After writing to you about the current state of the Sticky
Post Plugin and the fact that Adhesive was causing serious problems for All of Us WordPress 2.1+ PHP 5 Users, I never though you would Crank A Brand New Plugin out as fast as you have…
You Are certainly a master at your game when it comes to plugins!
I’ve sent you PayPal Donations in the past for your custom help with certain plugins and for the very plugins you have and will Continue to support you in your efforts, expecially with this New “Sticky” Plugin.
I think I can speak for a large portion of prior Adhesive Plugin Users, I Can’t thank you enough for coming up with your own version which is WP 2.1+ and PHP 5+ Compatible.
Thanks so much,
Best Regards,
Ray Marotta; https://www.InTheMac.com
WordPress 2.1.1, PHP 5.2.1