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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Error on update (wp 3.5 – Relevanssi 3.1)Thank you, i’ll check asap.
Well, i need Relevanssi to be triggered as i need the results to build the string.
The string is builded on the Relevanssi results, that can vary everytime by the different keyword typed on the searchform.
Considered that i have a page with the searchform on the main content and the QMT list (filled by the QMT functionality) on the sidebar, the timeline steps should be:1-Write the keyword on the searchform.
2-Click on the search button
3-Get the Relevanssi results, and use these results to build the string that will be assigned to a variable that will be sent to QMT.
4-QMT will read the string variable.
5-Show the Relevanssi results (from 1st & 2nd steps) on the search.php page and show the lists of QMT on that page sidebar (list updated using the string variable generated on step 3), both in the same time.That’s why i think i can’t fire my string build before relevanssi, as i need relevanssi results to build correctly the string that will then feed the QMT plugin. Only after this i will show the results and the updated QMT list.
Hi haven’t had yet the time to try the relevansi_hits_filter, but in the meantime i’ve tought about another question:
Is possible to get the terms (not filtering the results with terms) and place them in a variable that then i can send to another plugin (In my case Query multiple taxonomies = QMT)?
At the moment, on search.php page, inside the loop, i’ve placed some variables defined with
$term_list_taxonomy1 = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'taxonomy1', array("fields" => "all")); $term_list_taxonomy2 = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'taxonomy2', array("fields" => "all")); //And so on..
and then getting the slug terms with
$term_list_taxonomy1[0]->slug $term_list_taxonomy1[1]->slug $term_list_taxonomy2[0]->slug $term_list_taxonomy3[0]->slug
In this way i can build a query string suitable for QMT:
I successfully obtained the QMT suitable string, that placed in an html anchor tag will work when clicked, it updates the QMT lists in the sidebar.
What i need now is to send this string, as variable, to the QMT plugin before QMT starts.
As it is now, i can create the variable $qmt_string containing the complete string, but it is created inside the search.php template page loop.
Instead, i have to create it before QMT fires, as it will be required from QMT when a search is performed.The flow is the following:
-I put a keyword into the searchform.
-I click the search button.
-In this moment i do both the search and the $qmt_string variable creation placing into it the QMT suitable string.
-The $qmt_string variable will be filled and ready to be read from the QMT plugin.
-Search.php template wiull show the search results and the QMT lists on the sidebar updated with the string that i sent to QMT, $qmt_string.What i’ve noticed is that anything i put at the start of the functions.php will be processed before QMT.
So, i assume that if i can make use of some relevanssi function inside the functions.php, that can create the $qmt_string before it’s loaded QMT, and before the results are displayed on the search.php template, i could achieve my goal.But i don’t know if this is possible using relevanssi Outside of search pages or using the relevansi_do_query function.
Or using another different solution…don’t know..Thank you for the advice Mikko, i will check that filter.
I’m merging the functionality of three plugins:
WPML, Relevanssi and Query Multiple Taxonomies to achieve a particular search system.
I’ll update this thread as soon i’ve news on this “challenge”.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Query Multiple Taxonomies] Query Taxonomies AND custom fieldsHow did you combined them? I’m interested too into this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Query Multiple Taxonomies] Filtering on a search resultHi!
I don’t have a solution to your problem but i would like to know how you did that modifies to the plugin as i need too to create a functionality that make the facet filtering after a search result.
I would be very happy if you can help me!De nada!
I simply downloaded version 3.2.0 and replaced the last version (3.2.1) with the previous (3.2.0).
You can find the older versions here:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to pull excerpt from Advanced Custom Field@bobeedesign
Have you tried to merge the keesiemeijer code with the documentation of the plugin?
Check out also the other example codes from ACF documentation.Remember also that with Repeaters you’re working with arrays, so probably you’ve to catch the subfield variable in this way $text[0] (or $text[1] or $$text[n] depending on the depth of the desired sub field).
Consider this not affidable as i’m not a long time php rider, so i could be wrong.
Take this only as an input from me! ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to pull excerpt from Advanced Custom FieldThanks to keesiemeijer for this snippet! really useful!
I will share a little modify that i’ve applied for my needs.If you apply this code to retrieve an excerpt from a custom field that’s shared with more pages or posts, you’ve to define an extra variable:
$post_or_page_id = '10' //Check your desired page ID number $text = get_field('field_name',$post_or_page_id);
For shared custom field i mean the case when you create a custom field, eg: ‘page_text’ with WYSIWYG field type, and then you apply the location rules to “Post type”->”is equal to”->”page(or post or another defined custom post type)”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMSify] [Plugin: CMSify] Header IconProbably i’ve found the problem, the style to override is
#wp-admin-bar-wp-logo > .ab-item .ab-icon
No more the
In the meantime that the plugin is fixed i’ve used this code into functions.php:
// ADMIN CUSTOM LOGO function custom_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css"> #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo > .ab-item .ab-icon { background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/icon-header.png) !important; background-position: 0 0 !important;} #wpadminbar.nojs #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo:hover > .ab.item -ab-icon, #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo.hover > .ab-item .ab-icon{background-position: 0 -16px !important;} </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'custom_logo');
It would be cool to know if the keyword scans on a certain database table and or if we could adjust is with the ACF records in the database.
Well, the scanning tool is lost if we don’t use Yoast SEO plugin…but yes, i’m curious to know how the keyword density tool work and inside the plugin, into the admin/linkdex folder i’ve found this php file: “TextStatistics.php”.
If it’s the file responsible for the keyword density check and if it could be in a someway integrable with ACF to scan fields, it could be really a useful tool inside ACF…
Seems that the previously mentioned file don’t have nothing with keyword density…in the meantime i’ve found this php code:I meant to deactivate the yoast plugin and create with ACF a custom field block (SEO Custom field) with a couple of custom fields, one text for the title, and one textarea for the description.
I don’t care about keywords as not more recognized by google.Then you can get these two custom fields for each post/page calling in the header a couple of variables:
"$title = get_field('title_field_name');"
"$description = get_field('description_field_name')"
Then to retrieve them you can simply follow this guide and the codex:
I know that’s not something paragonable to the yoast plugin and you have to be careful to the text limits for title and description yourself, but at least i don’t have activated a plugin to use at less of half of his potential.
In the meantime we could start to make custom fields for Title and Description and then dynamically put into each post/page through if else into the header without using an extra dedicated plugin.
Of course we don’t have all the useful tools, but better than nothing…
Just to know it, it’s something that must be modified in SEO plugin or in ACF?
Because if i have an input i could start to make a modify just for myself as i’m learning php stuff..