Forum Replies Created
Hi @kotmateusz , thanks for the explanations, but sorry it is still not entirely clear. We would like to use the live shipping plugin, because it would save us heaps of time in setting our shipping prices. But I think that for DDP shipping the price of shipping is the same as for non-DDP shipping. The only difference is that the carrier (UPS in this case) gets the customs duties bills and not the customer. I assume this needs to be mentioned on the label somewhere. So we actually would not need any changes to the pricing API, we just need to be able to print the lables so they say DDP and so that customs know to send UPS the bill for the customs duties (who will then bill us for that).
Is this possible with your live pricing plugin?
hi, thank you for the quick reply. Does this mean we will not be able to ship DDP with your plugin? We can work the duties costs into our own pricing, so we need no feedback from the UPS API in terms of pricing, all we would need is the option to send DDP (which I assume results in differences for the printed labels, but I’m not sure about that actually).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GenerateBlocks] 1 bug and 1 questionOK, it’s difficult to keep them apart sometimes:)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GenerateBlocks] 1 bug and 1 questionhi,
the color of the menu links in the footer appears to be a cookie issue: when i open the site in a private window the color of the menu links displays correctly as white.
so just the question about how to delete the footer all the way at the bottom remains,
hi I have this same issue. For 1 page of us, saving takes forever (like >1min).
Where can I disable warmup cache on clear?me too, has this been solved?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] cachingthese were already turned off. Strangely, it started working after i turned on lazy loading of images, videos and iframes.
thanks!Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: 2 translate.www.ads-software.com questionsthank you all, i’m amazed by the speedy and helpful comments here.
best regards to all,
RikForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: 2 translate.www.ads-software.com questionswow thanks for the quick answers.
@psmits1567 , it concerns these addons to GiveWP:
– https://givewp.com/addons/recurring-donations/
– https://givewp.com/addons/tributes/
I’ve understood from someone else that because this concerns premium addons, they are not added to translate.www.ads-software.com, and they can only be translated locally using Loco Translate. Is that correct?@fierevere thanks! Your answer to my 2nd question is not quite clear to me. To be clear: for this plugin (https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/give/) there is both a stable and a dev branch. It’s just that some terms that are already used in the latest update of the plugin, still seem to exist only in the dev branch and not in the stable branch on translate.www.ads-software.com. So my question is: who do i email about that, the plugin devs or the translate.www.ads-software.com admins?
thanks both!!!
RikForum: Plugins
In reply to: [The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.] forward slash in sitemaphi @cybr ,
thanks for the replies. I don’t quite understand your 2nd message: will your update solve our issue, or will we need to contact the Polylang helpdesk about this as well?Thanks, this worked perfectly.
For other WordPress admins who need to do this for multiple languages, here is how to do it with a multilingual setup:
add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_title_from_generation', function( $title, $args ) { if (is_singular( 'give_forms' ) && get_locale() == 'en_GB') $title = "Support the future of $title"; return $title; }, 10, 2, ); add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_title_from_generation', function( $title, $args ) { if (is_singular( 'give_forms' ) && get_locale() == 'nl_NL') $title = "Steun de toekomst van $title"; return $title; }, 10, 2, );
Hi @cybr , any thoughts on this, on how to add something BEFORE the page title by default for certain types of pages?
OK @cybr , thanks for the extensive answer, i really appreciate it, your support is outstanding!
Good to know we don’t have to worry about this too much. Just to be safe, I might also replace the Robots.txt file manually in the root folder as advised here https://github.com/sybrew/the-seo-framework/issues/59 . Then it is also complete :).
best and thanks againhi @cybr ,
part of the problem is solved: Google now accepted the Dutch sitemap too. It just took some time.
But, in doing some more digging and asked the Google Search Console community for help, they found a possibly related issue: that our Robots.txt file only mentions the English sitemap:
This file is created by The SEO Framework right?
Currently, we have separate sitemaps for the EN and NL parts of our site. And the Robots.txt only mentions the EN sitemap.
To get our site crawled correctly, would it not be better if:
A) the robots.txt mention both sitemaps (this is possible it seems https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2594179/multiple-sitemap-entries-in-robots-txt), OR
B) the sitemaps are merged into 1 sitemap that is then mentioned in robots.txt (from what i’ve read, with a multilanguage setup, both separate sitemaps or 1 overarching sitemap that indicates languages are both possible)
Google now has both our sitemaps, but getting this robots.txt file right might be important for other search engines i think.- This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by rik1234.
haha we posted simultaneously i see. So just to reiterate: this setting is already disabled (and has been for a long time).