use a slug processor. I’ve found that title and page duplications occur because they are either not being used or being used incorrectly.

    Thread Starter richconner


    I solved this issue.

    Those having similar issues make sure you setup a slug processor. If you do not do this, you will have the issue that I am describing.

    Thread Starter richconner


    Basically, WP Pipes is making duplicate posts instead of updating the post. Why would this happen?

    Thread Starter richconner


    New error report in my e-mail when manually executing cron.

    REFRESH(0 sec): [1]

    Error 502 Ray ID: 2197b8643edc0169 ? 2015-08-21 16:31:03 UTC

    Bad gateway








    What happened?

    The web server reported a bad gateway error.

    What can I do?

    Please try again in a few minutes.

    Thread Starter richconner


    This was somehow resolved after I literally changed nothing. After 8 “every 30 minute” crons it started producing something else; however, it still is not executing the new posts. I will create a new thread.

    Thread Starter richconner


    and yes… before you ask.

    I have Yes checked for all of the settings.

    My cron’s are also not working automatically.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP Pipes] YouTube Videos
    Thread Starter richconner


    phamtungpth, that worked great.

    Can you provide the same assistance for the parser code for the following:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP Pipes] YouTube Videos
    Thread Starter richconner


    Correction, here is the pipe.

    {“name”:”News of Legends”,”published”:”1″,”engine”:”rssreader”,”engine_params”:”{\”limit_items\”:\”4\”,\”fix_time\”:\”0\”,\”cache_time\”:\”5000\”,\”feed_url\”:\”http:\\\/\\\/\\\/index.php\\\/feed\\\/\”,\”mode\”:\”1\”,\”cache\”:\”1\”,\”order_by_date\”:\”1\”,\”order_by_date_follow\”:\”0\”}”,”adapter”:”post”,”adapter_params”:”{\”postformat\”:\”0\”,\”schedule\”:\”i5\”,\”category\”:1,\”public\”:\”publish\”,\”author\”:\”1\”,\”use_custom_field\”:\”0\”}”,”inherit”:”0″,”inputs”:”{\”ip\”:[[{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”link\”,\”if\”:\”url\”},{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”link\”,\”if\”:\”html\”}],[{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”link\”,\”if\”:\”url\”},{\”st\”:\”0\”,\”of\”:\”fulltext\”,\”if\”:\”html\”},{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”enclosures\”,\”if\”:\”enclosure\”}],[{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”title\”,\”if\”:\”text\”}],[{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”link\”,\”if\”:\”url\”},{\”st\”:\”0\”,\”of\”:\”fulltext\”,\”if\”:\”html\”}]],\”ia\”:[{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”title\”,\”if\”:\”title\”},{\”st\”:\”2\”,\”of\”:\”slug\”,\”if\”:\”slug\”},{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”description\”,\”if\”:\”excerpt\”},{\”st\”:\”3\”,\”of\”:\”html\”,\”if\”:\”content\”},{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”date\”,\”if\”:\”date\”},{\”st\”:\”1\”,\”of\”:\”images\”,\”if\”:\”images\”},{\”st\”:\”e\”,\”of\”:\”title\”,\”if\”:\”metakey\”}]}”,”outputs”:”{\”oe\”:[\”title\”,\”link\”,\”description\”,\”author\”,\”date\”,\”enclosures\”],\”op\”:[[\”fulltext\”,\”full_html\”],[\”html\”,\”images\”],[\”slug\”],[\”html\”]]}”,”pipes”:[{“code”:”get_fulltext”,”name”:”Get Fulltext”,”params”:”{\”clear_attribute\”:\”id,class,style\”,\”origin_site\”:\”\”,\”clear_tags\”:\”script,style,link,meta\”,\”charset\”:\”UTF-8\”,\”useragent\”:\”Mozilla\\\/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko\\\/20041001 Firefox\\\/0.10.1\”,\”minimum_word\”:\”10\”,\”maximum_word\”:\”0\”,\”note\”:\”\”,\”custom_ck\”:\”location.href=1;\”,\”code\”:\”\”,\”input\”:\”0\”,\”auto_fulltext\”:\”1\”,\”clear_space\”:\”1\”,\”atag\”:\”0\”,\”curl\”:\”1\”,\”clear_html_comment\”:\”1\”}”,”ordering”:”0″},{“code”:”image”,”name”:”Get Images”,”params”:”{\”get_image\”:\”1\”,\”stop_if_empty\”:\”0\”,\”clear_tiny\”:\”5×5\”,\”image_local\”:\”images\\\/wppipes\”,\”origin_url\”:\”\”,\”makelist\”:\”1\”,\”number_imgs\”:\”1\”,\”remove\”:\”0\”,\”special_img_url\”:\”0\”,\”limit_width\”:\”5;600\”,\”default_img\”:\”\”,\”note\”:\”\”}”,”ordering”:”1″},{“code”:”slug”,”name”:”Slug”,”params”:”{\”replace_chars\”:\”\”,\”note\”:\”\”}”,”ordering”:”2″},{“code”:”original_source”,”name”:”Original Source”,”params”:”{\”text\”:\”Click here to read this article at\”,\”note\”:\”\”}”,”ordering”:”3″}]}

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