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  • This is a server/configuration error.

    For Apache specific help go here:

    We really can’t help you much, unless you find and post the error from the server log file.

    Hope this gets you on the right track!

    You have to enter “&#91” for [ and “&#93” for ] minus quote marks.
    If you enter this into the HTML editor than switch to VISUAL you will see the brackets. However if you now switch BACK to the HTML you will see the brackets not the codes above, go figure.

    Hope this works for you!

    Can you get into C-Panel on your server? or whatever program they use for site administration.

    How did you transfer your Database?
    Did you use your server’s MySQL/PHPMyAdmin program to import it?
    Did you check your new Database Tables?

    Have a great day!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Author Not Correct

    Actually this “Fix” is completely unnecessary.

    In your users menu is the name you wish to publish under classified as an Author or higher? Does the Name Field have an entry? the Nickname? the Username (which you can’t change)? Are they all the same/different?

    USERS MAIN SCREEN (example)
    Username: Ripose (registered username)
    Name: Ripose (displayed under Name on Users screen)
    E-mail: [email protected] (the Registered e-mail address)
    Role: Author (must be author or above)
    Posts: 2 (number of posts written by this person)

    CLICK on Username > Click on Role > Select Author
    Enter ALL names in the RIGHT places
    Click on Update User
    Click on Display Name Publicly As
    Select the appropriate name
    Click on Update User

    Also whatever name you login with will be the default Author.
    But the name that is displayed can be different from the author/username/nickname depending on the names you entered above.

    Yeah I know, I gotta get my screen capture working.

    Have a great day!

    File sizes will not always be reported as being the same size when transferred from somewhere else. Partly it has more to do with your OS (Windows, Linux, etc.) than anything. Different OS have different ways of determining the file size. You can even change how it is displayed in some cases, such as, “actual size on disk”, “reported file size”, “download size”, “upload size” etc.

    Also on some systems 1,000 bits are reported as being 1K in size, when in reality 1K is 1,024 bits.

    So minor differences in file size cannot be relied on for determining if something is wrong, at least on downloads. However anti-virus routines will look for certain files that have changed size, such as an .exe

    The best method for testing files/packages is by using MD5sums, or something similar.

    Hope This helped.

    Have a great day!

    Did you check the URLs & e-mail settings in Dashboard-Settings-General ?

    Good day!

    First: [Brackets], {Braces}, (Parentheses)

    I tried all sorts of combinations, I see what you mean. If you just stick with parentheses () you can embed them.

    caption="(Ripose (Zap) 2004)" works
    caption="(Ripose [Zap] 2004)" does not

    The first right bracket ] in the caption is closing the beginning statement.

    Clear as mud? Hope it helps!

    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter ripose


    I plan to add some pictures, links, audio etc.

    Thank you FinkAboutIt

    Your site looks great! But the 3 large images at the top are all linked to the main page, I would expect images like that to be links to other pages, or at least they should not have active links since they don’t go anywhere.

    BTW I live in Alberta, Canada. I was in Sweden a long time ago, it was really nice!

    On first glance I didn’t have any idea what the site was about.

    Why do you have 2 home pages at the same address?

    I just clicked on something, not knowing where it would take me and poof – another home page with all the stuff that should be on the first page.

    Site looks good so far!

    Your code is messed up.
    I did not see any errors, the site is doing exactly what you have coded.

    Since your main page has the dates hard coded they will never change. So if you click on a post it goes to another page that displays exactly the same stuff as your main page, except there are no dates. So poof they disappear.

    Your subsequent pages are only displaying what you have hard coded on that page. It’s as if you have no posting system at all. Just hard coded repeating information.

    Compare your source code for each page. Also WordPress does not use a separate page for each post, the posts are only held under categories.

    Basically the same page is filled with info from your database every time a link is clicked. You seem to have bypassed this.

    I truly hope this makes sense, I got confused myself trying to figure it out!

    Although there must be a way to hardcode this, I found the benefits of the plugin Register Plus to be be great! It has “Admin Message” options, which does exactly what you want. The code you have to enter has examples right above the code box, just cut & paste.

    It also includes captcha/recaptcha and many other options. One feature I like is the option to send your newly registered user to the blog main page, instead of the WordPress Dashboard.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Where can i got my API key

    You get the API from wordpress.COM not wordpress.ORG !!!

    Go this site:

    You have to sign-up with the .com site then you will receive an e-mail with your API. Your profile page at .com will also display your API.

    Remember: does not support or use plugins, only the API key for AKISMET and other services. For plugins you go to

    Have a great day!

    Sorry I can’t really help you, but this is most likely an IE7 caused problem not WordPress or NextGen. IE7 is NOT fully web compliant! So the code created has to have a separate entry for IE7.

    Below are examples from THIS site.

    <!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("");
    <!--[if IE 7]>
    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("");

    NOTE: A different CSS is being used for IE and IE7.

    Sorry I could not provide the NextGen code.

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