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  • rmphotoart


    Olá Diana.
    Gostaria de ter sua ajuda e já agrade?o.
    Sou fotógrafo no Rio e aprendendo aqui e ali construí meu site.
    Agora tenho uma dúvida referente a página em que meus clientes poder?o ver as fotos de seus eventos, mediante a uma senha.
    Quando vinculo uma galeria de fotos de determinado cliente a página fotos de clientes (protegido por senha) e coloco uma senha para esse cliente, fica tudo bem. Mas se entro com outra galeria de fotos de outro cliente,com nome diferente, e dou uma senha para esse segundo cliente, n?o consigo mais entrar na primeira galeria com a senha que dei para essa primeira galeria. Dá erro de senha.
    Fotos de Jo?o e Maria senha 123
    Fotos de Pedro e Joana senha 502
    Quando registro a senha 502 n?o consigo mais acesso na página fotos de clientes usando a senha 123 para ver as fotos de Jo?o e Maria. Dá erro de senha (invalid password).
    N?o posso colocar na página fotos de clientes(protegido por senha)as fotos de 2 ou 3 clientes, com senha diferente?
    Conheci você hoje. Assinei seu Feed, porque me interessei pelo seu site.

    Jason, please.
    What I found the menu in header.php, was the one below.
    To know if I’m doing it right:
    Put in place right the first code you gave me?
    After I put this code – <! – End main nav -> is right?
    Thank you,

    !-- Begin < main nav -->
    		    <div id="menu_border_wrapper">
    		    <? php
    		    			//Get page nav
    		    						'menu_id'			=> 'main_menu',
    		    						'menu_class'		=> 'nav',
    		    						'theme_location' 	=> 'primary-menu',
    		    -<!- End main nav -->
                        <php / * widgetizadas barra lateral * /?
                        se | (function_exists ('dynamic_sidebar') | dynamic_sidebar ('Core_da_rmphotoart')!):> <? php endif;>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Jason okay.
    After placing the code you sent me, below the menu code, when I access the site appears the following:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDIF in / home/fotoe067/public_html/wp-content/themes/NUCLEO/header.php on line 404
    Can you help me

    N?o sei se enviei. Estou reenviando.

    Link conforme seu pedido.

    Rereading your questions, still do not know what link you are asking.
    Now on to the second question, I THINK I did.
    Jason I checked the menu in wordpress.
    I clicked on appearance / menu. Gave the name of the menu rmphotoart Core (Core is the name of the theme that I bought to make the site). Rode The simple menu that can be done in WordPress.
    Put menu, sub menu and sub ??menu sub menu. example:
    ??????? albums
    ????????? Model albums
    ??????????? wedding
    ??????????? 15 years
    After doing the whole menu, I clicked save.
    In the widgets section, so I did:

    ————————————————– -Jquery mega menu
    Jquery Mega Menu —- dragged to the right ——— Title

    ————————————————— Select menu
    (You only have to select the name —————– Core rmphotoart
    ? I gave the menu has no other name)
    ———————————————– I configured the rest
    I hope I have helped you to help me.

    Jason, thanks for taking my call.
    As I told you, I have little experience.
    Please do not understand your question.
    What should I send link to you?
    And another question, can not understand what you want.
    Please guide me to send the link and answer the question.
    Thank you, for your kindness.

    Dear Jason.
    Would you like to have your help.
    I have little experience in website building. I do not understand php, html, but still I am trying to build my site.
    I downloaded the plugin, installed and activated. Went on WP /admin., Appearance, and was the widgets Jquery Mega Menu. Dragged to the right to activate. I did all the configuration menu select,color, effect, did everything and saved.
    Only the menu that I see on my site is the former, built in WordPress.
    Is it possible to help me, saying in a practical way what should I do to have MegaMenu site.
    Thanks for your help

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