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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Template Repeating User RatingThank you.
Man, I switched from an HTML/CSS site to WordPress to keep the code clean as I could not keep up with the compatibility updates. This is messed up!
Which lines point to the header.php file? I would love to take care of them first.
I fixed a few things on the main site with double quotations, but some of the other “errors” are there due to javascript it looks like.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Template Repeating User RatingNothing, huh? I was hoping I could get rid of the title. I am not sure if I explained it, but it is the title of last post that is rated that shows underneath every single post. Do you think it is an issue with the star rating system rather than the code from the template?
That gives me two error messages. If I add my absolute links so it looks like this, it works fine:
Full content is for !!levels!! members only. Log In ? or Register here ?
The only issue that I can forsee is that if you click the Log In button on the excerpt on the first page, it would be nice if it took you to the actual post. Once you log in, you are back on the main page and have to find the article and click the Read More link.
Way better than it was, that is for sure. If people access the article from the menu, it works great. Thank you.
I have paid for a one year subscription. How can this be fixed?
Is there an easy way for me to determine what is happening? This is the last stumbling block I have with PMP.
It is a big one too, as those who are not familiar with navigating WordPress will click on the “LOG IN” link on a thread they want to read and wind up in the USER PROFILE instead, saying “Where am I?!”
Here are the plugins I have – in case any are suspect. I swear it was working before the last update, but I can be mistaken as I often am.
Advanced Excerpt
Awesome Filterable Portfolio
BulletProof Security
Custom Post Templates
Donate Extra
Force Regenerate Thumbnails
GD Star Rating
Google AdSense Plugin
Jetpack by WordPress.com
List category posts
My Category Order
Paid Memberships Pro
WP Content Copy ProtectionThank you, I had already figured out how to do this. I am sorry, but sometimes I find it confusing as I am not well-versed in WordPress (yet). For others having issues, maybe this will help?
1. Go to the WP admin Dashboard;
2. Choose “USERS” on the left side of the menu;
3. At the top, click “ADD NEW” and enter the new user information;
4. Once created, choose “EDIT” under the new user;
5. In the MEMBERSHIP section at the bottom of the user profile, under “CURRENT LEVEL” select the level you wish to give the user access to.But doing this led me to another issue that I wrote about here:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/login-from-post-redirects-to-member-profile?replies=2I appreciate the response though, thanks so much!
I am in a similar situation. While I completely understand the need for you to get paid for your support time and effort, the questions I needed answered will make or break whether I even use PMP to begin with. For me, there is little point in paying $97/$497 for a membership – for a plugin that has not demonstrated to me that it is exactly what I am looking for.
From what I see, it is an awesome plugin, but if you were looking at cars, you would not pay for a warranty on one that does not start to begin with, while you are still shopping around. Get it running and it is a completely different story.
I found this from an earlier post, but it would be a big help if you could walk me through this a little more…
You could do this with a redundant level. Create a free “applicant” level that doesn’t have access to anything, but you’ll get the new user notice and will be able to login and change the user to another “real user” level that does have access.
When creating the second level, choose “disable new signups”. That will keep it from showing up on the levels page and will keep people from sneaking in via /membership-checkout/?level=2, but you’ll still be able to assign it via the admin.
I created a new level called “VIP Access” and ticked off the “Check to hide this level from the membership levels page and disable registration.” option. It does not show up in the levels page as indicated.
Now I am stuck… How do I add someone to this level?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Teaser Text For Non-Members/MembersBrilliant! Thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Teaser Text For Non-Members/MembersI already had that done and it works great in preview mode. But when I publish the page, only allows the same characters as any other excerpt.
Maybe it is best if I just expand or delete the excerpts and manually add the ‘READ MORE” tag?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Teaser Text For Non-Members/MembersYes, sorry – it was Paid Membership Pro.
Thank you. Do I just add the /paid-memberships-pro/css/ directory and add the file?
Wow, no help here, huh? I messed with the code until I found what I needed. If anyone else has the same problem, here is the solution:
/public_html/YOUR WORDPRESS DIRECTORY/wp-content/plugins/paid-memberships-pro/css
LINE 48 or SIMILAR, find:
.pmpro_checkout tr.odd td {background: #FFF; }
Change #FFF to whatever color you want. I tried #000000 which worked okay, but the settled with #124591 which matches my theme’s menu color better.
Please help! I love the modification, but it is useless if members cannot read the text. Anyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnail Preview And Full Size Images