I have been having this issue as well, the site only loading correctly once refreshed.
The site was looking for a file that was no longer there https://www.wingchunhalesowen.co.uk/wp-content/cache/autoptimize/css/autoptimize_91440aac7bed72a905a06dc83b97248a.css
I had deleted all files in the /httpdocs/wp-content/cache/autoptimize/ but on load it was still looking for the cache css file
Looking at the above thread and the issue I was having it turns out that Enable nginx caching was active on the server causing the problem.
Turning this setting off via the server control panel sorted the issue and the site now runs perfectly and everything loads correctly.
I just wanted to add this reply as it seemed that the Autoptimize plugin was the issue but wasn’t and it might help other