Forum Replies Created
Hi Tobias. Thanks for your responses. My site has 680 posts and 690 large pages (with 2-hour interview transcripts on them) and it continues to grow. I also host about that many mp3’s on the server which feed my podcast, and many millions of those have been downloaded, so they may not have been upselling me when they said I was hitting my server limits.
In any case, I’m upgraded now, but I’m still getting that 500 error. That other strange problem persists: All of the rows that I had marked “hidden” had gotten unhidden, but the rows just above them, which shouldn’t be hidden, were hidden. I fixed this several times but it kept reverting to this condition. So I saved the code from the hidden rows and deleted them entirely, but the rows just above them that had erroneously been hidden, are hidden again. I unhid them but again they show up hidden.
I can make certain changes in the table and they do get saved, despite that error, but then this other problem keeps coming back. Does this mean that my table may be corrupted? If so, is there a way to fix it? A lot of work went into it.
Thanks.I think I found and solved the problem. I have a lot of posts and pages in the site, in addition to this large table. I spoke with GoDaddy and they said I’m hitting up against the server limits. My current server has 2cpu’s and 4gb of Ram. I’m transferring to one which will have 8cpu’s and 16gb of Ram. That should solve it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoclear Autoptimize Cache] Reloads page constantlyNow I’m having this problem on https://batgap.com. I’ve had Autoptimize installed for a month or two and installed Autoclear Autoptimize Cache in the past day or two. This morning I discovered and a site visitor reported that some pages in the site, but not all, were reloading repeatedly. I fiddled around deactivating and reactivating the plugins, and I cleared the cache. Now I’m not getting the problem but my wife still is in Firefox on a Mac but not in Chrome. I’ve cleared her browser cache a couple of times. Any suggestions?
A friend of mine in India fixed it for me. I’m not sure what he did, but his rates are very reasonable and he’s very competent. If you’d like his contact info, email me at [email address removed].
I’m using the Twenty Eleven theme on https://batgap.com, having recently upgraded from Choco Theme. My problem is much more serious than those mentioned above. The site is unreadable. Any suggestions?
After installing 5-star-rating, I noticed that often, the home page of my blog doesn’t load fully, so that the text isn’t framed in a white text box, as it usually is. Instead, the background image shows through, making the text unreadable. Also the side menu doesn’t show up, again because the page isn’t loading fully. There are 10 posts on the home page, so 10 instances of 5-star-rating. The problem sometimes (but not always) corrects itself if I refresh the page. Could it be that 5-star-rating is causing the page to load too slowly or incompletely? Can you suggest a solution?