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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Search Engine] inconsistent search resultswhen i go to bing and type “site:” I see 2 pages worth of results. It does look like most of the links are to the feed pages so i must have something wrong. I see a few posts that are in bing too. I see more than just one single page though.
When you type in “site:” into bing, are you seeing 2 pages worth of results?
On my blog, the “about” page is only real wordpress page, everything else are posts.
So, i think what i will try is a different sitemap generator. I’m using the one made by Yoast. Looks like this:
Maybe I’ll add another page to pull in the blog posts, get that indexed and see if i can remove the “feed” urls from the search engine.
Seems weird, its like it didnt index all of those posts or something…but it should right?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Search Engine] inconsistent search resultsOn my site click the 3 circles to see the search box
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Search Engine] inconsistent search
And yes I setup the Bing search API and created a new key for it.
I think I did everything.
the website is actually in a staging environment (we arent live yet). can i PM it to you, i don’t want to publish it in the forum. For now, i just disabled debug, but I’m assuming i am doing something wrong otherwise i shouldnt be getting the notices. Is that assumption true?
I mean have them not appear, but i don’t want to simply disable debug. I want to know proper way to register scripts via functions file and then deregister them or unload them for a specific template. IF i do it correctly, then i feel like i won’t see any Notices if debug is set to TRUE.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Next/Previous Links in Codex sample code displays an errorThis should fix it. Maybe the codex should be updated to avoid the notice? Not saying this solution is better or anything, maybe someone has a better option. This will work for me however.
$pagelist = get_pages('post_type=page&child_of=104'); $pages = array(); foreach ($pagelist as $page) { $pages[] += $page->ID; } $current = array_search(get_the_ID(), $pages); if(!empty($pages[$current-1])): $prevID = $pages[$current-1]; else: $prevID = "1009"; endif; if(!empty($pages[$current+1])): $nextID = $pages[$current+1]; else: $nextID = "998"; endif;
thanks stopspazzing. I’ll take a look at it asap.
I have also tested this plugin with WordPress 4.2.2. The issue persists in this version as well.
Please issue a fix…at least respond to let us know that you are working on this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldsjust deployed it to my development website and no issues to report, it still works! handy plugin. I was originally hoping to be able to do this query without a plugin, but your plugin is light enough that i think its a good solution. Awesome to be able to replace a whole Events Calendar plugin with this one light plugin. I do wish the ACF date picker fields would be able to work this way out of the box.
Anyway, thanks for your excellent assistance. Great plugin!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldssure, i had just done a round of testing with the previous version and it all seemed to work great. I’ll deploy this to my dev site and then to my live site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldsthanks keesiemeijer! This worked perfectly!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldsso I add all of that in addition to the code I already have. I’ll try this out tomorrow. I hope it works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldsI just updated WordPress to version 4.2.1. I also update ACF to v5.2.3 PRO. Sadly, now my filter for dates no longer works.
I’m only getting events that are in the current month only. So if an event spans from April to May, that even won’t appear. Only events that have a start date and end date in May will appear.
If someone has a suggested to update the filter to make it work again, I’d appreciate the assistance.
I’m on the hunt now for a fix.
I’ve tried multiple things…not making much progress here. I just want the slider to scale a little sooner then it does now. I want to make it shorter starting at 1366 instead of 1200px…not sure how to accomplish this with Master Slider.
Any thoughts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query custom post types by two custom date fieldsSorry about the long delay in replying. I had totally forgotten about your question. So to maybe help guide you through what i did here are some tips.
First thing i did was i made page called Events Widget (you can call it whatever you want.) I made a blank WordPress Template and removed the header and footer functions because the query inside of the page is just going to output a list of events and I’ll load it in later with ajax. I have a default query where i build the start date as being “today” and then the end date is this month, this year, and the last day of this month. That’s the way I get all of events that happen in this month.
Then i applied the function we spoke about above to modify the query and output all of the events in the query that fit in the date range.
Later I modified this same page by allowing the query strings to define the startday and endday. If _m and _y are defined then they are processed and the start day and end day are created based on the query string. So that’s how i am changing the query.
Then on the homepage I have an area where i am loading the events and i display them by month / year. There are two arrows to flip through the events by month.
Here is all of that code:
<?php global $post; if (isset($_GET['_m'])) { $current_month = date('m', $_GET['_m']); $current_year = $_GET['_y']; } else { $current_month = date('m'); // This gets the current month $current_year = date('Y'); } ?> <script language="javascript">var mnth=<?php echo $current_month; ?>;var yr=<?php echo $current_year; ?>;</script> <p><strong><a id="events-nav-prev" href="#prev"><<</a> | <a id="events-nav-next" href="#next">>></a></strong> <span class="date-info"></span></p> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." id="upcoming-events-loader" style="visibility:hidden;" /> </div> <div id="upcoming-events-scroller" class="scrollable"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> /* use a function for the exact format desired... */ var d = new Date(); var m_names = new Array("January", "February", "March","April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); function getEvents(getAll) { jQuery('#upcoming-events-loader').css('visibility', 'visible'); jQuery('#upcoming-events-months .date-info').html(m_names[mnth-1] + " " + yr); jQuery.get('/events-widget/', { _m:mnth, _y:yr, getAll:getAll }, function(data) { jQuery('#upcoming-events-scroller').html(data); jQuery('#upcoming-events-loader').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { getEvents('true'); // bind nav events jQuery('#events-nav-prev').click(function() { if (mnth == 1) { mnth = 12; yr -= 1; } else { mnth -= 1; } console.log(mnth); jQuery('#upcoming-events-months .date-info').html(m_names[mnth-1] + " " + yr); getEvents(); return false; }); jQuery('#events-nav-next').click(function() { if (mnth == 12) { mnth = 1; yr += 1; } else { mnth += 1; } console.log(mnth); jQuery('#upcoming-events-months .date-info').html(m_names[mnth+1] + " " + yr); getEvents(); return false; }); }); </script>