Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Auto Updates stop on downloadingIs this really such a difficult question, or did I do something wrong and everyone is ignoring me? ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Updates do not workI guess nobody loves me!
Arrooooooo! (lonely wolf sound)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Business DirectoryWhat does “business directory” mean? Yellow Pages? Craigs List?
You need to be a little more specific.This Post might help you a bit:! It’s a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Lock Out with 2.6.1?Sorry, I have not tried Lock Out, but this plugin is good up to WP 2.7 a great day!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can People upload there own avatarCheck out this plugin
You can either use this or see how they coded what you are trying to do.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Updates do not workHello, anyone there?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word verification box.You definitely need to tell us what you are talking about!
Captcha? Recaptcha? There are lots of different “word verification boxes” that prevent spam.
As for “Auto moderation requests” are you talking about Akismet? This is for spam that gets through to your comments, you can turn this option off, but then spam comments will be shown on your site without your knowledge.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why have my images dissapeared?Does the path below actually match where the image is?
If I think of something else I’ll post again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Full URL path to files” to get images is what?The full url would look like this: (my site)
<a href="">
Note Above: I have the “Use dates” setting enabled.
I have not tried relative links yet, since by using absolute paths the image will always be found, no matter how I might reorganize my site.
You can put your images anywhere you like using “Store Uploads In This Folder”, leave the optional url out of this, unless you have stuff on a different website you are using as a source.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Full URL path to files” to get images is what?Under MISCELLANEOUS what is in the “Store Uploads In This Folder” box?
If it has “wp-content/uploads” it is the default, images will be placed in this folder, or if you have “Organize Into Month Year” box checked they will be in a sub folder with the date you uploaded them, EG wp-content/uploads/2008/09/my_picture.jpgBUT the optional Full Url path you have in your settings does not match the path you used /images/image.png
Either use an absolute image path or use the WordPress default.
Did this make anything clearer or worse? Please post back.
Read the sticky above the posts list too: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Button troubleWhen I first viewed your site it looked like it was stuck in maintenance mode, hence the link I provided.
Now your server is down again, which makes it tough to figure out anything.Have you created the pages you reported with the bad links?
Can you get in to Dashboard?Go to Dashboard > Manage > Pages, click on one of the page titles, look under the TITLE box for something like this
Permalink: Edit
Does the above path match the page you are trying to get to?
Or does it look like this
Permalink: EditIt should be the same path as the page you are editing. If it’s wrong click Edit and change it to the correct path.
Tough to give you feedback with your server down, so I hope this helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hiding email addresses in dashboardFirst: Read This
Second: The original question from jwesseldyke is a VALID question.
Third: I have been answering computer questions for 28 years and I would NEVER cloud the issue with the BS like I read above (excluding the truly helpful ones of course).
Fourth: Don’t forget that some of the people who “control” a forum turn into TROLLS very easily.
Fifth:trig338 summed it up nicely.
Sixth: I am looking for the solution to exactly this problem, I don’t have an (easy) answer yet, but I could not resist responding to way this thread progressed.
When I find a solution I will post back here, I apologize for not having any helpful information at this point.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Button troubleTry reading this
No matter if you find the answer there are not please post again, so everyone can learn.Have a great day!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnails are Not Thumbnail! Why?You may have more than 1 problem, but check this:
The overlap is occurring on images that DO NOT have set dimensions.Could you provide more specific information?
What theme are you using? Which WP version? Your code? URL?I’m only guessing here: Does your sidebar.php reference a style sheet that header.php does not?
I could not find any $id or get_the_ID anywhere in my sidebar/footer/header.php on my site. Or are you referring to a string?
SMILE: You’re on camera!