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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.0 exported into free WordPress helpI looked in the export file and searched for the year “1970” and nothign showed up… but now It wont overwrite my older posts it keeps saying it already exists ?? i dunno how to fix it now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.0 exported into free WordPress helpWow, Kafkaesqui. Thanks man this thing actually works… I got all my posts back. The only problem is that some of my dates are off whack like, January 1970. I wasnt born back then. If I run your script again and then re-import it into https://rizzyc.wordpress.com will it fix the old ones or do i have to delete them some how?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.0 exported into free WordPress help… is this for comments only???
I hope not, I’m importing it right now onto my free blog. I’ll keep you updates.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.0 exported into free WordPress helpWOW, this really works, I think it got most of the stuff from my blog but at the end some gets cut off after I get this error.
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/.salamander/b1sswc59/rizzyc.com/export2mt.php</b> on line <b>55</b>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.0 exported into free WordPress helpI downloaded that updated plugin WPexport 0.3. I activated the plugin but when I go to option and Export, I dont see any options where it says download file. Here is the coding that displays.
<div id='error'>
<p class='wpdberror'>WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'wp_users.user_nickname' in 'field list']
SELECT wp_posts.post_date, wp_posts.post_content, wp_posts.post_title, wp_users.user_nickname, wp_posts.post_status, wp_comments.comment_author, wp_comments.comment_content, wp_comments.comment_author_email, wp_comments.comment_author_url, wp_comments.comment_date, wp_post2cat.category_id, wp_categories.cat_name FROM wp_comments RIGHT OUTER JOIN wp_posts ON ( wp_comments.comment_post_ID = wp_posts.ID ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_users ON ( wp_posts.post_author = wp_users.ID ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_post2cat ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_post2cat.post_id ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_categories ON (wp_post2cat.category_id = wp_categories.cat_ID)
</div>i need help with the poll plugin, I added it to my sidebar but whenever anybody votes it doesnt do anything. And i dont know how to integrate a poll into my post because i dont know how to get a poll id. If anybody could help with this, that would be greatly appreciated
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDi use linux and it has little note padder thingy… its for my gf so i’ll tell her NEVER to copy/paste.. what a headache.. i was just backing up the site and then i thoguht might as well try deleting all the posts. Well atleast she’s happy now lol.
Thanks for all your help guys and girls.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDI deleted all the posts…and guess what.. haha surprise surprise the sidebar is back to normal.. I learned my lesson.. NO MORE copying and pasting from e-mails. I cant believe it was workign fine before and then magically got ruined after p/w protecting the posts. Thanks for all your help and advice everyone. Luckily the blog was just in its testing phase so I didnt delete much.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNED?? why dosent installing a new fresh theme fix the sidebar problem ??
oh well its ok i’m starting from scratch all over again ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDi stil blame this on password-protecting posts… if someone ever password protects their posts and then unlocks thema and the sidebar goes to the bottom i wouldnt be surprised that it would mess everything.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDI give up, nothing works i’m deleting everythign from the website and starting from scratch.. thanks for everyones help anyways ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDliferightnow… i downloaded the very first theme from the link you sent me, its called almost spring… as you can see.. the side bar is stil fudged up???
this has never happened to me when i was workign on my site (rizzyc.com) and all i did was make a password protected post and then unlock it. If you are using 2.0, try making a password protected post and then unlock it, see if your sidebar gets screwy like that too??
i’m thinking that the password protected function triggered some sort of change in other parts of the codeForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDliferightnow… i think that you are right, the way the sidebar is showing up it is definately somethign screwy but why is that when i change the theme to default or the original theme (i have Done this numerous times) the sidebar is still showing up at the bottom. I have been looking at a cache folder could this have stored the screwy settings.. let me change the theme back to default (fully unomoded/hacked). Is there a universal area where the layout of a theme is stored?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDwhich post are you talking about? most of the posts are copied and pasted from hotmail.. they were workign fine before but let me konw which post and i’ll re-write i
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: SIDEBAR MISALIGNEDi was using the same theme, how do you check for post width??
i’m not sure of how to do that?