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  • Thread Starter rkgneuschul



    Thanks – but I already knew all of that – if you’d paid attention you would have noticed that.
    I’ve been “in” IT for over 35 years – and “in” image handling and processing for even longer: which is precisely why I was complaining about the sort issues; because we’ve had solutions to this set of problems since the early 1960s. It’s a significant part of how financial systems and spreadsheets and databases and library retrieval systems all work – by using sorting algorithms to present information to end users in *HUMAN* terms. We’ve also had solutions to the human interface aspects of sorting for almost that long: mostly involving giving users meaningful and clear interfaces with helpful popups and explanations – and good documentation.

    The points here are relatively simple:

    1] it is not made clear that setting a default sort order in Gallery Options removes the ability to sort within each gallery’s management page; this is an illogical application of a rule: setting a default should not block case by case over-rides unless one is going to apply much more granular permissions sets to the admin UI – for example so that root or superuser or supreme master of the universe can limit *exactly* what each other class of user may or may not do within the admin UI. All a default sort rule should do is set the normal order on import and presentation and allow the end user of a gallery management page to alter that order as required on a case by case basis.
    Moving such an over-ride into the “green” control on pages/posts doesn’t help: especially when it isn’t documented that it *has* been moved.

    2] it is not made clear that the sort orders available to the end user when adding a gallery to a page/post still do not allow for natural or lexical ordering in a logical consistent and coherent manner.

    Meanwhile the available ordering options are limited.

    Custom ordering as provided in NGG is a non-starter when the target gallery contains more than a few dozen images – whilst adding new images to an existing custom sorted gallery becomes a complete nightmare since there is no way to record and preserve that ordering schema: custom ordering is in effect a one-time randomisation that isn’t preserved across the process of image addition or of any changes to gallery presentation mode – e.g. from basic thumbnail to any other gallery mode – which can be particularly problematic in a WP multi-user environment with shared galleries.

    3] the algorithms currently used for ordering are not efficient or effective.
    There are dozens of different and quite well known sort order algorithms which do a better job than those currently deployed in NGG. You invite me to contribute my expertise; my expertise says – start with the wikipedia entry on sorting of numbers and classes. Then investigate how lexical ordering works across strings with empty spaces or unicode non-alphanumeric characters. Basically, you’re not using the power of collations in SQL stores and you’re also not using SQL sorting effectively, let alone the power of your coding and scripting languages.

    Whilst NGG is an extremely powerful and generally fairly well-written and relatively robust product it suffers major flaws in the UI; not least because it is still living in the late 20th century – delivering command driven interfaces rather than task driven interfaces. The workflow to achieving a usable gallery display which meets a users’ requirements is frankly awful, and far more time consuming and complex than it needs to be.

    My expertise also says: I did offer you my expertise. You elected to trivialise that contribution.

    Oh sorry, did I just patronise you and treat what you wrote as trivial? That’s just what you did to me. Never assume the end user knows less than you do. If you don’t understand or are unsure about what they wrote then ASK them for clarification.

    Thread Starter rkgneuschul


    That was my point: computer ordering is not natural or lexical ordering. Which makes your reply a fairly poor one: instead of telling me to change my working practices you could try accepting and owning the problem.

    The end user requirement *always* outweighs any limitations of a programmer’s short-sighted blinkered mindset.

    Library indexing and retrieval would not work for humans if the programmers of such systems applied your methods and logic to sorting and ordering. Even Microsoft manages to get this correct within its office products, even if it still screws it up somewhat at the OS file system level.

    Much the same applies to the use of blank spaces in file names or in any lexical string sort. There are many quite well known ordering algorithms for achieving natural number ordering and lexical string ordering; try looking for them.

    If one is going to allow sorting and ordering in the first place then those functions should do what the user wants and needs, not what the machine decides, let alone what a lazy programmer cannot be bothered to make functional. This isn’t rocket science: it’s basic usability and UI good practice.

    The goal of good software production is to allow the user to do what they want and need, not what you or the program deign to permit. The sort/order functions in NGG are seriously flawed; as one simple example, it makes creating a storyboard or flipbook sequence very complex – i.e. close to impossible.

    Change one item in the sort order; update [save] the new order. Then put it back the way it was and re-save. Then make sure to flush the browser cache and reload the album page.
    If that doesn’t work then there may be something more fundamental going on.


    There are two entirely different methods for inserting a gallery into a page/post:

    1] use a shortcode as described in my earlier message
    2] use the ATP in the page or post to insert a full < img > string, as also described earlier.

    They both achieve the same thing.

    As for caption, titles etc: if you want the gallery thumbnails and/or lightbox or browser images to display a caption then you need to

    a] set NG Gallery Settings, Basic Image Browser, imagebrowser-caption.php template and
    b] your shortcode or ATP settings need to say that you want to use the Alt/Desc tags as a caption.

    However NG does not differentiate between the Alt and Description fields, which is an oversight in the coding: in coding and usability terms there’s no point having 2 different data entry fields when there’s no means of directly choosing between or using either one or the other of them. The only way you’ll get it to work the way you want is by inserting your own custom php code.

    OK; to answer my own question here.

    Having examined the output code it seems to be quite complex to sort out: layout of the content of any thumbnail grid is dependent on the Lightbox settings.
    With NO lightbox configured OR with Fancybox configured then the following elements of code work as expected in NG custom styles to center captions and center images within each column and then vertically align all images to the same top line in each div row of the layout.

    /* Center */
    .ngg-galleryoverview {
    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
    float:none !important;
    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail {
    float:none !important;
    .ngg-fancybox {
    float:none !important;

    With all other lightboxes – such as shutter/shutter2 it looks as if none of these settings make any difference thanks to the individual javascripting and styling [CSS] which is used for each of the other lightboxes.

    I’m reluctant to mess directly with the CSS for other lightboxes since it would not be upgrade proof, whilst putting custom mods to their CSSs within NG’s own custom styles could break the lightboxes, so if anyone has any ideas of how to achieve the same results with JS-based lightboxes I’d be most grateful.

    If using shortcode in the page/post then use “[ nggallery id=N template=caption ]” without spaces after opening ‘[‘ or before closing ‘]’ and do not use quote marks.

    If using ATP in page/post editor to insert the gallery then make sure to alter the “Customize display settings” in the display galleries tab to make use of the NextGEN: gallery-caption.php template before saving.

    Do make sure that you actually have alt and descriptions entered against each thumbnail in your gallery management section. Note that when the Alt and Description fields are not the same and you choose to do a custom sort on the gallery then [as far as I recall] the Alt tag takes precedence over the Description.

    I’ve been reading this discussion with some interest: I have a similar problem using latest WP & latest NG and have not been able to make NG work as desired. I hope folks won’t mind too much if I attempt to tag on to the existing discussion since the issue is almost identical.

    In my case I have a responsive theme layout which uses full page width with no sidebars; NG is set to use 3 columns.
    Since there’s a mix of portrait, landscape and square thumbnails what I am seeking to achieve is to center the display of the images within each column and also center the captions [description field] below each thumbnail.
    I’ve tried many different settings and combinations in the main gallery settings and other NG options and regardless of whether I use ATP on the page or use a shortcode [with or without the template=caption option] and also regardless of whether I use custom CSS, I simply can not get images to center but can get the captions to center, and even to wrap correctly when they exceed the column width. Images always align left.

    In order to test that the issue isn’t WP theme related I have also tried resetting WP to one of the default themes [2013], with no other plugins enabled apart from NG. None of these changes make a difference to the layout.

    In the custom css I have at different times tried float and other alignment settings for .ngg-galleryoverview, .ngg-gallery-thumbnail and .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box.

    I’d welcome suggestions for settings I should examine or change, or custom CSS I should enter. I’m afraid that right now I can’t offer a link to the site since it is behind a firewall and will not be published until these and various content issues are resolved.

    There’s no automatic way to add such a link as far as I know; however you could construct a code snippet for her to use as part of a copy/paste/edit process – provided she’s organised enough and disciplined enough to edit it correctly.

    The generic format for such a page link is

    <a href='https://bloginfo('url')/?page_ID=N&page=n'>your tag link</a>


    bloginfo('url') is the root URL of the site

    N is the unique ID for the root page that holds the nextpage links

    n is the number of the required subpage [each nextpage break creates a new subpage]. The root page itself always has a subpage number of 1, so all subsequent sub-pages number from 2 upwards: you may need to know that to construct previous/next links correctly. In other words the root page would always be

    <a href='https://bloginfo('url')/?page_ID=N&page=1'>your tag link</a>

    You can extract the ID of a current root page with code using get_the_ID(); and the number of subpages in it using echo $numpages; or print_r $numpages; etc.

    Hope this helps.

    @esmi: Nextpage/more tags do work fine within a 2.8.n site but do not work at all on the front page of a static site due to the way the wp_link_pages() function is written.

    I’ve posted a crude workaround for one part of this problem – which only handles the nextpage tag – at and am currently rewriting that code as a plugin with filters that should be a] more generically useful and b] handles the more tag and c] applicable for non standard themes.

    If an out of the box 2.8.n installation with nextpage or more don’t work on a static page that’s not on the front of the site, or in a post, then there’s something else wrong with the site config or the theme. Most often in my experience either permalink structure is messed up, or the siteurl and related site info are wrong; quite common when a blog has been moved from another site.

    Hope this helps.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Nextpage

    @michaelh – for information: the wp_link_pages() construct won’t work out of the box on WP >=2.7 if the front page is static and also contains either more or nextpage links. Works fine on other static pages, and also on posts.

    See for a crude workaround for nextpage [doesn’t support “more” yet].

    The theme issue is more complex because there are so many of them which are not always entirely good coding quality or which do unusual things with the loop. I’m currently trying to rewrite the code I posted at that link as a plugin with filters so that it is generically more useful and will work regardless of theme.

    Thread Starter rkgneuschul


    Thanks, but that was one of the things I’d already read.

    global $more;
    $more = 0;

    does not fix this issue in WP 2.7 or 2.8.n – at least not for me on three different sites.

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